55 results found for: Western Desert

Search results for: Western Desert

Found 55 matches.

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LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…Italy and the Balkans, 1941-1945: background to joining Long Range Desert Group; role of Long Range Desert Group; impressions of Ralph Bagnold; taking command of Yeomanry Patrol; characteristics of yeomanry troops; adjusting to desert conditions; patrols equipment; health of troops in desert; role of Long Range Desert Group during Operation…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…returned to Hornchurch to lead the Wing to Dieppe. He was awarded a Bar to the DFC (gazetted 29th September 1942). Posted to the Middle East as SASO to the AOC Western Desert in late 1942, he took over as AOC Allied Air Forces, Western Desert in 1943. He commanded…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

‘he recovered the pilot, squeezed him into his own single cockpit and sat on top of him before trying to take off again’ “Fred Rosier won his DSO in the Second World War while commanding a Royal Air Force (RAF) fighter wing in the Western Desert. His citation, which described…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…BD897. After handing over 128 Squadron to Squadron Leader J I “Killy” Kilmartin [Signatory #35], he took command of No. 112 Squadron RAF in the Western Desert in April 1942. (Copyright: IWM CM 2531) Drake joined No 1 Squadron and flew the elegant Fury biplane fighter. In late 1938 the…

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

“Air Marshal Sir Patrick Dunn had an illustrious record flying Gladiator bi-planes and Hurricanes in the Western Desert during the Second World War. On August 8 1940, Squadron Leader “Paddy” Dunn led an offensive patrol of 14 Gladiators of No 80 Squadron against Italian CR 42s that had been operating…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…part in these actions. In December 1941 Gick took command of 815 Squadron operating in the Western Desert in support of the 8th Army. During the next nine months the squadron attacked enemy airfields and armoured formations, and conducted anti-submarine patrols off the coast. Gick subsequently received a Bar to…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…350 BELGIAN Squadrons #168 Billy DRAKE Group Captain Billy DRAKE DSO DFC* (20 e/a) No. 1(F) Sqn HURRICANES in FRANCE, 213 Sqn, 421 Flight BATTLE of BRITAIN, SPITFIRE FR, OC 112 Sqn KITTYHAWKS WESTERN DESERT, Wing Ldr MALTA, then 20 WG TYPHOONS and at SHAEF HQ #19 Boleslaw H DROBINSKI…

POCOCK, Donald A (#108)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Served Western Desert, Middle East and Balkans,…

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…eight children and born 28 Jun 1918 served with 4th Bn Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment in the 1940 North West Europe Campaign in FRANCE and through DUNKIRK, then in the Western Desert and BURMA. Angus’s wife, AUDREY, was a naval tailoress for Chatham and CANADIAN born, whose father,…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…7th QUEEN’s QWN HUSSARS in 1933 at 16, from County KILKENNY, serving in EGYPT from 1935 to promotion to SGT in 1939; a distinguished “C” SQUADRON TROOP LEADER in the CAMPAIGNS of WESTERN DESERT. His DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL was awarded for conspicuous gallantry in action near TOBRUK on 22Jan41: “As…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…for the WESTERN DESERT RAILWAY – his arrival via the HUMP into KUNMING AIRFIELD had to be by 1030hrs so that everyone could, as he had to, go underground for the daily JAPANESE AIR RAID at 1100hrs. Then, after negotiations, he went on by night flights to HONG KONG; returning…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…At 23, he became a wing commander. In the New Year of 1943, following a brief spell commanding No 89 Squadron in the Western Desert, flying Beaufighters, he was posted to Ceylon. He was then promoted group captain and went to the Arakan front in Burma as air adviser to…

HANCOCK, Margaret (#277)

…and Battle of Britain, as Flt Cdr on 185 Sqn and OC 250 Kittyhawks in the Western Desert – after 11 Squadron and return to UK he would command 33 Squadron Hornets in the Far East and retired after 20 years in 1959 as a Wing Commander later becoming the…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…Majesty the King presented it at Buckingham Palace on 26 June 1945. In 1942 his ground defence unit was amalgamated into the newly formed RAF Regiment and Roberts immediately saw action in the Western Desert against the Afrika Corps. He commissioned into the RAF Regiment in 1943 and then served…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Air Force. His experience extends from flying as a Flight Lieutenant Commander in 43(F) Sqn, formed by the 23 year old Major Sholto Douglas MC, and fighting on the Western Front in Sopwith Strutters and Camels, to his role as Churchill’s 1938-44 Under Secretary…

Battle of Britain

…& No.145 (FRENCH) WING, author of Nine Lives. Representing NEW ZEALAND #168 Billy DRAKE Group Captain Billy DRAKE DSO DFC* (20 e/a) No. 1(F) Sqn HURRICANES in FRANCE, 213 Sqn, 421 Flight BATTLE of BRITAIN, SPITFIRE FR, OC 112 Sqn KITTYHAWKS WESTERN DESERT, Wing Ldr MALTA,then 20 WG TYPHOONS and…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies


DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…Mediterranean, all aircraft reinforcements for the Middle East were shipped to Takoradi in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), where they were re-assembled and ferried 4,000 miles to Cairo. Once the Germans had retreated to Tunisia, it was possible to shorten the ferry route by transferring the western terminal to Casablanca….

BROWN, Richard (#295)

…on Tangmere including the heavy Friday 15th August JU-87 Stuka dive bombing, while ensuring the maximum fighters were available to defend SE England – some groundcrew had been flown down from Wick in two Ensigns but already only via a western safer route. In winter 1940 Richard was sent on…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…emergency submarine escape set. (Courtesy of Wikipedia) Imperial War Museums’ Oral History: Ian Edward Fraser British midshipman served aboard HMS Montrose, 17th Destroyer Flotilla during Dunkirk Evacuation, 5/1940; officer served aboard HMS Malcolm, Western Approaches Escort Force and 8th Escort Group in North Sea and Atlantic, 1940-1941; served aboard submarine…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…from 1941 to 1944, almost without rest. Johnson was involved in heavy aerial fighting during this period. His combat tour included participation in the Dieppe Raid, Combined Bomber Offensive, Battle of Normandy, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge and the Western Allied invasion of Germany. Johnson progressed to…


…Armourer brief to fly occasional BLENHEIM gunner sorties. He then became a qualified AIR GUNNER, training on WELLINGTONS with a largely AUSSIE crew; out through GIB & MALTA to DESERT, arriving on 108 SQN 27 Feb 1942, in time for deployments forward from FAYID and some rapid moves east during…

KENNEALLY, John Patrick (#275)

…seized a portion of it on April 27, and while a further attack was being prepared, the Irish Guards occupied the western end. They were subjected to frequent German counter-attacks, but it was of the greatest importance that the Irish hold on. Kenneally’s citation laconically observed: “They did so.” On…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…organised DESERT MOTOR AMBULANCE CONVOYS, helping part treated CASUALTIES back to the FORWARD FIELD HOSPITALS and extended for TWO YEARS right across the DESERT CAMPAIGNS (including. GREEK CAMPAIGN with 189 LIGHT FIELD & 24 CASUALTY CLEARING STATION at THEBES, where he was bombed off his motorbike and organised, against high…

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