92 results found for: Strategic Bombing offensive

Search results for: Strategic Bombing offensive

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COX, John W (#298)

…appreciated. Though designed for high-altitude day bombing, in practice the B29 flew more low-altitude night incendiary bombing missions for the fire-bombing campaign. Their importance in mining operations of Japanese harbours, mostly at night, also had considerable strategic effect in limiting Japanese food supplies. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were destroyed by the B-29…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…German forces of sleep; lack of German fighter opposition; effectiveness of German anti-aircraft fire; vulnerability of wooden De Havilland Mosquito to damage; abortive bombing raid flown below anti-aircraft level; second bombing raid on Le Havre using Oboe; German anti-aircraft opposition to attacks on V1 Flying Bomb sites near Dieppe, France….

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…to Flight Lieutenant, flew to Canada, met actress Constance Binney in New York and married her, and returned to England to resume bombing operations. After this, Leonard spent almost a year as a flight instructor before being promoted to Acting Wing Commander and given command of 76 Squadron flying Halifax…


…GB, 3/1943-5/1945: appointment to post. REEL 4 Continues: recruitment activities for Pathfinder Force; friction with commanding officers whose crews taken by Pathfinder Force including encounter with Wing Commander Guy Gibson; personal rivalries within senior ranks of Bomber Command; question of morality of area bombing; degree of effectiveness of bombing campaign;…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…painting, numerous barrage balloons are shown floating above the trees. Operated by RAF Balloon Command, barrage balloons were used to protect cities from air attack. They forced German aircraft to operate at higher altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.” He quickly…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…here. Dilip Sarkar’s website. Preorder your copy of Johnnie Johnson’s Great Adventure here. Johnson climbs out of the cockpit before waiting media, RAF Kings Cliffe, 1941 “In 1940 Johnson had an operation to reset his collarbone, and began flying regularly. He took part in the offensive sweeps over German-occupied Europe…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…two men shared a variety of hazardous sorties during the German Spring Offensive which began on 21st March. On the 23rd April, they reached their objective and made an accurate bombing run, but as they reached the front line, they were hit by groundfire, and West managed to get them…

REID, William I (#61)

…a Victoria Cross in 1943 for his heroism on a bombing expedition to Germany. Flt Lt Bill Reid VC’s aircraft On the night of November 3 1943, Reid was serving with 61 Squadron as captain of a Lancaster bomber on the way to Dusseldorf when it was attacked by a…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…Warhistoryonline.com) It soon became apparent that the pre-war aircraft was hopelessly outclassed, and the force suffered very heavy casualties. Within two days Max recognised that their peacetime training in level bombing was suicidal and the squadron began dive bombing – but this made them vulnerable to ground fire. On a…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

Squadron Leader John N ROWLAND DSO DFC* RAF: 613 SQN Hectors + LYSANDERS May40, CALAIS supply CFS HALIFAX & LANCASTER WICKENBY BOMBING OPS 12 SQN (+109 & 626) & 625 SQN Kelstern. Awarded DSO twice in three days during bombing operations over Germany in 1943….

FENNESSY, Edward (#54)

…commissioning, he was shocked to find he was only a Pilot Officer (Probationary) – but he was soon in charge of offensive radio navigation aids in RAF No 60 Group. Based at Oxendon, a Victorian pile near Leighton Buzzard, and staffed by former BBC technicians alongside regular officers, No 60…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

Squadron Leader Larry Curtis flew more than 70 bombing operations during the Second World War and had the very unusual distinction for a wireless operator of earning two DFCs. He had already completed two bomber tours when he arrived on No 617 Squadron in July 1943 as one of the…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

“They had achieved complete surprise, with one bullet hole in a wing being the only damage sustained during what was the first sinking of a major warship in wartime by aerial bombing.” Blackburn Skuas and Fairey Swordfish aircraft landing on the deck of HMS ARK ROYAL after attacking the Italian…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…withdraw back to Siwa and Kufra when Rommel mounted a counter-offensive and pushed the 8th Army back to the Gazala Line, 30 miles west of Tobruk. Copyright: IWM-HU16454 Lloyd Owen took command of the LRDG in the winter of 1943, when it was operating in the Aegean. The troops he…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…of bombing and strafing was – also completing a four hour sortie to be diverted on to VICTORIOUS, only to be told half way through his post flight meal, that the section had to go off to do another strike on the same targets. John then crossed over to 1834…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…the ensuing months before the squadron switched to night bombing. Inadequate maps, appalling weather and poor aircraft serviceability due to lack of spares added to the hazards of flying during the “Forgotten War”. With the expansion of the strategic bomber force and the introduction of the long-range Liberator, in September…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

Air Vice-Marshal Tony Dudgeon played a key role in a little-known, but crucial, air campaign that prevented the Germans gaining access to the Iraqi oil fields and a possible offensive from the east against the undefended Suez Canal. When the rabidly anti-British and pro-Axis Rashid Ali el Ghailani seized power…

KELLETT, Ronald G (#29)

“the pilots of No. 303 Squadron were not only the best but would also see me through any troubles… no squadron from the Empire could equal the courage and skill of our pilots, no bombing could daunt our airmen.” Ronald Gustave Kellett, was an English flying ace in the Second…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…the night of February 23 1944, during the Luftwaffe’s Operation Steinbeck, known as the “baby blitz”, a series of lightning hit-and-run bombing attacks on southern England. Flying a Mosquito of No 85 Squadron, Skelton gained a contact on his radar set near Beachy Head and directed Burbridge behind an enemy…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…first raid on Italy when a force of Whitleys crossed the Alps in a thunderstorm to bomb Turin. On August 25 he flew on the first raid on Berlin, mounted as a reprisal for the German bombing of London. Before the end of the year, he had attacked Berlin on…

MOHR, Stan (#127)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. 466th BOMB GROUP crew gunner for 30 daylight mission tours over Occupied Europe; USAAF day & RAF night strategic bombing (which diverted thousands of 88mm guns to the defence of Germany, and an element thought to have saved many hundreds of thousands of lives)….

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…BOMB GROUP crew gunner for 30 daylight mission tours over Occupied Europe; USAAF day & RAF night strategic bombing (which diverted thousands of 88mm guns to the defence of Germany, and an element thought to have saved many hundreds of thousands of lives). #102 Thomas F NEIL Wing Commander Thomas…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…period for the RAF. These included withdrawal from bases east of Suez; the cancellation of major aircraft projects; and the dismantling of the strategic nuclear bomber force which he had done so much to nurture. (The cut had been made so that the Navy’s Polaris submarines could take over Britain’s…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…the hangars and huts in a hostile aerodrome, several casualties being observed. He has at all times shown himself to be a leader of exceptional dash and ability, and offensive patrols led by him have constantly attacked enemy formations with marked gallantry and determination”. During the Second World War, the…

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