26 results found for: Sicily

Search results for: Sicily

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BRIDGE, John (#154)

…World War. Recollections of operations as bomb disposal officer with Royal Navy in Messina Harbour, Sicily, 8/1943- 9/1943: attitude to drafting to Malta, c6/1943; arrival in Sicily, 8/1943; investigating fatalities during bomb disposal incident at Messina, 23/8/1943; award of George Cross for his diving work during clearing of harbour, 9/1943;…

MITCHELL, Raymond (#155)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Royal Marines CDO, 9/10Jul43 at 0246hrs Sicily

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…Malta. Providing escort to USAAF bombers attacking Sicily, he claimed two enemy aircraft destroyed on the ground; and on July 7 he shot down an Italian fighter, his 25th and final victim in air combat (having shared in the destruction of three others). He added an American DFC to his…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

SICILY, SALERNO, D+1 SWORD BEACH, MM for RHINE CROSSING #44 Richard W ANNAND Captain Richard W ‘Dickie’ ANNAND VC ERD DL Recipient of the Victoria Cross. ‘Wheelbarrow VC’ won before DUNKIRK (13-16 May 1940) for DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY, his FATHER was killed with ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION, GALLIPOLI #148 Robert H…

PEARSON, Alastair S (#113)

…you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. ‘One of the most highly regarded soldiers of the Parachute Regiment and British Army’. For: TERRITORIALS, 6Bn HIGHLAND Lt Infy, 1st ARMY, 1PARA & PARA BDE Ops in North Africa TORCH 1942-3, the SICILY & NORMANDY Invasions…

BOGERT, Mortimer P (#170)

…for the contribution in WW2 of the ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY (his name Dutch for Orchard), who was over in Dec 1939 from Western Nova Scotia and was in Europe a full seven and a half years, from being with the 2nd CANADIAN DIVISION in DIEPPE, the fighting in SICILY, the…

REES, Leonard (#38)

…to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. BUFFS/EAST SURREY INFANTRY, who had 11 subaltern OCs lost, killed or wounded, fighting from DESERT, SICILY and up through to NORTHERN.ITALY – a typical ‘D Day Dodger’!…

DAVIES, Jeff (#213)

…of No. 39 SQN BLENHEIMS and MARYLANDS, before special training to join the newly formed No.3232 SERVICING COMMANDO UNIT in the MIDDLE EAST, MALTA SICILY & ITALY, where, as first SCU in, they landed at REGGIO 4 Sep 1943 at 0715hrs, soon to service SPITFIRES & USAAF WARHAWKS at SALERNO…

PARKINSON, George (#199)

…fighting service of the ROYAL IRISH INNISKILLINGS, he was with the 6th, which saw their first Bn attack at TWO TREE HILL in TUNISIA 13 Jan 1943, within the IRISH BDE, BOU ARADA and then the INVASION of SICILY, here especially for his unit’s part in the BATTLE to take…

McDOWELL, James (#259)

…the BORDER REGIMENT, in particular to the defence of UK in SE England at “Hellfire Corner”, then fighting in SICILY and as part of the 1st LANDING BRIGADE at the Battle of ARNHEM, where Jim was one of the three Border men near Hartenstein, with their mortar virtually vertical and…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…for TORCH (Bizerta & Philippeville), minelaying with TEVIOT BANK from MALTA Apr-Aug44, SARDINIA. MOTOR TORPEDO BOATS until HMS VALIANT Sep44-Jun46 (VENGEANCE, CHAPLET, CHEVRON & MALTA DOCKYARD 1951-53 postwar)WW2 PENELOPE Rattle Honours; NORWAY 1940, MALTA CONVOYS 1941-42. MEDITERRANEAN 1941-42-43, BATTLE of SIRTE 1942, SICILY, SALERNO and AEGEAN 1943 and ANZIO 1944…

SCARMAN, Leslie (#241)

…spent the first two years of the war behind a desk at Abingdon, the remainder as a staff officer in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Northern Europe, working closely with the Mediterranean Air Commander-in-Chief, Sir Arthur (later Lord) Tedder; Scarman was in the room when General Jodl surrendered to General…

SQUANCE, Sidney J (#247)

…bombarding ORAN, she came under fire &, thanks to AURORA, dodged another torpedo; survived SICILY, ITALY and NORMANDY INVASIONS & the CAEN BOMBARDMENTS. A BISMARCK Historical Note. 19 Battleships and Cruisers, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 21 Destroyers and more than 50 Coastal Command Aircraft were involved to find and sink BISMARCK…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…victory. He also led fighter-bomber attacks against airfields in Sicily. Finally, after 18 months on operations he was rested and returned to England to train fighter pilots. Following a period in command of No 41 Squadron flying Spitfires on escort duty, he was seconded to the 100th Fighter Wing of…


…the squadron left France in June, having overtaken Clisby as the top-scorer for the unit in 1940. Becoming Commanding Officer soon after the return to England, he also flew during the Battle of Britain. He became a Wing Commander in 1941, but was shot down and killed over Sicily on…

LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…the MEDITERRANEAN by Planet News, on board and behind their large Jolly Roger tally flag, on 22Sep43, was one of the war’s famous photos. BEACH MARKING was undertaken, as spot on “Beacons”, for both the TORCH NORTH AFRICAN and HUSKY SICILY INVASION LANDINGS (briefing at Bizerta), the Submarine being used…

RICE, FC (#253)

…of the MEDITERRANEAN by Planet News, on board and behind their large Jolly Roger tally flag, on 22 Sep 1943, was one of the war’s famous photos. BEACH MARKING was undertaken, as spot on “Beacons”, for both the TORCH NORTH AFRICAN and HUSKY SICILY INVASION LANDINGS (briefing at Bizerta), the…

ALDRIDGE, James (#200)

…DIVISION and its fine record in TWO WORLD WARS, here the NORTH AFRICAN DESERT CAMPAIGN after El Alamein, into SICILY (at times with 5th HAMPSHIRE REGT) and SALERNO (35 went into the CATANIA battle with him and only 5 came back) then to UK for NORTH WEST EUROPE, landing D+1…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…odds, an AMBULANCE TRAIN, for which exploits, initiative and his care for the wounded, he was awarded MBE) from 1941 to 1943 largely with No.7 MAC, then A/Major at 16 MAC & 2CCS into TOBRUK then retreat, then back westwards again from EL ALAMEIN to SICILY with 200 FIELD AMBULANCE…

MACKINTOSH, Robert (#203)

…to SICILY INVASION &, with the much better 6 POUNDERS, from PACHINO onwards; returned UK Oct43 to train for the NORMANDY INVASION D+1 with 152 BDE, ST HONORÉ, BOCAGE, BELGIUM & 23Dec to nr BASTOGNE in 2-3ft snow for the BATTLE of BULGE, later on the RHINE CROSSING where his…

MANSER, Frank Stanley (#181)

…in NORTH AFRICA including SOUK el ARBA, TAMERA, Djebel Mansour and SICILY’s PRIMOSOLE / CATANIA, then later at ARNHEM by Dakota drop, with take-off from Bourn, where he was shot, part saved on capture by being unsupported well forward, fighting, as always, “with a Thompson machine gun and a Colt…

PALLOT, Peter (#304)

…hand mine explosions. At the war’s end his minesweeper would be the very first Allied vessel into VENICE, as only when channels were swept could larger ships enter. After his sweeping in Britain he would see most of the harbour clearance operations and port approaches from Sicily and Italy up…

GILLARD, George (#274)

…in Sicily and Italy up to Salerno, before returning to UK. Shortly afterwards he became the senior BBC reporter in and beyond Normandy, right up to the linking up of US and Soviet forces on the Elbe. Post-war he was head of BBC West Regional Programmes 1945-55, Controller, West Region…

Naval & Naval Air

…#154 John BRIDGE Lieutenant Commander John BRIDGE GC GM* RNVR Top BOMB & MINE DISPOSAL expert: clears 100 bombs in PLYMOUTH, then harbours: SICILY Messina, ITALY, GOLD BEACH, ANTWERP, NIJMEGEN Bridge. #186 Len A BRIDGE Petty Officer Len A BRIDGE From East Coast ports as FELIXSTOWE & Yarmouth, 55th FLOTILLA…

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