27 results found for: Norway

Search results for: Norway

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FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…the RCN; but when Canada insisted on unifying her Armed Forces he resigned his commission rather than become a general, with a bottle-green uniform. At dawn on April 10 1940, shortly after the German invasion of Norway, Fraser-Harris was Blue Three of the first wave of Blackburn Skua dive-bombers from…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…Cdr Flying at Gardermoen. Gen Christie became Commandant of the RNoAF Staff College and was NATO’s Cdr Allied TAF North Norway in Jan68 and Cdr AAF South Norway in May71.’ [ARP] Werner Christie (left) instructing fellow Norwegian pilots Erik Hagen and Bjørn Ræder at RAF Catterick in 1942. (Public domain)…

HEGLUND, Svein (#166)

…of the American Legion of Merit – partly for the Norwegian F-16 programme. He was the top scoring Norwegian fighter pilot of the war, with over 15 victories, mostly with 331 Norwegian Squadron Spitfires (Vb and IXs) and three Bf-110s destroyed with No.85 Mosquito Sqn. In April,1940 when Norway was…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…the CORPS of ROYAL ENGINEERS, here mainly as a TRANSPORTATION SPECIALIST, firstly for his (& two others, Captain Andrew CROFT and Lt Malcolm MUNTHE, nephew of Axel) Pre-NORWEGIAN CAMPAIGN clandestine INTELLIGENCE gathering on the PORTS and RAILWAYS SYSTEMS in Jan 1940 NORWAY and SWEDEN, crossing over to FINLAND and only…

CLAUSEN, Finn (#163)

…many times, the sinking of their 75 ft ‘Bepgholm’, their hastily repaired (seven massive holes made tight with canvas and bully beef can skinning) open lifeboat and then rowing, with four wounded and one dying, with three on the oars back to Norway, must be one of WW2’s finest feats…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…Rønneberg’s men crossed into neutral Sweden and Poulsson got to Scotland by sea. Both lieutenants received the DSO as well as Norwegian decorations. Even General Nikolaus von Falkenhorst, the German commander-in-chief in Norway, expressed his admiration, and ordered the release of civilian hostages rounded up for reprisals. Poulsson returned to…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…carrier Implacable and carried out a series of attacks on German shipping in the fjords of Norway. By the time the war ended 880 Squadron and Implacable were prosecuting the war in the Pacific, striking at the Japanese mainland. Crosley was mentioned in despatches, and in August 1945 received a…

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…MA CEng FICE CORPS of ROYAL ENGINEERS: served in 1 Section 23 FIELD COMPANY R.E., in 1 TROOP 6 COMMANDO, and took part in the early, successful COMBINED OPERATIONS RAID on VAAGSO & Maaloy in NORWAY 27 Dec 1941 (after Blenheims bombed the nearby German airfield at Herdla) wrecking oil…


…fellow pilots took off from Argus and landed at Vaenga. Additional Hurricanes were shipped in crates and assembled on arrival in Russia. The primary role of the Hurricane pilots was to escort Soviet bombers on raids over Finnmark in north-eastern Norway and also to defend the Russian airfields. On October…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…to an airfield near Murmansk to position for an attack against the German battleship Tirpitz, which was sheltering in a fjord in the north of Norway. The attack was thwarted by the ship’s smoke screen. Two months later, when the ship (labelled “The Beast” by Churchill) had moved further south,…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…moved to northern Norway, and out of range of RAF bombers operating from British airfields. Carrier-borne Fleet Air Arm aircraft made a number of daring attacks as the battleship was moored in Kaa Fjord, but no decisive damage was inflicted. In September 1944 an ambitious plan for a force of…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…Denmark and Norway, a Luftwaffe force of more than 60 bombers with a 34-strong fighter escort was making for the RAF’s fighter bases in north-east England. With two other Spitfire squadrons, No 72 raced to intercept them. In the ensuing action, beyond the Farne Islands, Sheen accounted for two Me…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…Queen, and when war was declared in September, joined his Territorial battalion and took part in guerrilla actions in German-occupied Norway before joining the St Nazaire raid. In the 1950s Burn published five volumes of poetry and two further novels. In the 1960s he ran on communist principles a mussel-farming…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…formidable German battleship Tirpitz, which is hiding in the fjords of Norway. However, as time unfolds, the mission becomes increasingly perilous. Second World War drama based on a true story, starring John Mills, Donald Sinden, John Gregson and James Robertson Justice.” (See also the Six Signatories associated with the Tirpitz)…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…in Norway, 1945: military situation; role and activities. Alan Pollock’s notes Brigadier Mike Calvert (1945) by David Rowlands (Oil on Canvas). Owner: Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess, 22 SAS “Calvert frequently led attacks from the front, earning him the nickname ‘Mad Mike’ from men in his command. Participated in both…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…for TORCH (Bizerta & Philippeville), minelaying with TEVIOT BANK from MALTA Apr-Aug44, SARDINIA. MOTOR TORPEDO BOATS until HMS VALIANT Sep44-Jun46 (VENGEANCE, CHAPLET, CHEVRON & MALTA DOCKYARD 1951-53 postwar)WW2 PENELOPE Rattle Honours; NORWAY 1940, MALTA CONVOYS 1941-42. MEDITERRANEAN 1941-42-43, BATTLE of SIRTE 1942, SICILY, SALERNO and AEGEAN 1943 and ANZIO 1944…

ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

…government support. His quest for new business suffered a setback when the state-owned British National Oil Company ordered one semi-submersible from France and another from Norway. It took the intervention of David Howell, energy secretary, for a third order to go to BS’s Scott Lithgow. Nor was the company helped…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…survived submarine and air attacks before joining Force `K’ in early 1940, searching for German commerce raiders in the South Atlantic. The ship and her aircraft then played an active part throughout the Norway Campaign. Afterwards, Gick served ashore for a few months as a flying instructor before joining 825…

OKOLOW-ZUBKOWSKI, Konstanty (#178)

…service at sea included active service in NARVIK, NORWAY and then GUNNERY with the crew of battleship HMS “KING GEORGE V” (one of four 1936 programme battleships, inc. Duke of York, Anson & Howe, reverting to 14 inch guns (ten) and the new 5.25″ high angle/low angle AA guns in…

Naval & Naval Air

…in 16Feb40 night attack, Captain Philip VIAN HMS Cossack, on Graf Spee supply ship ALTMARK in NORWAY. “The Navy’s here” rescue of 299 British merchant mariners #234 R Michael CROSLEY Commander R Michael CROSLEY DSC* RNVR, RN Fleet Air Arm ace and later a test pilot. FAA fighters & MALTA…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS for their service and sacrifice and for ALL other FAR EAST PRISONERS OF WAR, their dead BURMESE RAILWAY COMRADES and the CIVILIAN VICTIMS. #86 Michael C BURN Captain Michael ‘Micky’ C BURN MC (Alan’s elder brother) Indep Coy NORWAY & NO.2 COMMANDO OP. CHARIOT ST NAZAIRE RAID 28MAR42…

Alan Pollock

…Transport Command, RAF, West Raynham, 12/1966-10/1968: question of history of unit; role of unit within Transport Command; range of Hawker Hunter Mk IX using drop tanks; story of Hawker Hunter Mk IX crashing into house after pilot ejected; flying hours; reinforcement exercises in Norway and Germany. REEL 22 Continues: white…

War Widows & Family Losses

…Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL DFC BATTLE OF BRITAIN, OC: 43(F) HURRICANE Squadron & 263 GLADIATOR Squadron NORWAY

Battle of Britain

…DFC BATTLE OF BRITAIN, OC: 43(F) HURRICANE Squadron & 263 GLADIATOR Squadron NORWAY (d. 7Sep40) #27 Frank R CAREY Group Captain Frank R ‘Chota’ CAREY CBE DFC** AFC DFM (28+ e/a) 43, 3, 43, 245, OC 135 Sqn & Burma 267 Wg Ldr India, CO Fayid with 28-35 Hurricane German…

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