90 results found for: North Solomons

Search results for: North Solomons

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BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…AIR FORCE IN THE NORTH AFRICAN DESERT, APRIL 1943. A Royal Air Force Intelligence Officer sounds an improvised gong to call air crews for briefing on an airfield in the North West African desert. Copyright: © IWM TR 819 THE ROYAL AIR FORCE IN THE LIBYAN DESERT, MAY 1943. Crew…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…disapproval, he remained unabashed, and continued with his performances. With Universal Divers and North Sea Diving Services, which he formed in 1965, he expanded into the field of exploration and maintenance of North Sea oil and gas rigs. After selling out to the Blue Star Line in 1975 he served…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…reduced a ridge northeast of Futema. That night its lines stretched from the west coast just north of Isa to a point southwest of Futema on the Isa-Futema road and along the northern edge of Futema 18 On 3 April XXIV Corps turned its drive southward. Leaving the 17th Infantry…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…damaged. By the summer of 1940, Sheen, an Australian, was serving as a Spitfire pilot with No 72 Squadron, based at Acklington, Northumberland. Although well to the north of the main area of the Battle of Britain, on August 15 the squadron was heavily engaged with the enemy. Flying from…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

“Danger has some kind of satanic appeal to me. I am drawn towards it in an octopus-like grip of fear.” “Wartime commander of the Long Range Desert Group who thrived on danger in North Africa and the Balkans. MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID LLOYD OWEN, who has died aged 83, commanded the Long…

LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…and not so close but each one felt distinctly & personally – they had already sunk five ships totalling 20,000 tons, on that patrol) then he was appointed to the Captaincy Periscope “Perishers” Course) and returned to URSULA as Captain (re-fitting and to LERWICK and stationed North of Bear Island…

RICE, FC (#253)

…and not so close but each one felt distinctly & personally – they had already sunk five ships totalling 20,000 tons, on that patrol) then he was appointed to the Captaincy Periscope “Perishers” Course) and returned to URSULA as Captain (re-fitting and to LERWICK and stationed North of Bear Island…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…journalist, soldier, poet, novelist and playwright, and latterly a breeder of mussels on the Dwyryd and Glaslyn estuaries of north-west Wales, Burn – widely known as Micky – lived his life with panache and a debonair grin. This he maintained whatever befell him, whether incarceration in Colditz as a PoW…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…A mortified Rosier could only watch from his hiding place as the Italians found and confiscated his belongings, including the tankard. “THE ROYAL AIR FORCE IN THE LIBYAN DESERT, MAY 1943 () A Royal Air Force Bristol Beaufighter Aircraft (No 252 Squadron?) being serviced in the North West African Desert.”…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…222, 0C242 The RAF’s top scoring fighter pilot flying in north west Europe, Wing Commander Johnny Johnson, seen with his pet Labrador dog ‘Sally’. He recorded 38 victories, though at the time of the photograph his total was 35. He commanded No 127 Wing composed of three Canadian Spitfire squadrons….


Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Air Cdre C D “Kit” NORTH-LEWIS DSO…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…pilot officer in December 1935. He joined No 11 Squadron at Risalpur on the North-West Frontier of India. In his single-engine bi-plane he flew many operations over hostile and mountainous country as the RAF policed the rebellious territory. In 1940 he joined No 45 Squadron in Egypt as a flight…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…off from the carrier Ark Royal when she was torpedoed and sunk. He flew on to North Front, Gibraltar, where he formed a scratch squadron of Fulmars and Sea Hurricanes to join the elderly training carrier Argus, which was engaged in the relief of Malta. Subsequently, during Operation Harpoon, Fraser-Harris’s…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

“the first person to be awarded a Bar to the George Medal” “With the invasion of the Italian mainland imminent, Messina harbour had to be cleared of depth charges and made safe for shipping. On August 21, shortly after the Germans had been driven out of the north-east of the…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…that brigade into eastern Holland and north-west Germany in the closing stages of the war. For those actions he was awarded a French and a Belgian Croix de Guerre. CHINDIT OPERATIONS IN BURMA © IWM MH 7868 …Though he never rose above brigadier anyone who served under him knew that…

KENNEALLY, John Patrick (#275)

…having paid the maintenance order. “I was only one of his mother’s many friends,” he said, “but I happened to have a bob or two, which meant ‘go for that fellow’”. Leslie grew up on a farm in the north of England and was then sent to King Edward’s Grammar…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…17 aircraft in the air with two others shared, a total exceeded in North Africa only by one other pilot, the Australian-born Group Captain Clive “Killer” Caldwell. ROYAL AIR FORCE 1939-1945: THE RAF IN FRANCE, 1940 “Pilots of No 1 Squadron at Vassincourt show off one of their Hurricanes to…

REID, William I (#61)

…the physical effort required to hold the control column steady. As they crossed the North Sea, all four engines cut out and the plane went into a spin. Luckily Norris remembered in the nick of time that he had forgotten to change over the petrol cocks to a full tank,…

CASEMORE, Jack (#226)

…returned weighing five and half stone from POW Camp in POLAND. Jack trained on CUMBERLAND, began war service on FORFAR, ARMED MERCHANT CRUISER on CONTRABAND CONTROL; remembering well the RAWALPINDI Incident to the north of them & going to “Action Stations”, getting good advice from a Gunlayer next to him…

EVANS, David (#106)

…attack, a sortie he described as “a wizard prang”. David George Evans was born in Windsor, Ontario, on July 14 1924 and educated at Hodgson School, Toronto, and the North Toronto Collegiate. He joined the RAF in 1943, trained as a pilot in Canada and was commissioned in April 1944….

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

…and North West Europe, 12/1943-2/1945: encounter with Focke Wulf 190s over Paris, France, 12/1943. REEL 4 Continues: attacks on German radar stations in preparations for D- Day landings; move to Normandy, France, 9/6/1944; ground attack role in North West Europe; distinguishing targets on ground; physical condition at end of Second…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…moved to northern Norway, and out of range of RAF bombers operating from British airfields. Carrier-borne Fleet Air Arm aircraft made a number of daring attacks as the battleship was moored in Kaa Fjord, but no decisive damage was inflicted. In September 1944 an ambitious plan for a force of…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…struggled to prevent the heavy aircraft hitting the sea. With no hope of returning to England, the crew headed for north Africa. After Curtis had sent an SOS, raising an advanced fighter airfield on Corsica, Martin altered course. Curtis remained in wireless contact, but when he requested that a doctor…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…at HMS Collingwood, before being sent north to the new battleship, HMS HOWE as a seaman spotter to the Gunnery Officer, who was Commander the Viscount Curzon and son of Earl Howe, whose name was that of the ship now at the beginning of its six months of commissioning. and…

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