33 results found for: India

Search results for: India

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LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…was born in Sikkim, Northern India, in June 1924. At the age of 17 he enlisted in the 7th Gurkhas, despite not being a Gurkha or even Nepalese. The enlisting officer got his name wrong, writing ‘Ganju’ instead of ‘Gyantso’ – and he kept the name for the rest of…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…USA. Our crew was divided – I was retained in India and our aircraft commander, Joyce, went to China and the 14th Air Force in India thereafter. Finally some B-24’s came in and I ended up in a B-24 outfit flying over Rangoon and Thailand. 16 missions and then the…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…after graduating, became a trainee surveyor. Broadhurst joined the Army and was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in the Royal Artillery in 1925. ROYAL AIR FORCE AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE ON THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER OF INDIA, 1919-1939. Vertical aerial photograph taken by a Type F.8 aerial camera, showing bombs exploding on the…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…five homes in the UK. The first overseas project began outside Mumbai, India. The 1960s saw rapid expansion. By 1970 there were: Over 50 services in the UK. Five services in India. Activities in 21 other countries around the world. Care in the community By the 1970s, we were established…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…to replace the Vickers Valentia biplane in use in the Middle East and India. The aircraft was required to be capable of carrying 24 troops or an equivalent load of cargo as a transport, while carrying bombs and defensive guns for use as a bomber. In the second week of…


…in the MV Eastern City, but was not called into action. After converting to the Typhoon fighter, he joined 197 Squadron on the south coast to fly defensive patrols and bomber escort missions. In late 1943 he headed for India and joined 67 Squadron at Alipore, flying Hurricanes in defence…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Hodges wished to return to operational flying following the death in action in Burma of his younger brother; he was appointed to command No 357, a special duties squadron supporting SOE’s Force 136 in south-east Asia. Meanwhile, Leigh-Mallory’s transport aircraft crashed in France en route to India, and there were…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…Norwegian Commando Sabotage, preparation of South East England against a real invasion threat, Far East (including Hong Kong, detachments to China and observation of Japanese forces), British, Australian, Chinese and Indian Bush, Jungle Training, Irregular and Guerrilla Warfare instruction followed. With the other two Chindits, and two Indian & Gurkha…

RHODES JAMES, Richard (#138)

…know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Author (e.g. Chindit, 1980), historian & teacher. Headquarters, 111th Brigade in India, Second Chindit Expedition to Burma. Short IWM oral history CHINDITS and INDIAN ARMY’s South East ASIA CD, INTELL1GENCE, SIGNALS & Orde WINGATE’s air-supported, long range penetration….

SUTCLIFFE, Douglas H (#235)

…FORCE WIRELESS AIR GUNNER and AIR GUNNERY INSTRUCTOR, for INDIA & BURMA & flew 756 OPERATIONAL HOURS in three years & six months with 139 and 62 SQUADRONS, BOMBING & as one of the first LOADMASTERS ever, dispatchers on vital LANDING in or AIR DROPPING of SUPPLIES to XIVth ARMY…

HANBURY BROWN, Robert (#196)

…but also proved a crucial factor in the advancement of the understanding of fundamental physical optics. The Intensity Interferometer Robert Hanbury Brown (always known as Hanbury) was born in India on August 31 1916, and educated at Tonbridge and Brighton Technical College. He went on to London University, where he…

CARTER, Reginald A (#227)

…3rd CARABINIERS, PRINCE of WALES’s DRAGOON GUARDS; this REGIMENT uniquely spent entire WW2 in INDIA & FAR EAST, their battle honours – IMPHAL, NUNSHIGUMO BISHENPUR, KANGLATONGBI, KENNEDY PEAK SCHWEB0 SAGAING, MANDALAY AVA & IRRAWADDY; sent into front line Dec43 to IMPHAL with INDIAN support mechanics, their long, varied training on…

LACEY, James (#7)

…and awarded a Bar to his Distinguished Flying Medal. He continued flying fighter missions until the end of the war, including a transfer to India where he took on the Japanese. At the end of World War Two, he was credited with having shot down 28 confirmed planes, four “probables”…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…Asia, India, the Middle East and Singapore before taking command of the bomber base at Coningsby, in Lincolnshire. After serving at the Headquarters Air Cadets, he retired as a group captain in 1964. A very determined man and an inspiring leader and pilot, Tait was described by Leonard Cheshire’s biographer,…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…Asia, then worked with the Recovery of Allied Prisoner-of-War and Internees organisation, arranging the dropping by parachute of medical staff into remote prison camps throughout South East Asia Command. Following a period in Singapore, Verity was posted to Quetta (then in India) as a member of the directing staff at…

REID, William I (#61)

…the West of Scotland Agricultural College. After graduating, he went on a travelling scholarship for six months, studying agriculture in India, Australia, New Zealand, America and Canada. In 1950, he became an agricultural adviser to the MacRobert Trust, Douneside. From 1959 to his retirement in 1981, he was an adviser…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…mountain track climb up to Kalewa to cross the CHINDWIN and the 200 mile inarch up the KABAW VALLEY to IMPHAL. where he missed meeting his KOYLI brother. MICHAEL, wounded and just casevaced; moving back into INDIA via the DIMAPUR railhead, then to DHOND & (after two weeks’ leave in…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…pilot officer in December 1935. He joined No 11 Squadron at Risalpur on the North-West Frontier of India. In his single-engine bi-plane he flew many operations over hostile and mountainous country as the RAF policed the rebellious territory. In 1940 he joined No 45 Squadron in Egypt as a flight…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…of the Exchequer, in 1891-92. After a further period of work in the Treasury, he was appointed in 1894 private secretary to Lord Elgin, the new Viceroy of India. He married Lord Elgin’s daughter in 1898. Constance in ‘Target for Tonight’. Constance was brought up mainly at Chinthurst, a house…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…1941 to join No 214 Squadron. In October the next year Ercolani left for India, joining No 99 Squadron near Calcutta. The squadron was one of two Wellington long-range bomber units used to attack enemy airfields and river, road and rail supply routes. Ercolani led many of these missions over…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…He was awarded a DSO. In December 1944 he was seconded to BOAC, flying from Bristol. He remained with the airline after the war and flew routes to West Africa, the Middle East and to India. He was one of the first pilots to land at Heathrow Airport after its…

HAMILTON, John AL (#272)

…of NIGERIA, SIERRA. LEONE, GOLD COAST (later Ghana) and GAMBIA. The 6th, 7th and 12th Battalions NIGERIA REGIMENT, as the 3rd West African Brigade, arrived in India Nov43 and quickly took part as 66 & 39, 29 & 35, 12 & 43 Columns in the Second CHINDlT’s Operation THURSDAY, Brig…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

…20, 1919, son of a Bengal tea-planter. He was sent to a boarding school in England at the age of four and a half while his parents remained in India. His reaction was to build a protective shield round himself and develop early self-reliance. He went on to Liverpool College,…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…as a 16yr old boy Merchant Marine seaman on the “Capetown Castle” Troopship in 1941, taking troops to Singapore and India and bringing New Zealanders and Canadians over to Liverpool – trying for the Irish Guards without vacancies in Leeds, he joined the West Yorkshire (70th = Boys Battalion) then…

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