117 results found for: Far East

Search results for: Far East

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CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…Norwegian Commando Sabotage, preparation of South East England against a real invasion threat, Far East (including Hong Kong, detachments to China and observation of Japanese forces), British, Australian, Chinese and Indian Bush, Jungle Training, Irregular and Guerrilla Warfare instruction followed. With the other two Chindits, and two Indian & Gurkha…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…operating in the Far East against Indonesia was a major preoccupation, and in 1966 he returned to the familiar ground of Fighter Command, this time as its last Commander-in-Chief before its absorption into Strike Command in 1968. His remaining time in the Service was spent in the international sphere, first…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…rapid decline of British influence in the MIDDLE EAST. Later Wg Cdr Dudgeon was Wg Cdr Flying at DOWN AMPNEY for the HORSAS and DAKOTAS flying off for D-DAY and the NORMANDY INVASION. His later service in the FAR EAST extended through to the 2TAF post-war Sabre and Hunter eras….

BROWN, William (#156)

…service and sacrifice of his own regiment, as well as Far East Prisoners of War (POWs) alongside other civilian victims of savage war, atrocities and repression, particularly in Asia beyond the Mukden Incident, Japanese Occupation of Manchuria, and First Battle of Shanghai Sep31-Mar32; also recalling all those who helped them…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…air gunner, who had not heard his order to bail out, he burned the aircraft before setting off to the south-east on foot. Resistance Memorial at Vassieux Moving from farm to farm, the two men obtained civilian clothes to wear over their uniforms and eventually made their way to Marseilles…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…a Hurricane squadron at Aldergrove, Northern Ireland. In November 1941, he received command of No 135 Squadron, also Hurricanes, as it sailed for the Middle East. But destiny intervened and, with the outbreak of war in the Far East, No 135 was diverted to Rangoon in Burma where there was…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…a permanent commission and attended the RAF Staff College, before being posted in 1948 to command No 45 Beaufighter Squadron in the Far East. Operational once again, Crew led his squadron effectively against Communist insurgents aiming to destabilise Malaya. Harassing the jungle-based enemy in 100 night attacks, he consistently drove…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…set about improving morale, not least by inviting the catering officer to provide fare superior to the normal rations. He participated in the test flying himself, and later flew a Typhoon on the Dieppe Raid, an operation which gave him considerable insight into the limitations of the aircraft, which afterwards…

CHOWDRI, Abdul Bashir (#228)

…50 warships in EAST INDIES and PACIFIC FLEETS from ROYAL INDIAN NAVY, mostly SLOOPS as his own CAUVERY etc, FLEET MINESWEEPERS as his KONKAN, frigates & corvettes; recalls MOSLEM CONTRIBUTION in TWO WORLD WARS, seen in European & Far East COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES, & part of world’s LARGEST VOLUNTEER ARMY….

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…Barker replied: “I am not in the habit of carrying one in my personal kit when on operations.” For his services in the Far East, he was appointed CBE. The son of a doctor who had served at the Battle of Jutland, John Lindsay Barker was born at Hull on…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…to get back to my carrier.” After safely bailing out of his stricken plan, Vraciu parachuted to the ground close to enemy-held territory near Mount Pinatubo, an active volcano. Luckily he was almost immediately rushed to safety by a small group of U.S. Army of the Far East guerrillas, who…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

…pilot friends accepted me and so did my girlfriend. They were not put off by this embarrassing sight.” On its foundation he was welcomed into the East Grinstead pioneers’ Guinea Pig Club. Periodically he returned to East Grinstead, where eventually McIndoe offered him the nose of his choice. By April…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…in the waters adjacent to Okinawa, poised for invasion. Most of them stood to the west in the East China Sea. The day was bright and cool-a little under 75°; a moderate east-northeast breeze rippled the calm sea; there was no surf on the Hagushi beaches. Visibility was 10 miles…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

Wing Commander Lucian Ercolani was a wartime bomber pilot decorated three times for gallantry in operations over Europe and in the Far East; he was later chairman of the family furniture company Ercol. On the night of November 7/8 1941, Ercolani took off in his Wellington of No 214 Squadron…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…peacetime CARRIER’S first role, with his returning on INDEFATIGABLE which was bringing the FAR EAST PRISONERS OF WAR back to UK, a mission that those on board would not forget, adding to an anti-climactic UK welcome home. 801 & 802 on OCEAN & SEA FURIES for the KOREAN WAR, then…

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…986 MEN KILLED & 8,000 wounded & missing testified to their perpetual presence in the thick of many BRITISH CAMPAIGNS outside the Far East: James still suffers effects of his wounds well over 50 years later. Here too we should remember the fine efforts of 2nd & 7th T.A.Bns lst…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…postings in Cyprus and Amman, from where he launched clandestine operations all over northern Syria. He returned to Britain in 1944, taking over command of the RAF Regiment depot at Belton Park. In 1946, he was sent to the Far East to establish the RAF Regiment (Malaya) force of British…

BOYD, Mary (#101)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Lost her two brothers, one in the RAF, and best man, and this led to her being picked as CHURCHILL’s youngest secretary in order to “steel his fight”, & V-1 bombed out, later spent 35 years as CARER for her FAR EAST POW husband….

CARTER, Reginald A (#227)

…3rd CARABINIERS, PRINCE of WALES’s DRAGOON GUARDS; this REGIMENT uniquely spent entire WW2 in INDIA & FAR EAST, their battle honours – IMPHAL, NUNSHIGUMO BISHENPUR, KANGLATONGBI, KENNEDY PEAK SCHWEB0 SAGAING, MANDALAY AVA & IRRAWADDY; sent into front line Dec43 to IMPHAL with INDIAN support mechanics, their long, varied training on…

MACKENZIE, Hugh Stirling (#141)

…please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. RNC at 13 in 1927, bigger ships & 1935 SUBs, WW2 Cdr of THRASHER in MED & TANTALUS Far East 1941-45 Representing HM SUBMARINES…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS for their service and sacrifice and for ALL other FAR EAST PRISONERS OF WAR, their dead BURMESE RAILWAY COMRADES and the CIVILIAN VICTIMS. #86 Michael C BURN Captain Michael ‘Micky’ C BURN MC (Alan’s elder brother) Indep Coy NORWAY & NO.2 COMMANDO OP. CHARIOT ST NAZAIRE RAID 28MAR42…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…– and previous evaders had been arrested and thrown in concentration camps. Her pitch – from such a sweet and ineffectual-looking girl – was greeted with incredulity and then scepticism. Surely she was far too fragile to have made the mountain crossing? A quick check established that she had. But…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…decided to test an entire Comet fuselage for fatigue in a water tank at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. Although Farnborough’s findings centred on the fatal flaw of metal fatigue in a pressurised hull, the likelihood of potential disaster had arguably been heightened by design shortcuts and economies which had…

ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

…at BS with the company losing £100 million a year . He embarked on an aggressive campaign to turn it around and for a time succeeded. Fiercely patriotic in the face of Far Eastern competition, he even banned visitors’ Japanese cars from his yards. Ironically, when shipbuilding ended on the…

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