60 results found for: Coral Sea

Search results for: Coral Sea

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ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…Navy, a highly decorated Douglas SBD DAUNTLESS (“Slow But Deadly”) combat pilot in most of the Pacific’s naval aircraft carrier engagements including the Battles of the CORAL SEA and MIDWAY, GUADALCANAL, the SOLOMON and MARSHALL ISLANDS campaigns, represents the success of US Naval air power against the Japanese Fleet. Born…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…31,807 wounded and 239 missing in action. At sea and in the air, the Navy reported 36 US ships sunk, 368 damaged, 763 aircraft lost to all causes, 4,907 seamen killed or missing in action and 4,824 wounded. Despite the magnitude of these losses by the Americans, the Japanese sustained…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…were climbing away into the sky, all we had to do was keep our eyes open and the enemy could not touch us.’ Commander R ‘Mike’ Crosley DSC RN: They Gave me a Seafire (via ArmouredCarriers.com) An RAF Supermarine Sea Spitfire or Seafire flying over a British aircraft carrier. Seafire…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…War Hutchinson 1987). Without the Tokyo Raiders, would the Imperial Japanese Navy have embarked on what led to the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway? Col James Doolittle won a Medal of Honor for the Raid, the USS Hornet CV-8 would be sunk in the Battle of Santa Cruz, receiving…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

Sea between the Japanese main force and Task Force 38, Surigao Strait, the biggest surface action since Jutland in 1916, history’s last battle-line action at sea between battleships, Cape Engano, the final sea action of Japanese aircraft carriers and their destruction by the US Third Fleet, and the BATTLE off…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…with the squadrons in the south. He was also required to establish a night-fighting capability with the Hurricane; a task he achieved with great success. Few enemy night bombers fell victim to single-seat fighter pilots, but Dalton-Morgan, hunting alone, destroyed no fewer than six. Totes Meer (Dead Sea) 1940-1 Paul…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

sea areas, with their massive FLEET TRAINS stretching back thousands of miles; his striking memories of flying over Japan from June was the lack of major roads, with the infrastructure seeming to exist on increasingly vulnerable air, sea and rail links; 1834’s main target priorities were again COUNTER AIR with…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…disapproval, he remained unabashed, and continued with his performances. With Universal Divers and North Sea Diving Services, which he formed in 1965, he expanded into the field of exploration and maintenance of North Sea oil and gas rigs. After selling out to the Blue Star Line in 1975 he served…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

They Were There is a work in progress, and the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories.   Battle of the Philippine Sea:…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…the signal from the Admiralty arrived, it had omitted the word “anti”). With the aid of a well-armed team (including a professor of classics) Gick intercepted the pirates at sea. “The drill was quite simply that, when a strange craft came close to us and answered a challenge with a…


…Gregory positioned Braham to attack a Do 217 bomber. Braham soon set it alight, and it dived into the sea off Sandwich. NIGHT BEAUFIGHTERS IN READINESS : (CH 11190) Original wartime caption: For introduction see CH.11180. Picture (issued 1943) shows – A night Beaufighter ready for the take off. Copyright:…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…then floated into the North Sea and eventually along the English Channel. The searching ships and aircraft failed to locate it, and the crew’s attempts to paddle ashore were ineffective. Finally, after three days drifting in the bad November weather, Ercolani and his men were washed up on the southernmost…

MacLENNAN, Roddie (#184)

…Hawkins) including MacLENNAN saved the precious cargo of the crippled petroleum tanker SS “SAN DEMETRIO”. First hit at the bows and waterline and with a direct hit on the wireless room, the SAN DEMETRIO was rapidly set ablaze by the Scheer and with some difficulty in rough seas, her crew…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…squadron shot down four Italian aircraft, and he was awarded a bar to his DSC. In June 1942 he retrained his pilots to fly Seafires, the naval adaptation of the Spitfire. The Seafire’s view for’d when touching down was limited; its landing gear frequently collapsed, and the tailhook would swing…


…chased a lone Junkers 88 bomber to the coast. After the first pilot caused some damage to it, Elkington attacked from close range with his machine-guns before the Junkers disappeared. Shortly afterwards a Royal Observer Corps post spotted an aircraft crashing into the sea and Elkington was credited with having…

Naval & Naval Air

…led D DAY INVASION Representing ROYAL NAVY COASTAL FORCES (specifically MOTOR GUN and TORPEDO BOATS) in UK Home Waters. #250 Conrad Phillip BRISTOW Pilot (Seaplane) Lieutenant Conrad Phillip BRISTOW Joined RNAS in 1917 & left in 1919 as a Flight Lieutenant RAF. Flew SHORT 184 seaplanes over (936 made, in…

LOCKWOOD, Geoffrey (#194)

…ROYAL AIR FORCE’s MARINE CRAFT and AIR SEA RESCUE SERVICE which saved many Allied lives during its wartime service including D-Day, the morale effect of SAVING DITCHED AIRCREW returning from raids was considerable; to quote two of Geoffrey’s many sea rescues:- he saved Co-Pilot, 2nd Lt T H DAVIS &…

OKOLOW-ZUBKOWSKI, Konstanty (#178)

…NAVY: for POLAND’s gallant fighting servicemen and their 37 MAJOR POLISH NAVY WARSHIPS and 10 Motor Torpedo & Gun Boats at SEA, as in the AIR & on LAND, also recalling POLISH service men and women in all three of their fighting services. Captain ZUBKOWSKI’s unbroken WW2 PN & RN…

ALLINSON, Lawrence (#244)

…standards – most workers then had high status if they “worked in ‘ Vickers”. Larry had 51 years with VICKERS ARMSTRONG SHIPBUILDERS at the BARROW on Furness SHIPYARD and represents the massive importance of WARSHIP BUILDING in our national SEA POWER; the father and son worked on many famous WARSHIPS,…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…Crew arrived back at base with the Dornier’s trailing aerial wrapped around his Beaufighter’s starboard propeller. Crew’s second encounter developed into a long, drawn-out chase as he stalked the Dornier well out to sea off the Isle of Wight. As the enemy pilot twisted and turned to evade his pursuer,…

EADON, Stuart (#248)

…memories were of action stations on the RUSSIAN CONVOY protection up out of SCAPA, West of ICELAND & through the DENMARK STRAIT into the GREENLAND SEA, serving in CRUISER HMS BERWICK (complement c.700) in NORTHERN WATERS from 30 Jun 1942 and then in the AIRCRAFT CARR.IERS ILLUSTRIOUS, FORMIDABLE, and INDEFATIGABLE;…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…2nd January 1940) for taking off alone on 29th November 1939 in very bad weather conditions to intercept an approaching enemy aircraft. He found it and attacked, causing it to dive into cloud very close to sea level, so close that Broadhurst almost went into the sea himself. Broadhurst left…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

Sea convoy off the Yorkshire coast. In early December, north of Arbroath in Scotland, Sheen shared in the destruction of an He 111 bomber. Flying so low that he opened fire at a level below the top of a nearby lighthouse, he was hit by return fire and wounded in…

WILMOT, Allan C (#224)

sea rescue team. He was demobbed in November 1946, travelled home to Jamaica and was fortunate to find employment n Customs & Excise. But, he felt there were more prospects in England and so returned to London in December 1947 to one of the coldest winters on record. Finding a…

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