53 results found for: Bomb Disposal

Search results for: Bomb Disposal

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BRIDGE, John (#154)

…officer with Royal Navy in Plymouth, 1940-1941: posting to Plymouth after bomb disposal and mine disposal training, 1940; organisation of bomb disposal work; category A bomb dealt with; method of dealing with bomb in dry dock in Falmouth; methods of dealing with different types of bomb filling; character of German…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…Arm 4, the branch of the RAF responsible for bomb disposal policy. In April the next year an RAF BD squad reported the discovery of an unexploded bomb with some unusual features. Certain members of the Air Ministry staff were deployed operationally from time to time on some of the…

GOULD, Thomas W (#94)

…to the bows and dropped it overboard, while Thrasher went full astern to get clear. A – where bomb penetrated the gun platform. A1 – the position where the bomb was discovered inside the casing. B – Position where 2nd unexploded bomb was discovered lying on the casing, bomb represented…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…Sir William (later Lord) Penny (with whom he had worked on the atomic bomb project and who was responsible for Britain producing its own atomic (1952) and hydrogen (1957) bombs at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, as a deputy chief scientist. He took responsibility for a substantial part of…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…Cheshire (II) British officer served with pilot with 102 Sqdn, No 4 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 6/1940-1/1941; served with 35 Sqdn, No 4 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 4/1941-2/1942; commanded 617 Sqdn, No 5 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 9/1943-7/1944 including award of Victoria Cross, 7/1944;…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…previous attempts had failed. Martin dived on the viaduct and, just as his bomb aimer pressed the bomb release, anti-aircraft fire hit his Lancaster, knocking out two engines and seriously wounding two of the crew. The bombs had failed to release, the bomb doors could not be closed and Martin…

REID, William I (#61)

…617 Squadron was linked with 9 Squadron for a “Tallboy” deep penetration bomb attack on a V-bomb storage dump at Rilly-la-Montagne, near Rheims. As Reid released his bomb over the target at 12,000 ft, he felt his aircraft shudder under the impact of a bomb dropped by another Lancaster 6,000…

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…under fire to tight deadlines, plus numerous SAPPER jobs such as blasting strong-points with AVREs ARMOURED VEHICLES REs (the PETARD) & FASCINE use for marsh or ditch, accommodation, FORTIFICATIONS, AIRFIELDS, BOMB DISPOSAL, MINEFIELDS, WELLS, ROADS & RAIL, DUMMY EQPT etc Strength of Royal Engineers 1939:.90,000 1945: 280,000 with 25,000 CASUALTIES….

GRAYSTON, Raymond E (#133)

…from Scampton with the main force, but before they were due to drop their “Upkeep” bouncing bomb, the Mohne was breached. Led by Guy Gibson, the three Lancasters that still had their bombs headed for the Eder. OPERATION CHASTISE (THE DAMBUSTERS’ RAID) 16 – 17 MAY 1943 (C 3718) The…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…other side of the Channel. Launching ramp with flying bomb / doodlebug at the V1 launch site at Ardouval / Val Ygot, Normandy, France The bombing of the launch sites was given urgent priority, under the codename “Crossbow”. Constance Babington Smith had the task of providing photographic material to assist…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…leading NIGHT FIGHTER crew, SQNs 1 ~ILTON41 Defiant, BEAUFIGHTER (141) MOSQUITO (157 & 488 NZ SQNS) bomber support, and later in the war protecting Coastal Command anti-submarine patrols, intruder patrols in support of Bomber Command combatting the German night fighters, and attacking the V1 flying bombs. Author of Night Flyer….


…first hydrogen bomb. It was the responsibility of 240 Squadron to search and police the extensive ocean area where shipping was banned during the tests. On the day of the first test, the Shackletons ensured the area was clear before a Valiant dropped an H-bomb over nearby Malden Island. During…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

“258 of the 700 prisoners escaped, including half of those awaiting execution” Wartime fighter pilot famed for leading low-level precision bombing raids “Eighteen Mosquito-VI fighter-bombers, six each from 487, 464 and 21 squadrons, all carrying two 500lb bombs with 11-second delay detonators, were to breach the 20ft-walls surrounding the prison…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…The Wellington had forced-landed after being hit by anti-aircraft fire while on a bombing run over the Iraqi positions. The recovery of the Wellington, which was carrying a full bomb load, had to be abandoned when the aircraft and tractor were hit by artillery and machine-gun fire. Reinforced by a…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…and Britain, already committed to a programme to create an atomic bomb, concluded that if the Nazis needed large quantities of heavy water, they had to be working on a bomb, just as the exiled Albert Einstein had twice warned. In fact, Albert Speer, Hitler’s armaments supremo, was more interested…

COX, John W (#298)

…appreciated. Though designed for high-altitude day bombing, in practice the B29 flew more low-altitude night incendiary bombing missions for the fire-bombing campaign. Their importance in mining operations of Japanese harbours, mostly at night, also had considerable strategic effect in limiting Japanese food supplies. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were destroyed by the B-29…

TAIT, James B (#66)

Group Captain Willie ‘Tirpitz’ Tait, bomber commander – obituary Obituary courtesy of The Telegraph, originally published on September 3 2007 Group Captain Willie “Tirpitz” Tait, who died on August 31 2007 aged 90, had a brilliant wartime career as a bomber commander; he attacked some of the most demanding and…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…fly on Stearmans at Hemet CA, where they lost a quarter of the course on their primary flying. After 90 further hours on BT-14s at Randolph Field, he earned his wings in June, 1941, transferring to Mitchells at Pendleton in 17th Bomb Group “While we were training for short take…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…63ft 6in, max wt 5,5601b and speed 88mph, rear Lewis gun and bomb s or torpedo, 12 cylinder water cooled 225 or 260hp Sunbeam or 250hp Renault engine) played a significant part in WW1, being the first to be used in a naval engagement, as the only aircraft involved in…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…Kerama Islands had been seized; Okinawa had been heavily bombarded for days; and underwater demolition teams had reconnoitered both the Hagushi beaches and the beaches above Minatoga on the southeast coast, indicating that landings were to be expected at either place or both. Moreover, Japanese air and submarine reconnaissance had…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…period for the RAF. These included withdrawal from bases east of Suez; the cancellation of major aircraft projects; and the dismantling of the strategic nuclear bomber force which he had done so much to nurture. (The cut had been made so that the Navy’s Polaris submarines could take over Britain’s…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…was used for the first time and proved very effective in reducing bomber losses. Rowland flew on three of the four raids that devastated the city and the Blohm and Voss shipyard. In the middle of August, Bomber Command launched the first phase of the Battle of Berlin, a campaign…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…DIVE BOMBING surprise, precision (average bomb error 20yds, despite heavy fire until rolled over & magazine blew up), quickly SINKING the 6,000 ton German “KONIGSBERG” (built 1927) alongside in BERGEN harbour in NORWAY (N.B.it was the first major enemy warship sunk from air, fulfilling MITCHELL’S prophecies & providing a startling…

SHOWER, Albert J (#124)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. USAAF & USAF CO 467th BOMB GP Rackheath MIGHTY EIGHTH LIBERATORS, top bombing accuracy in USAAF Europe, 2nd AIR DIV, only CO to lead GP from and to US…

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