83 results found for: Anti-Tank

Search results for: Anti-Tank

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CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…troop sergeant … advanced under heavy fire towards the wire at Tobruk. He showed great courage, coolness and initiative when his troop leader’s tank was blown up on a mine — he got out under heavy and point blank anti-tank, rifle and small arms fire and helped his troop leader…

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…were ordered to counterattack and quickly came under heavy fire from both machine-guns and tanks, pinning them down. Ganju, manning the PIAT anti-tank gun, crawled forwards on his own to get into range and became the target of crossfire which hit him in the wrist and leg. Despite these injuries…

van ERP, Johannes ‘Jan’ (#159)

“the Dutch Resistance spirit, a Helmond ‘boy with the bicycle’ who helped guard and guide exhausted Bren Gun Anti-Tank Carrier Crew”   “Born in 1927, the 15 year old “Boy with the bicycle” from Helmond, who voluntarily and persistently carried out an unsaid guard duty for an exhausted Bren Gun…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…daily commute in a chauffeur- driven, open-roofed Mercedes to his Prague Castle headquarters. As his car slowed on a bend Jozef tried to fire a sub-machine gun but it jammed. Then, as he stood up to fire his pistol, Jan threw an anti-tank grenade but it failed to kill Heydrich….

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…US rations; work in Corsica, 12/1943-2/1944. Aspects of operations as bomb disposal officer with Royal Navy Party 1500 in Normandy, 6/1944-7/1944: arrival, 7/6/1944; accommodation; role of unit at Arromanches; initiation to handling anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Aspects of operations as bomb disposal officer with Naval Party 1501 in Antwerp and…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…continued to engage the enemy, shooting down several more. His right wing was damaged by American anti-aircraft guns, but he continued. Having shot down seven Vals, he engaged an eighth. The Val’s gunner fired his two 7.7 mm machine guns in defense. By this time, Swett was running out of…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…The attack was made at low level in the face of very heavy anti-aircraft defences and balloons. Over the target itself, a light anti-aircraft shell burst in the cockpit, wounding the Pilot. Flying Officer Sismore coolly rendered First Aid, and helped the Pilot to maintain control of the aircraft. He…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…aside and the amphibian tanks and tractors passed through them and proceeded unescorted, the tanks firing their 75-mm. howitzers at targets of opportunity directly ahead of them until landing. Simultaneously, two 64-plane groups of carrier planes saturated the landing beaches and the areas immediately behind with machine-gun fire while the…

MACKINTOSH, Robert (#203)

…for Burma, switched to MIDEAST threat) in 152 BRIGADE with some 2nd Bn CAMERONs (F.M.Auchinleck “Their name had become a legend”) & 5th & 2nd SEAFORTHS; fought at EL ALAMEIN with 2 PDR in ANTI-TANK SUPPORT & then 1,500 miles westwards, via the BATTLES of MARETH LINE, WADI AKARIT etc…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…the lunatic asylum, who came out wearing nightshirts and shouting: “Hello Tommy!” ‘Parachutes open overhead as waves of paratroops land in Holland during operations by the 1st Allied Airborne Army. September 1944 On arrival at Oosterbeek, they came under fire from enemy 88 mm anti-tank guns. Dauncey led a fighting…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…of the Welch, Lieutenant Watkins found himself the only officer left, and put himself at the head of his men. Although subjected to short-range German fire, he charged two enemy posts in turn, killing or wounding the occupants with his Sten gun. On reaching his objective he found an anti-tank

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…of the Second World War. HM Submarine X24 approaching an anti-submarine net by J. Brooks (1945). Underwater scene showing a midget submarine and an anti-submarine net. A diver is cutting through the net, standing by the open bow hatch. © IWM Art.IWM ART LD 5507 Takao had previously been damaged…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…airfield before the American invasion to retake the Philippines. Heavy anti-aircraft fire hit his Hellcat, puncturing his oil tank. “I knew I had it,” he remembered. “Oil was gushing out and going all over my canopy, and my oil pressure was rapidly dropping. There was no way I’d be able…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…on Malta with a detachment from No 39, where he combined his force with the resident, but depleted, squadron. Within days, he led the combined squadron to attack an important convoy of oil tankers heading along the Greek coast towards Libya. Gibbs released his torpedo, despite being hit by anti-aircraft…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…had collided 150 miles away off the Arabian coast. Gick sped to the scene, where Bulwark’s helicopters rescued a number of crewmen from one of the tankers; the second tanker – the 56,000-ton Melika – was ablaze, and Gick resolved to take her in tow. This was a difficult and…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…successfully releasing their now driveable Sherman tank, their LCT suddenly hit one of the underwater anti-invasion obstructions and sank in a five foot depth of water. Emergency repairs with quick drying cement helped them re-float. Attached to a buoy, they had to remain there for two weeks after, not sensibly,…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…German forces of sleep; lack of German fighter opposition; effectiveness of German anti-aircraft fire; vulnerability of wooden De Havilland Mosquito to damage; abortive bombing raid flown below anti-aircraft level; second bombing raid on Le Havre using Oboe; German anti-aircraft opposition to attacks on V1 Flying Bomb sites near Dieppe, France….


Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. ROYAL TANK REGIMENT, great DESERT TANK CDR…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

Pilot Lieutenant Conrad Philip BRISTOW for the ROYAL NAVAL AIR SERVICE then Flight Lieutenant as ROYAL AIR FORCE formed on 1 Apr 1918: Philip flew the SHORT 184 for 2 years on ANTI-SUBMARINE PATROL and NAVAL RECONNAISSANCE, mainly from Eastgate. These RN seaplanes (over 900 completed for RNAS – Span…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…and they were mostly involved in tactical co-operation with artillery and the few tank formations. He soon settled into the unit’s work, and gained wide experience in low-level co-operation with the infantry and gunners. In March 1918, he regularly was crewed with Lieutenant John Haslam, an ex-Cambridge student, and the…


…one pilot killed. On 10 May 1940, the great German offensive in the west (which rapidly became known as the blitzkrieg, or ‘lightning war’) began. Wehrmacht airborne troops landed in Holland and Belgium, as German tank columns and infantry crossed the frontiers into these neutral countries. At once elements of…

REID, William I (#61)

…course for home. Semi-conscious at times, freezing cold because of his broken windscreen, and half blinded by blood from a head wound which kept streaming into his eyes, Reid, assisted by flight engineer Norris, somehow kept the plane in the air despite heavy anti-aircraft fire over the Dutch coast and…

CALDER, Benjamin J (#176)

…Registration, and the other 494 Port Bn. This showed and later Sgt Calder saw how just each essential element combined to form this massive logistic jigsaw ahead of D-DAY. His Bn’s four Companies assembled in Mumbles Park, with the smell of their anti-gas impregnation everywhere around them, to embark at…

GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…mobile ANTI TANK BATTERY (with scavenged old naval guns, to illustrate the denuding of gunpower. after DUNKIRK) in Lincolnshire for the NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS, then for lst GUARDS BRIGADE, later on, being switched to the RLYMOUTH-REACH Bn, as Infantry with the ROYAL MARINES after the INVASION EMERGENCY receded, he joined the…

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