164 results found for: Anti-Aircraft Defence

Search results for: Anti-Aircraft Defence

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SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…The attack was made at low level in the face of very heavy anti-aircraft defences and balloons. Over the target itself, a light anti-aircraft shell burst in the cockpit, wounding the Pilot. Flying Officer Sismore coolly rendered First Aid, and helped the Pilot to maintain control of the aircraft. He…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…greatly enhanced the effectiveness of British anti-aircraft defences. Sam Curran (right) with Bruno Touschek. (Credit: The Touschek Family) Subsequently, be worked on developing short-wave (centimentric) radar, which was crucial to night-fighter interception of bombers and to location by aircraft of German submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic. In 1944….

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…insistence on pilot’s shaving; flying kit worn including scarf; imposing leadership on squadron; character of airstrips; airfield defence; problems with sand; reasons for taking off line abreast; further details of Curtiss P40 Kittyhawk and its role as ground attack aircraft; reaction to squadron taking over ground attack role; evolving ground…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…airfield before the American invasion to retake the Philippines. Heavy anti-aircraft fire hit his Hellcat, puncturing his oil tank. “I knew I had it,” he remembered. “Oil was gushing out and going all over my canopy, and my oil pressure was rapidly dropping. There was no way I’d be able…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…worked as a technician and flight test observer at the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment before becoming the senior flight development engineer with Fairey Aviation in 1953. She also flew as a test observer in the Royal Navy’s Gannet anti-submarine aircraft and regularly flew Fairey’s communication aircraft. Her love of…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…continued to engage the enemy, shooting down several more. His right wing was damaged by American anti-aircraft guns, but he continued. Having shot down seven Vals, he engaged an eighth. The Val’s gunner fired his two 7.7 mm machine guns in defense. By this time, Swett was running out of…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…as a replacement flight commander. He led his first attack on June 4 when his was the only aircraft in the formation successfully to reach the target. Against heavy anti-aircraft fire he released his torpedo from 50ft and hit the 6,847-ton Italian merchantman Reginaldo Trieste, which sank after the destroyer…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…German forces of sleep; lack of German fighter opposition; effectiveness of German anti-aircraft fire; vulnerability of wooden De Havilland Mosquito to damage; abortive bombing raid flown below anti-aircraft level; second bombing raid on Le Havre using Oboe; German anti-aircraft opposition to attacks on V1 Flying Bomb sites near Dieppe, France….


…in the Allied lines. French and RAF bombers were thrown in here in a desperate attempt to stop the rot, but huge losses were suffered to Luftwaffe fighters and flak (anti-aircraft fire). Fierce fighting Fierce fighting It was on 14 May that 1 Squadron lost two of its pilots, one…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…final days before the Sandys Defence Review sounded the death knell for its traditional structure. In 1957, however, the broadening of his career was begun when he attended the Imperial Defence College; in 1958 he moved for the first time to the Air Ministry, becoming Director of Plans; and from…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…While strafing the airfield at Tararoui, however, Fraser-Harris was hit by anti-aircraft fire, and forced to land in the desert. He was betrayed by tribesmen and taken prisoner by Vichy French for five days until rescued by American troops who had captured Oran. French hospitality was not, Fraser-Harris recalled, as…


…association with the Cotswolds. He commanded the multi-engine squadron at the school and, on one occasion, flew a Vickers Varsity aircraft on a visit to Ghana in support of a detachment of Jet Provost training aircraft. He remained in the RAF for a further 12 years, which included a tour…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…to attack Berlin. The target was obscured by cloud, and Ercolani dropped his high-explosive bombs but decided not to release the incendiaries as, if dropped in the wrong place, they might cause confusion for the following aircraft. Over Munster on the return journey, his aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire,…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…was chief test pilot of the ill-fated British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) TSR2 supersonic bomber-reconnaissance programme until the aircraft’s abrupt and brutal cancellation by the government. Later Beamont directed British Aerospace and Panavia international flight operations of the multi-role combat Tornado until its introduction to RAF and other NATO operational squadrons….


…In this painting, numerous barrage balloons are shown floating above the trees. Operated by RAF Balloon Command, barrage balloons were used to protect cities from air attack. They forced German aircraft to operate at higher altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.”…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

aircraft in the early years of the Second World War; he served in a total of eight aircraft carriers, and was awarded the DSC and Bar and twice mentioned in dispatches. Less than a month after joining 825 Squadron, flying Swordfish biplanes from the carrier Victorious, Lieutenant Gick was involved…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…became a useful fighter bomber. Grandy was next sent to command No 210 Air Defence Group, charged with the defence of Tripoli, then moved to the Suez Canal Zone to command 73 Fighter Operational Training Unit. He tried to return to fighter operations, but instead was given command of 341…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…previous attempts had failed. Martin dived on the viaduct and, just as his bomb aimer pressed the bomb release, anti-aircraft fire hit his Lancaster, knocking out two engines and seriously wounding two of the crew. The bombs had failed to release, the bomb doors could not be closed and Martin…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…#197). He was also once scrambled after a lone German aircraft was spotted near Scotland – he didn’t find it, but it was later identified as the plane Rudolph Hess, Hitler’s Deputy, flew to Scotland. Part of the remains of the Messerschmitt BF-110 aircraft which Rudolph Hess flew to Britain…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…‘jeep carrier’ or ‘baby flattop’, a CVE with a single composite VC-10 Squadron of CORSAIRr F-4U, WILDCAT FM-2 and HELLCAT F-6F fighter aircraft and TBM AVENGER torpedo bombers, the heaviest WW2 single engined aircraft, commanded by Lt Cdr Edward J Huxtable. Dr Norman Loats was the guiding figure in arranging…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…in which he had had only 45 minutes experience. Dudgeon took off in atrocious weather, and almost immediately the aircraft’s electrics and all the instruments failed. The trainee navigator could not cope in the thick cloud, and, with no radio to assist with navigation bearings, Dudgeon flew the aircraft through…

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

…No 33 and No 274. With some optimism, the Italians claimed that they had shot down 18 Hurricanes at a cost of 12 of their own aircraft though, in fact, RAF casualties seem to have been limited to two. Dunn claimed one aircraft destroyed and two “probables”. On December 14,…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.” From 1972 he began to deliver Tridents, one by one, to Kwangchow. Part of the deal was that he had to do a test flight with a Chinese crew on each aircraft from Kwangchow to…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…wounded by an explosive bullet, then another Me 110 damaged his rudder; but he managed to return to Tangmere only to be fired at by its anti-aircraft guns. That he managed to land was, he said, “a great tribute to the Hurricane.” He had been in combat up to six…

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