57 results found for: Aerial Reconnaissance

Search results for: Aerial Reconnaissance

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BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…look out for aircraft at Peenemünde which might be pilotless. Her search was under way when on November 28 a de Havilland Mosquito, piloted by Squadron Leader John Merifield returned with a sensational photograph. Aerial reconnaissance view of the V1 launching ramps at the Luftwaffe Test Installation, Peenemunde West, Usedom…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…after graduating, became a trainee surveyor. Broadhurst joined the Army and was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in the Royal Artillery in 1925. ROYAL AIR FORCE AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE ON THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER OF INDIA, 1919-1939. Vertical aerial photograph taken by a Type F.8 aerial camera, showing bombs exploding on the…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…Squadron, flying out of Tangmere. On October 10 he probably shot down a Bf 109 before heading to Gravesend to join a reconnaissance flight whose job was to fly over the English Channel looking for incoming German raids. Flying a Spitfire, he shared in the destruction of a bomber and…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

“They had achieved complete surprise, with one bullet hole in a wing being the only damage sustained during what was the first sinking of a major warship in wartime by aerial bombing.” Blackburn Skuas and Fairey Swordfish aircraft landing on the deck of HMS ARK ROYAL after attacking the Italian…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…from 1941 to 1944, almost without rest. Johnson was involved in heavy aerial fighting during this period. His combat tour included participation in the Dieppe Raid, Combined Bomber Offensive, Battle of Normandy, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge and the Western Allied invasion of Germany. Johnson progressed to…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…then ushered its amended successors into both airline and Service use. The RAF’s continuing employment of Nimrod, the Comet’s maritime reconnaissance derivative, is a reminder of the debt owed to Cunningham for his lead in the exhaustive test programmes. All this was far in the future when Cunningham, already a…


…Do217 and damaging another and on 8th November he damaged another Fw190. Hallowes was awarded the DFC (gazetted 19th January 1943). In October 1943 he took command of 504 Squadron at Peterhead. An Aerial Battle by Francis Dodd (6 September, 1940). “Artist Francis Dodd was born in Holyhead in Anglesey,…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…Fighting Cocks” – in June 1940. The squadron was flying Hurricanes from Tangmere, near Chichester, and together with others in No 11 Group, bore the brunt of the Luftwaffe attacks. An Aerial Battle by Francis Dodd (6 September, 1940). “Artist Francis Dodd was born in Holyhead in Anglesey, Wales. He…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…was at this time that he was awarded his first Military Cross. The citation read: For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on many occasions. He has carried out many valuable reconnaissances under very adverse conditions. He has shot down two hostile machines.” SIEGE OF KUT-EL-AMARA SEEN FROM THE AIR,…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…liaison and reconnaissance tasks. On one occasion he observed a 5.5 in shell “passing onwards and upwards beneath my left wing”. On another occasion he found himself at 2,700 ft in the middle of a dogfight between four Spitfires and three FW 190s, “who were all much too busy shooting…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…Egypt in 1940 that specialised in intelligence gathering, mechanized reconnaissance and navigation, often operating behind enemy lines. Fleming commanded M2 patrol on an aerial drop behind enemy lines near Montepulciano, south east of Siena in Italy, which was designed to gather intelligence on German troop movements during the Allied advance….

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…him $100 for each Japanese aircraft he destroyed. Hellcats Vraciu earned his navy wings in August 1942 and eventually became one of the more than 300 navy pilots flying from U.S. carriers in the Pacific Theater to earn the title of an ace (downing five confirmed enemy aircraft in aerial

REID, William I (#61)

…Messerschmitt 110 nightfighter as it crossed the Dutch coast. Vertical aerial photograph taken over the centre of Dusseldorf at 11 pm on 10 September 1942, at the height of the major night raid by 479 aircraft of Bomber Command. Most of the area photographed is covered with widespread incendiary fires,…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…squadron began converting to the potent Mosquito-II night-fighter. On the night of June 24/25, he shot down two German bombers and damaged a third off Yarmouth. He was awarded a bar to his DFC in July, having scored eight aerial kills and four damaged. Having spent more than 2 years…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…again involved in aerial combat and believed he shot down two aircraft: after detailed analysis he was credited with a possible and a probable, and was praised for helping to break up an air attack on the fleet. On August 11 Eagle was torpedoed, and Crosley had just minutes in…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…Marine Fighting Squadron TWO TWENTY-ONE in action against enemy Japanese aerial forces in the Solomon Islands Area, April 7, 1943. In a daring flight to intercept a wave of 150 Japanese planes, First Lieutenant Swett unhesitatingly hurled his four-plane division into action against a formation of fifteen enemy bombers and…

OLDS, Robin (#97)

…enemy MiG aircraft in aerial combat over North Vienam. (U.S. Air Force Photo) “Brigadier General Robin Olds was one of the USAF’s most charismatic fighter pilots, achieving “ace” status during the Second World War. The son of a US Army Air Corps Brigadier General, Robin Olds was born on July…

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

…involved in two dogfights near Bir Zigdin el-Hamra and Sidi el Barrani. In the first, the RAF claimed three SM 79s destroyed and two damaged, with Dunn having a share in one. The second was a huge aerial battle, involving at least 19 Italian aircraft and two squadrons of Hurricanes,…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…1953. Based at Abu Sueir in Egypt, the squadron flew Meteor jets in the fighter/reconnaissance role. At the end of his tour in the summer of 1956 he was awarded the AFC. In 1959 he went to the British Embassy in Washington where he spent three years. He retired from…


…of 1 and 73 squadrons, which were to escort them and to provide protection. On 30 October 1939, the squadron’s Pilot Officer PWO ‘Boy’ Mould shot down a Luftwaffe reconnaissance Dornier 17, which was the first RAF fighter claim over France. However, opposition in the air was rare during this…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…Crew arrived back at base with the Dornier’s trailing aerial wrapped around his Beaufighter’s starboard propeller. Crew’s second encounter developed into a long, drawn-out chase as he stalked the Dornier well out to sea off the Isle of Wight. As the enemy pilot twisted and turned to evade his pursuer,…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…Kerama Islands had been seized; Okinawa had been heavily bombarded for days; and underwater demolition teams had reconnoitered both the Hagushi beaches and the beaches above Minatoga on the southeast coast, indicating that landings were to be expected at either place or both. Moreover, Japanese air and submarine reconnaissance had…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…island, a bomb disposal team entered Messina to do a reconnaissance. Two days later five members of the party were killed and two wounded when an attempt to lift the depth charges resulted in a huge explosion. Bridge, a temporary lieutenant in the RNVR, was ordered to go to Messina…

GRAYSTON, Raymond E (#133)

…Targets: A (vertical) reconnaissance photo of the Eder Dam taken before the raid. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205022177 This dam was surrounded by steep hills and presented a more difficult target than the Mohne. Settling at the required height of 60ft proved very difficult, and the first two aircraft…

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