24 September 2020

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

One of two sisters who were ‘teenage sweethearts’ of the Czech Jan KUBIS and Slovak Josef GABCIK who parachuted by HALIFAX into CZECHOSLOVAKIA to kill Reinhard HEYDRICH in May1942, before Hitler’s terrible June LIDICE annihilation (turned into the film Anthropoid). “The [sisters] knew it was something serious because they slept with guns under their pillows even in a small village. But my mum and aunt didn’t think they were going to their deaths.” Lorna’s tale was first told in The Mirror Caught the Sun: Operation Anthropoid 1942.
30 August 2020

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

Captain Richard W ‘Dickie’ ANNAND VC ERD DL Recipient of the Victoria Cross. ‘Wheelbarrow VC’ won before DUNKIRK (13-16 May 1940) for DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY, his FATHER was killed with ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION, GALLIPOLI
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