121 results found for: Yugoslavia (Operations, Partisans)

Search results for: Yugoslavia (Operations, Partisans)

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KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…all that is left from a once thriving Jewish culture in the town. ‘Defiance’ A film ‘based on Nechama Tec‘s 1993 book Defiance: The Bielski Partisans, an account of the Bielski partisans, a group led by Polish Jewish brothers who saved and recruited Jews in Belarus during the Second World…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…Albanian Partisans; Allied air support available to partisans. REEL 4: Continues: treatment of Long Range Desert Group by Yugoslavians at end of war; German attitude towards captured Long Range Desert Group personnel. “Rotten fucking shots aren’t they?” (Extracted from Gavin Mortimer’s ‘The Men Who Made The SAS: The History of…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

operations over France including the Rhubarb ground attack missions which Johnson hated—he considered it a waste of pilots. Several successful fighter pilots had been lost this way. Flight Lieutenant Eric Lock and Wing Commander Paddy Finucane were killed on Rhubarb operations in August 1941 and July 1942 respectively. Squadron leader…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…a brief respite, operations gathered momentum again, and in September and early October he added to his score as he attacked enemy airfields; among his victims in the air were two Italian Macchi fighters. 112 Squadron at Medenine, Tunisia. In the latter part of October, Drake claimed a German bomber…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…Special Operations Executive in Australia and Burma; contact with General Wingate; involvement with Chindits; joining of Special Air Service; history of Special Air Service. Aspects of operations as officer with 22nd Special Air Service in GB and North West Europe, 1944-1945: organisation of Special Air Service; problems with French Special…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…was appointed to RAF Waddington as the base operations officer. Although the post did not require him to fly on operations, in the first six weeks he flew nine with the junior crews of two Australian Lancaster squadrons. In May he returned to operations and was appointed a master bomber…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Flying moonlit operations for the Special Operations Executive (SOE) Hodges landed his single-engine Lysander or the larger Hudson aircraft in remote French fields to deliver and pick up agents. He picked up two future Presidents of the Republic (Auriol and Mitterrand), bringing them to England for meetings with General de…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…© IWM TR 815 The 229 pilots were attached to 73 and 274 Squadrons in the Western Desert for operations. On 1st September 1941 229 began functioning again as a squadron, its ground personnel having at last arrived in Egypt. It began night defence operations. Rosier was posted away in…

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

…down over English Channel, 9/1941. Aspects of operations commanding Typhoon Wing, No 12 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 3/1942-10/1942: formation of wing at RAF Duxford, 3/1944; operations during Dieppe Raid, 19/8/1942; character of Hawker Typhoon. Aspects of operations commanding No 146 Wing, 2nd Tactical Air Force, RAF in GB…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…Britain fighter pilots; he later achieved considerable success during the German night attacks on Glasgow before playing a prominent role in co-ordinating fighter operations for the D-Day landings. Dalton-Morgan had virtually no experience as a fighter pilot when he was appointed a flight commander of No 43 Squadron – “The…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…On 8th January 1941 he was posted to SHQ Catterick and was made Operations Room Controller there. His portrait was made by Orde in February (below). Deere joined 602 Squadron at Ayr on 7th May as a Flight Commander. Alan Deere by Cuthbert Orde (1941) At the beginning of 1941…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…Battle of Britain. On August 15, he shot down two Messerschmidt Bf-109E fighters and damaged a third. Other victories followed in August and October. In November, 151 squadron, flying Hurricanes and Defiant fighters, was re-deployed on night operations against the Luftwaffe’s night blitz on British cities. Smith was promoted to…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

operations staff of Fighter Command’s No 11 Group and also at Fighter Command headquarters. After his exploits flying into France, he became an SOE air operations manager organising drops and agent landings in Western Europe and Scandinavia. In the autumn of 1944 Verity supervised clandestine air operations in South East…

PALLOT, Peter (#304)

…represents the necessary expansion of Royal Naval MINESWEEPING Operations, which were so important not just during the war but well beyond into ‘peacetime’ dangerous operations to safeguard shipping in national and international waters. About one in five minesweepers were lost and Peter served on 11 of them, witnessing at close…


…the new Gloster Meteor jets. He continued to rise through the ranks, serving as Group Captain Operations RAF Germany and Air Attache to France before retiring in 1968. After the war he described his experience as “We were all very young, and it was a bit of a sport… We…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…quarter of the 39 pilots, and one third of the aircraft, were out of action. With a fellow squadron leader, Dudgeon both flew and personally controlled the bombing operations for five successive days as the airfield came under fire from Iraqi guns. By the end, the survivors could barely stand…


…Line, near to France’s frontier with Germany. Operations in France Operations in France In October 1939, the squadron moved to Vassincourt, where it became a part of the AASF, ready for operations over the front line. This force included ten squadrons of Fairey Battle light bombers, together with the Hurricanes…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…109, but managed to bale out, landing in a field near Maidstone. His leg wounds prevented him flying on operations for two months, but he continued to command the squadron, which ended the battle as one of Fighter Command’s most successful units. After a spell as a staff officer he…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…was eventually withdrawn from long-range bombing operations, and Max and his crews flew mining sorties and parachute drops to resistance groups. After converting to the Lancaster and flying a few more operations in support of the impending D-Day landings, his tour ended in May 1944, when he was awarded the…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…to Flight Lieutenant, flew to Canada, met actress Constance Binney in New York and married her, and returned to England to resume bombing operations. After this, Leonard spent almost a year as a flight instructor before being promoted to Acting Wing Commander and given command of 76 Squadron flying Halifax…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…As squadron commander, he was expected to fly on operations occasionally; but that was not Barker’s way, and he attacked many heavily defended targets. A fellow pilot recalled that “he was incredibly brave, and always put himself on the most dangerous sorties”. By the end of April 1945, a large…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…good as in Paris three years before. In March 1943, after four years of combat operations, which had taken a heavy toll of his friends, Fraser-Harris was rested by being appointed Staff Officer Operations to the Flag Officer, Naval Air Stations, at Lee-on-Solent; and he finished the war as instructor…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…US rations; work in Corsica, 12/1943-2/1944. Aspects of operations as bomb disposal officer with Royal Navy Party 1500 in Normandy, 6/1944-7/1944: arrival, 7/6/1944; accommodation; role of unit at Arromanches; initiation to handling anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Aspects of operations as bomb disposal officer with Naval Party 1501 in Antwerp and…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…Cross, 31/7/1945 Japanese card of ‘Takao’ REEL 1 Background to joining Royal Navy, 1939: membership of Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve; duties as coxswain of picquet boat of HMS Royal Oak. Aspects of operations as midshipman aboard HMS Montrose, 17th Destroyer Flotilla during Dunkirk evacuation, 5/1940: drafting to ship; trips to…

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