69 results found for: Winter Line (Aka Gustav Line, Breaking of)

Search results for: Winter Line (Aka Gustav Line, Breaking of)

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ISON, Paul E (#291)

…1945, that all ended when the Old Breed went into the lines against the teeth of the Japanese defences on the southern front. The Division smashed up against the Shuri Line, and in a series of grinding attacks under incessant artillery fire, reduced one supporting position after another. As May…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…George Medal, and their whole family’s courage and sacrifice for the wider goals of freedom, as an exemplar of the Comet Line – ‘La Ligne Comète’. (Nadine was its Secretary since 1985) – which was penetrated several times, but re-formed by others. Also not forgetting the “Pat O’Leary Line” and…

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…in breaking out from the ANZIO Beachhead proved an expensive error, since this and the CASSINO assaults had been supposed to break the GUSTAV LINE quickly – winter in turn added to the intense difficulties of the ARMOUR and INFANTRY, even with Kangaroo tactics, in taking on the GOTHIC LINE….

EVANS, David (#106)

…represented the RAF at rugby and winter sports. He was the pilot of the GB bobsleigh team for the Commonwealth Games, World Championships and the 1964 Olympic Games. On another occasion he represented Canada in the Commonwealth Winter Games and won two bronze medals. He was President of the RAF…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…Michael Kagan ‘My father – Jack Kagan (Yehuda ben Yaacov v’Devorah from the town of Navahredok) passed away on Sunday December 18th 2016 in London at 7:30am…the man who had escaped from the work camp into the forests during the coldest winter imaginable; a winter that destroyed the German 6th…


Line, near to France’s frontier with Germany. Operations in France Operations in France In October 1939, the squadron moved to Vassincourt, where it became a part of the AASF, ready for operations over the front line. This force included ten squadrons of Fairey Battle light bombers, together with the Hurricanes…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…battle honours and decorations awarded. The 4th, 8th and 10th Indian Divisions will always be associated with fighting at Cassino, the capture of Rome, the Arno Valley, the liberation of Florence, and the breaking of the Gothic Line. In the Serchio River Valley, on the Fifth Army front, German counterattack…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…a French airfield to provide support for the British Expeditionary Force. Throughout the bitter winter of the “Phoney War” there was little action, but on April 19 1940 Drake met the enemy for the first time. His formation attacked a flight of Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters and, in the ensuing…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

…in-line 110m (360ft) steel transmitter towers (there were originally four) with transmitting aerials suspended between and on the right are four 73m (240ft) wooden receiver towers placed in a square, with the heavily protected transmitter building in the middle. ‘Hearn was engaged in top secret work, vital to Britain’s war…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…a midget submarine. Copyright: © IWM ART LD 5794. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/3286 In the heat and confinement of the Xcraft, conditions were extremely unpleasant. The men kept themselves going by sipping orange juice from the refrigerator before taking Benzedrine tablets at 6am. Three hours later, Fraser sighted the line of…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…Museum, where they form part of the Ashcroft Gallery. LOCATION OF MEDAL: LORD ASHCROFT GALLERY, IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM, LONDON. BURIAL PLACE: HOLY TRINITY CHURCHYARD, SUNNINGDALE, BERKSHIRE.” VC Online An Impression of Lens, France, Seen from an Aeroplane: The Anglo-German Front Line, 1918 by Richard C Carline © Art.IWM ART 2661…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…the rank of group captain by the end of the war. Johnnie Johnson by Olive Snell (February 1943) Artist Olive Snell‘s two paintings “Comrades in Arms” of 610 Squadron pilots can be seen at Goodwood. This sheet shows Johnnie Johnson in the centre, surrounded by Polish Charlie aka Sgt Karol…

ZURAKOWSKI, Stanislaw (#169)

…surviving key message-carrying runners of six, when the Poles finally outflanked German positions after so many months of savage fighting on 17th May 1944, at the 1,693 feet Benedictine Monastery Hill strongpoint. Cassino was the western hinge-point of the defensive GUSTAV LINE. The Anzio landings in January were not relieved…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…forward, he needed to understand evolving actions on the battlefield and experienced first-hand the fierce fighting in ITALY. Here a signatory for the steady breaching of the strong GOTHIC LINE, scene of GALLANT, DIFFICULT and COSTLY FIGHTING, as well as the changing fortunes of war; he witnessed the tragic loss…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…withdraw back to Siwa and Kufra when Rommel mounted a counter-offensive and pushed the 8th Army back to the Gazala Line, 30 miles west of Tobruk. Copyright: IWM-HU16454 Lloyd Owen took command of the LRDG in the winter of 1943, when it was operating in the Aegean. The troops he…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…in 1939 to No 87 Squadron, which was exchanging Gloster Gladiator biplanes for Hurricane fighters. When war broke out, 87 Squadron was sent to France, one of only four Hurricane squadrons in the air component of the BEF. After experiencing the ennui of the “phoney war” in the winter of…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…account at Acklington in Northumberland, when he shared in the destruction of several Heinkel shipping raiders during the cold winter of 1939-40. This was followed by a short spell at Wick defending the fleet at Scapa Flow before he was commissioned as a pilot officer and posted with No 3…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…was surprised by the Japanese invasion in the winter of 1941/42. Off his own bat he dressed his staff and pupils in Australian bush hats and mounted a raid by river craft behind the Japanese lines, intended to lead them to think that the Australian army was already present in…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…ground. Miraculously, it did not catch fire – and Verity, always the complete gentleman, apologised profusely in French. Moulin responded in kind, thanking his pilot for “a very agreeable flight”. Verity had come into this line of work in the fortuitous way of so many who became involved with SOE….

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…disembarked at TARANTO and entered the front line at LANCIANO 5 days later, coming, in mid June, under 2nd POLISH CORPS and working with POLISH INFANTRY, captured several villages up to MONTE BOGO, next month advancing again, this time with the 12th PODOLSKI LANCERS and, on 26Jul44, parading for a…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…in Kent, to attend the Advanced Armament Course. At the end of the course he became superintendent of fuse design at their Armament Design Department. In the next two years he travelled to North Africa, Italy and Germany, working just behind the Allied forces’ front line, examining and reporting on…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…about his first experience in a Supermarine Spitfire in The Last Enemy. (NB ‘Killy’ Kilmartin is Signatory #35] The Spitfires stood in two lines outside ‘A’ Flight pilots’ room. The dull grey-brown of the camouflage could not conceal the clear-cut beauty, the wicked simplicity of their lines. I hooked up…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…a biplane, single bay, with staggered wings of unequal span, untapered and having rounded tips and dihedral. It has a single in-line engine, single fin and rudder and fixed undercarriage © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205448681 The flying school’s training aircraft – mostly a variety of obsolete biplanes – were assembled…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…by the RAF. The Spitfire needed a great deal of work before it was deemed safe for young RAF pilots to fly, and it did not enter squadron service until July 1938. However, developed through many marks and variants, the Spitfire remained a first-line fighter throughout the war. After transferring…

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