22 results found for: V-Weapons

Search results for: V-Weapons

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ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…with the organisation and direction of RAF bomb disposal. During this period he dealt with several hundred weapons of different kinds. His duties included dismantling and making safe new types of enemy weapons, and dealing with Allied weapons in crashed aircraft. Rowlands also attended meetings of the Unexploded Bomb Committee….

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…raids which reduced the damage done to Britain by Germany’s new airborne weapons. She was working as a photographic interpreter in the Allied Photographic Intelligence Unit, and in April 1943 had been briefed by the Air Ministry to be on the look-out for a long-range gun, remotely controlled rocket aircraft…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…a German stick grenade, which exploded and broke his jaw in two places. A Dutch school damaged by mortar fire, being searched for German snipers by Sergeant J Whawell and Sergeant J Turrell of the Glider Pilot Regiment. An empty weapons supply cannister lies open on the ground in the…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…British H- bomb. He never expressed reservations about his work on nuclear weapons, which he saw as essential to the ending of the Second World War and to cold-war stability. It was while at Aldermaston that his acquaintance with the nuclear physicist and radiation protection expert, Fred Dainton (later Lord…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…the young graduate was working underground in occupied Paris. How did it happen that a young girl fresh from university would come to outwit the German military, collecting information on a secret weapons project to save countless civilian lives? Firstly, thanks to her perfect command of both German and English….

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…party to recce then join Joachim Rønneberg DSO’s daring Vemork Heavy Water Raid, delaying German atomic weapons. ‘Colonel Jens Anton Poulsson was commander of the external and early inserted advanced party which would reconnaissance ahead of and be Joachim Ronneberg’s internal Demolition party for the Vemork Heavy Water Raid, considered…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…California, and attended the Naval Post-Graduate School at Monterey, California. Promoted to commander, Vraciu led his own fighter squadron, VF-51, for twenty-two months, from 1956 to 1958, and won the individual gunnery championship at the U.S. Navy’s Air Weapons Meet at El Centro, California, in 1957. Vraciu officially retired from…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…varied career, which spanned many aircraft types – after North West Frontier service pre-war and later in BLENHEIMS in the Desert War his book, “The War That Never Was”, records the rapid improvisation and fighting initiative which turned unarmed trainers into weapons of war, raising the SIEGE of No.4 FLYING…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…Lancasters were lost, nearly 12 per cent of the force. Rowland attacked more flying bomb sites and the huge secret weapons facility at Wizernes before the campaign against Germany was resumed. After completing his 50th operation – to Calais, the scene of his first war sortie – Rowland was rested….


…the detachment, three nuclear weapons were detonated, with the Shackletons flying at a safe distance to provide air-sea rescue if needed. Six months later Elkington was back in Britain training as an instructor at the Central Flying School, Little Rissington in Gloucestershire. It would be the beginning of a long…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

weapons range for the next 30 years before retiring in Australia. He made regular trips home to visit the missile testing range at Aberporth, to see his family and to attend service reunions. He was a vice-president of the Hawker Hurricane Society. Dalton-Morgan was recognised as one of the RAF’s…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…until the summer of 1944; this was when Hitler launched his so-called “revenge weapons” against London and the South of England. Chasing pilotless V-1s – or “chuff bombs”, as Crew liked to call them – was by no means tame target practice. On June 25 he was on the tail…

Tea and biscuits

…tea and sugar and two dummy biscuits, one with PALMERS stamped on it.   Specialised jungle equipment as carried by British forces during the Malayan Emergency: The weapons are a Lee Enfield Rifle No.5 Mk.I, Owen sub-machine gun and an M1 Carbine. Amongst the other equipment is a parang, first…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…cloud; reaction to explosion of bomb; justification for bomber offensive against Germany; attitude to use of nuclear weapons; attitude to warfare; question of deterrence; opinion of Japanese lack of knowledge of their role during Second World War; prior recollection of outcome of Bomber Command raid on Mailly-le-Camp, France, 3/5/1944-4/5/1944.  …

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

“Captain Dickie Annand, who died on Christmas Eve aged 90, won the Army’s first Victoria Cross of the Second World War when serving with the 2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, in Belgium in May 1940. Dickie Annand VC On May 15, 2 DLI was in a defensive position on…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…landing, Adrian flung open the window at the back of the house. They were four storeys up. The nearest roof was six foot away, across a chasm. Adrian edged out on to the sill and jumped. Bolter recalled: “It was a wonderful leap, weighted down as he was by weapons….

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…after a distinguished weapons pass at SMALL ARMS SCHOOL, he was made a SGT and sailed on his 30th birthday, 14 Aug 1943, on the “Monarch of Bermuda”, after much training only with MATILDAS and VALENTINES 1940-42; arriving at TARANTO, they joined up with some from 2nd Bn KRRC and…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

weapons.14 Although in the hills around Shuri the enemy had superb observation of the Hagushi beaches and of the great American armada that stood off shore, he had been content for the time being to leave the burden of opposition to the Japanese air force. Some delaying actions were fought…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…to the Central Fighter Establishment as wing commander weapons, but he seized the opportunity to learn to fly jets. After two years he went to the Joint Services Staff College. From the spring of 1954, as wing commander flying at RAF Wahn, he was responsible for three Gloster Meteor jet…

Alan Pollock

…rooms; food rations; drill; ground defence and weapons training; air familiarisation flight in Anson; lectures; sporting activities and adventure sports; use of ‘signals square’ on approaching airfields; practical engineering workshops; organisation of cadets; swimming and dinghy drill; PT; relationship between cadet intakes. REEL 4 Continues: relationship with cadets and instructors;…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…all Casualties 19AUG42 #164 Jens-Anton POULSSON Colonel Jens-Anton POULSSON Norwegian War Cross with Sword, DSO, St Olav’s Medal, Légion d’Honneur, Croix de Guerre, US Medal of Freedom Norwegian military and then resistance. OC advance party to recce then join Joachim RONNEBERG’s daring Vemork HEAVY WATER. Raid, delaying German atomic weapons


…She passed away last week, at age 98. Rousseau stole key secrets from the Nazis, including details of weapons like the V1 and V2 rockets. Her operations are still considered a “masterpiece of intelligence work.” At a CIA awards ceremony in 1993, the agency’s then director, James Woolsey, said the…

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