20 results found for: Tobruk (Siege of)

Search results for: Tobruk (Siege of)

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MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…victory of the Allied forces during the Second Siege of Malta from 1940-1943. Mr McLennan has returned to Malta twice since 1942 – once to show the island to his wife and another time when Queen Elizabeth and then President Ċensu Tabone inaugurated the Siege Bell Memorial – a ceremony…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…Commanded by Constable Dafydd ap Ieuan, the garrison withstood the longest known siege in the history of the British Isles. (“Through Seven Years” is an alternative name for the song.) The song has also been associated with the earlier, briefer siege of Harlech Castle about 1408, which pitted the forces…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…7th QUEEN’s QWN HUSSARS in 1933 at 16, from County KILKENNY, serving in EGYPT from 1935 to promotion to SGT in 1939; a distinguished “C” SQUADRON TROOP LEADER in the CAMPAIGNS of WESTERN DESERT. His DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL was awarded for conspicuous gallantry in action near TOBRUK on 22Jan41: “As…

RUMBOLD, Kenneth (#188)

…ENGINES for ROYAL AIR FORCE GROUNDCREW here emphasises all the “RATS of TOBRUK”, many from Australia (where in the early 1990s nearly 5,000 were still members), who endured the 200 DAY SIEGE before striking out and joining up with NEW ZEALANDERS of EIGHTH ARMY at El Duda & El Adem…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…obsolete training aircraft to bombers; defying orders, Dudgeon equipped his own with a crude bomb release system, which he flight-tested. Early in May the Iraqi army laid siege to the airfield, and demanded its surrender. The flying school went to war, but by the end of the first day a…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…Range Desert Group from 1943 to 1945. In the course of the war he won both the DSO and the MC, the latter awarded for his part in the joint raid on Tobruk by the LRDG and the SAS in September 1942. “Danger,” he wrote, “has some kind of satanic…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…arrived in the Western Desert in time to help support the Army’s operations to relieve Tobruk and capture Banghazi. A few weeks later he was promoted to command one of Sir Arthur Coningham’s new fighter wings; the other was in the hands of “Bing” Cross and they made a good…

PAVLOV, Mikhail (#120)

…please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. From Tver in KALININ; SOVIET ARMY MEDICAL CORPS, wounded twice, SIEGE of LENINGRAD ~FIELD SURGEONS, ~[ULTRA use] & 12 Jul 1943 Battle of Kursk…

LANGDON-DAVIES, Robin (#266)

…Sqn Beaufighters but predominantly for 94 Sqn, 123 Sqn and then 6 Squadron Hurricanes from Tobruk on into TUNISIA and the early development of the 3″ ROCKET PROJECTILES (“largely brought across to the Desert Air Force with techniques taught by wet beer on a bar top by the “scruffiest officer…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…the relief of the siege, Holder was posted home where, in November 1941, he received command of No 218, a Wellington bomber squadron shortly to be re-equipped with four-engine Stirling heavy bombers at Marham in Norfolk. His first sorties were against the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, sheltering in the heavily…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…was at this time that he was awarded his first Military Cross. The citation read: For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on many occasions. He has carried out many valuable reconnaissances under very adverse conditions. He has shot down two hostile machines.” SIEGE OF KUT-EL-AMARA SEEN FROM THE AIR,…

PALLOT, Peter (#304)

…before Christmas, 1945 after that period of two and a half years mostly afloat. Once much earlier his vessel had to be towed into Malta and there saw the tail end of the siege, before seeing Rodney and Nelson on their way to support landings. He would be involved in…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…bombing effects & V-1 & V-2 casualties #188 Kenneth RUMBOLD Corporal Kenneth RUMBOLD RAF A/C FITTER ENGINES, in big RFC/WW2 RAF family, on.73 SQN in BATTLE of FRANCE, evacuated at St Nazaire ~missed 30 friends in 3,000 lost on bombed SS LANCASTRIA Representing the 200 DAY SIEGE ‘RATS of TOBRUK’…

PANTER, Frank H T (#216)

…scuttled to avoid being sunk (17 Dec3 199). 11 Aug 1940 -4 Oct 1942, Frank was appointed to HMS GLENGYLE, the FIRST real British COMMANDO ASSAULT SHIP (later also wereGlen Roy 4 Glenearn) Apr41 landing No.7 CDO at BARDIA & SIDI BARRANI, then GRAZIANI, TOBRUK & many other desolate night…


…the big retreat, stabilising at LC237, with 38 sorties mostly before ALAMEIN (first 18 all strategic inc.3 Benghazis 8,12 & 16 May 1942 then 19th to 38 all tactical except 37th, 6hr 10min sortie, 9 Sep 1942 against Tobruk); tourex to UK 24 Oct 1942 & back on WELLINGTON OTU;…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…Mark I (V7780 Alma Baker Malaya) at LG 1Gerawala, Libya, during the defence of Tobruk. (1941) (IWM) Alan Pollock recalls that: “George was a very typical example of the very modest ground crew who got on with things on the ground to put the aircraft in the air. I think…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…odds, an AMBULANCE TRAIN, for which exploits, initiative and his care for the wounded, he was awarded MBE) from 1941 to 1943 largely with No.7 MAC, then A/Major at 16 MAC & 2CCS into TOBRUK then retreat, then back westwards again from EL ALAMEIN to SICILY with 200 FIELD AMBULANCE…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…Six months later he joined the Groupe Alsace flying Hurricanes on convoy patrols and fighter cover over Tobruk, when he probably shot down an enemy bomber. In May 1942 he volunteered for service in Russia with the Normandie Squadron, but before joining he was shot down and wounded. He returned…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…MONMOUTHSHIRE & SOUTH WALES BORDERERS Regt WELSH DIV #236 Patrick CLEERE Major Patrick ‘Paddy’ CLEERE MBE DCM 22Jan41 TOBRUK (2nd DCM papers lost), from EIRE Co Kilkenny 1933 @16, 7th Q’s OWN HUSSARS, SGT1939; survived very many TANK BATTLES W.DESERT, ITALY (bro. lost), & BURMA #220 JM COOPER Lieutenant Colonel…

Naval & Naval Air

…BEACH, WALCHEREN & beyond. In memory of RAF Sgt Pilot brother, REX, killed. #269 Morgan MORGAN-GILES Rear Admiral Sir Morgan MORGAN-GILES DSO OBE GM RN, 4 MiDs ARETHUSA evacuation, NORWAY attack French fleet MERS-el-KEBIR, Suez MINE disposal, TOBRUK siege, Cdr i/c RN Vis Adriatic YUGO partisans #278 Sam MORLEY Sam…

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