8 results found for: St. Nazaire

Search results for: St. Nazaire

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BURN, Michael C (#86)

…biggest German battleship, Tirpitz – was characterised by Burn’s commanding officer as “the sauciest job since Drake”. St Nazaire: HMS Campbelltown resting on the wall it would soon destroy The mission – to deny its use to the biggest German battleship, Tirpitz – was characterised by Burn’s commanding officer as…

ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

…by U-584. In the final month of the war Atkinson’s Tintagel Castle secured an undisputed kill. A depth charge attack with the destroyer Vanquisher sank U-878 in the Bay of Biscay west of St Nazaire. Demobilised a lieutenant-commander, Atkinson went into shipbuilding and in 1957 became managing director of William…

RUMBOLD, Kenneth (#188)

…between 27 Nov and 9 Dec 1941. As an engine mechanic, earlier he had been posted to No.73 SQUADRON in the BATTLE of FRANCE and. eventually was evacuated from St Nazaire, fortunate not to join 30 of HIS FRIENDS lost among the three.thousand dead from the 5,800 embarked on the…


…for France was lost, and as the Dutch surrendered. Most of the RAF units in France were with the Air Component, which was directly supporting the BEF, and these now began withdrawing towards the Channel coast. The situation for the AASF’s fighter squadrons, based further to the south, was different,…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…& US towns and villages -4×4 inch, 2 x 0.5 inch and ‘2 x 21 inch tripled torpedo tubes but armament had to be changed – CAMPBELTOWN of ST NAZAIRE RAID was of this type) , the 1,060 ton HMS NEWPORT, one of the 50 US destroyers). Naval Party 645…


…Observation Post on Mount Pincon by Anthony Gross 1944: The Gunners are directing fire on to an enemy strong point in the village of St Pierre, 10th August 1944 © Art.IWM ART LD 4484 Air and sea legends include the Nightfighter ace “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham; Billy Drake; Bob Stanford-Tuck; the…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…John A.L. HAMILTON MA for 81st WEST AFRICAN DIV & i/c GAMBIA & GOLD COAST Reg’ts, also NIGERIA, tonSIERRA LEONE ‘Forgotten Formations’ KALADAN 2nd CHINDlT Op. THURSDAY BURMA. Author War Bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma 1943-1945. He feels the African contribution to the war is not sufficiently appreciated…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…AE MALTA GC Assn, COASTAL COMMAND, author books on RECCE Wing Commander ADRIAN WARBURTON DSO* DFC** + Terry BULLOCH [73] + Sir Ivor BROOM [74] #193 Steve STEVENS Lieutenant ‘Steve’ STEVENS DFC SAAF SOUTH AFRICA flying INSTRUCTOR who then flew BEAUFIGHTERS in 19 SQN SAAF under DON TILLEY in ANTI-SHIPPING…

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