9 results found for: Search

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BUTLER, Ian B (#60)

…will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. On 221, 38 & 252 Sqns, 247 Wg & 790TU. Representing BLENHEIM, WELLINGTON, BEAUFIGHTER ANTI-SHIPPING search/strike OPERATIONS in MEDITERRANEAN…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…fire, and his target limped into an Italian port. On July 3 this same convoy made another attempt to re-supply Rommel’s army. Gibbs took off at the head of 12 Beauforts to intercept it but returned after a fruitless six-hour search. The following day he led eight of the tired…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…and “some sort of tube out of which a rocket could be squirted”. Peenemünde was the site of a German research station on the Baltic. Allied photographic reconnaissance from the air had indicated unusual activities there, possibly the construction of earthworks for testing rockets. In June 1943, one of Constance…

CLAUSEN, Finn (#163)

…how it was read in Sunnmørsposten on Wednesday 30 March, in the war year 1943. It was the German occupiers who were behind the search. The week before, the wanted men, or rather: the young men, had been on board a small rowing boat for four days, on the run…


…first hydrogen bomb. It was the responsibility of 240 Squadron to search and police the extensive ocean area where shipping was banned during the tests. On the day of the first test, the Shackletons ensured the area was clear before a Valiant dropped an H-bomb over nearby Malden Island. During…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…Bristol Blenheim, which had to search hopelessly for night raiders, Cunningham and his fellow pilots had little more to help them than training, eyesight and instinct. “We didn’t look on the so-called fighter version of the Blenheim as a very attractive aircraft,” he recalled. “As we went off to war…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…too, when he landed and managed to hobble away from the torches and guns of a German search party; luckier still when he saw a peasant on a bicycle, stepped out into the road and in schoolboy French said he was an English flyer. The man’s face broke into a…

Civilians and War Production

…invented chaff, worked on proximity fuse and ATOMIC BOMB. Married 1940 [No. 182: Sir Samuel Curran, q.v.]. Many talented WOMEN att TELECOMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT MALVERN, AIRBORNE RADAR + ‘WINDOW’ COUNTERMEASURES – admired POLAND’s contribution. #182 Samuel CURRAN Sir Samuel CURRAN FRS FRSE DSc MA BSc PhD Worked in the war…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…the NIGHT-FIGHTER WAR #60 Ian B BUTLER Group Captain Ian B BUTLER DFC AFC on 221, 38 & 252 Sqns, 247 Wg & 790TU Representing BLENHEIM, WELLINGTON, BEAUFIGHTER ANTI-SHIPPING search/strike OPERATIONS in MEDITERRANEAN #27 Frank R CAREY Group Captain Frank R ‘Chota’ CAREY CBE DFC** AFC DFM (28+ e/a) 43,…

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