7 results found for: Saipan

Search results for: Saipan

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COX, John W (#298)

…Commander for the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS Bombing RAIDS on TOKYO and Japan from TINIAN and his fellow crew members Chester Marshall, pilot, Jim O’Donnel, navigator, Herbert Feldman, bombardier, and John Huckins, flight engineer, who in turn pay great tribute to the US Marines and their epic struggle to take Saipan and…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…sailed to join Carrier Support Group 2, which was staging in the Marshalls to support the invasion of the Marianas. The Gambier Bay supported the landings at Saipan in June, and then Guam in August and at Southern Palaus in September before joining the Escort Carrier Task Unit off Leyte…

BAGLEY, David C (#280)

…where the Lagoon served as the forward anchorage and most formidable Japanese Pacific stronghold until the attack on 17th February, 1944 led to such losses that Truk became isolated, as the onward stepping stones of Guam, Saipan, Palau and Iwo Jima were taken to allow the bombing of Japan itself….

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…two of the carriers he served on were torpedoed (but not sank) by the Japanese. Perhaps Vraciu’s most notable achievement in the war came on the morning of June 19, 1944, while part of a carrier task force protecting American forces landing on Saipan in the Mariana Islands. Facing an…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…down the enemy’s reserves in that area. This diversion simulated an actual assault in every respect. The first part of the demonstration group left Saipan on 25 March, and the main body arrived at Okinawa early in the morning of L Day. The Japanese attacked the force with their suicide…

Naval & Naval Air

…Cdr FRIGATES Representing RN RESERVE & CONVOY PROTECTION #280 David C BAGLEY Cdr David C BAGLEY DFC USNR Took park in key RAIDS on RABAUL JAP NEW GUINEA base near JAPANESE NAVY’s TRUK until 17Feb44, on to Guam, Saipan, Palau, Iwo Jima to bomb Japan. Representing PACIFIC US NAVAL WAR…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…‘Johnny’ D FROST on BRUNEVAL RAID (Operation Biting), the PARAS’ first Battle Honour, to dismantle & retrieve this German radar. Representing GROUND RADAR #298 John W COX Captain John W COX USAAF B-29 SUPERFORTRESS Airplane Cdr for US MARINES taking TINIAN & SAIPAN + TOKYO B-29 RAIDS, crew Plt C…

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