16 results found for: Russia

Search results for: Russia

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…fellow pilots took off from Argus and landed at Vaenga. Additional Hurricanes were shipped in crates and assembled on arrival in Russia. The primary role of the Hurricane pilots was to escort Soviet bombers on raids over Finnmark in north-eastern Norway and also to defend the Russian airfields. On October…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…MC* RAMC for the Royal Army Medical Corps, who lost 2,463 killed out of 12,000 officers & 83,000 other ranks; a most experienced front line doctor, he joined abroad without uniform, records or training, after disillusioned work in the international VOLUNTEER FORCE for FINLAND, this leading him via RUSSIA, TURKEY…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…aggressive leadership led to the Group’s achieving its 500th “kill”. On June 21 he led his fighters (known to the bomber crews they escorted as their “little friends”) on the first “shuttle” bombing mission to Russia by Eighth Air Force Flying Fortresses, a flight of 1,470 miles. Blakeslee and his…

ROEFLER, Irmina (#177)

…BOR-KOMOROWSKI’s AK survivors would face doubtful futures in German concentration camps. This became the longest POLISH STRUGGLE of WW2, ending in a bitter catastrophe, apart from upholding POLAND’s honour & fighting prestige – excepting the Holocaust and the German subjugation of much of European Russia, WARSAW was the most brutal…

BETHGE, Dietrich (#290)

…left, Mother Elizabeth of Russia, Martin Luther King, Oscar Romero and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer is commemorated as a theologian and martyr by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Church of England and the Church in Wales. His life as a pastor and theologian of great intellect and spirituality, who…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…from malnutrition in Nanking’s military prison, with three killed baling out and five interned in Russia. Captain Royden Stork returned to civilian life after the war in October 1945 and became a make-up specialist for 36 years in Hollywood film studios. Lt Gen James H Doolittle died in 1993 at…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…Six months later he joined the Groupe Alsace flying Hurricanes on convoy patrols and fighter cover over Tobruk, when he probably shot down an enemy bomber. In May 1942 he volunteered for service in Russia with the Normandie Squadron, but before joining he was shot down and wounded. He returned…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…commanded the royal guard for four years in the 1960s, was second-in-command of the brigade stationed on the border with Russia at the height of the cold war, and commanded an infantry regiment as a colonel until his retirement in 1982. His wife, Bergljot, and their two daughters survive him….

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…work on the Atlantic convoy routes, Vindex was part of the covering force for the Normandy invasion in June 1944. In August the ship was part of the escort for a convoy to Russia and its return in September. By the time Gick left the ship in October, his aircraft…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…DFCs. The spectre of the Tirpitz emerging into the Atlantic to cause havoc amongst convoys carrying vital supplies and troops, particularly the crucial convoys to Russia, dominated naval strategy in the European theatre. During 1942 RAF and Fleet Air Arm bombers had made several attempts to destroy the battleship in…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…for the development and sale of their fast day cruisers, appearing in the Bond film “From Russia with Love” driving a Fairey Marine Speedboat and also in the film “Sink the Bismarck” where he flew a Fairey Swordfish. “Faster than the Sun” was Peter Twiss’s autobiography published by Grub Street….


…but was happy to return to the Comet fleet, of which he was appointed Flight Manager, when BOAC brought back the redesigned version, the Comet 4, in 1958. In February 1959 he took the then Prime Minister, Sir Harold Macmillan on a state visit to Russia for meetings with Nikita…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…MITCHELL BOMBERS for RUSSIA, once being re-routed to ALEXANDRIA and also once diverted first down to TRINIDAD; he witnessed the U-boat carnage on the US EAST COAST & had seen some bad decisions made at times, affecting the number of lives lost – he was TORPEDOED (to Caribbean with “St…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…PATTLE DFC* 80 & OC33Sqn, top Commonwealth fighter pilot, KIA 20 Apr 1941 #16 JFD ELKINGTON Wing Commander JFD ‘Tim’ ELKINGTON RAFC Cranwell 1939-40, No.1(F) Sqn in Battles of France & Britain, went with 1941 No.151 Wing Hurricanes to VAENGA RUSSIA and on catapult Hurricane Atlantic CAM ships #215 Lucian…

Battle of Britain

…Wing Commander JFD ‘Tim’ ELKINGTON RAFC Cranwell 1939-40, No.1(F) Sqn in Battles of France & Britain, went with 1941 No.151 Wing Hurricanes to VAENGA RUSSIA and on catapult Hurricane Atlantic CAM ships #54 Edward FENNESSY Group Captain Sir Edward FENNESSY CBE BSc FIEE FRIN Representing the vital operation and repair…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…could only start when an invasion meant it was already almost too late, particularly without strong local air power) 10:1 Luftwaffe: RAF highlighted the Germans’ AIR SUPERIORITY; however the value of the critical two months’ delay to BARBAROSSA was highly significant and greatly assisted “General Winter” to SAVE RUSSIA. The…

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