22 results found for: Rhine (Crossings)

Search results for: Rhine (Crossings)

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GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…month later. The aircraft is piloted by William “Bill” Humble, who normally did not wear a helmet. On March 29 1945, while covering the Rhine crossings, he was shot down by anti-aircraft fire and was wounded in the shoulder during a forced landing. When he had recovered, he served briefly…

CLAUSEN, Finn (#163)

…Submarine Chasers. Representing the epic Norwegian Shetland Bus Service and signed in memory of Leif A LARSEN DSO DSC,CGM DSM* (52 crossings). ‘“Kr. 5000, – in reward is promised to anyone who can provide information that leads to the arrest of 7 men in a white painted lifeboat.” This is…

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…tanks & factories, plus important, explosives ingredients. With ROYAL ENGINEER experience in the MIDDLE and FAR EAST, his signature recalls here the vital BRIDGE BUILDING and ASSAULT ENGINEERS, in providing BAILEY & PONTOON BRIDGES & surmounting the big RIVER CROSSINGS, SEINE & RHINE, often working under fire to tight deadlines,…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…of GERMANS, AMERICANS, CANADIANS anglophone & francophone (particularly 25th CANADIAN TANK BRIGADE, INDIANS and GURKHAS, POLES. His memories were of many Italian Campaign RIVER CROSSINGS and the bridging work CASUALTIES among our ROYAL ENGINEERS, often lost in mine incidents, many at RIMINI. An interesting comment was his suspicion from the…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…of officers. REEL 2 Continues: situation in Netherlands and plan for airborne assault on Rhine; results of assault; problems with 2nd Army and uses of Special Air Service; activities of French Special Air Service troops; deception tactics employed; advance through Netherlands; discussions on future of Special Air Service including own…

MACKINTOSH, Robert (#203)

…to SICILY INVASION &, with the much better 6 POUNDERS, from PACHINO onwards; returned UK Oct43 to train for the NORMANDY INVASION D+1 with 152 BDE, ST HONORÉ, BOCAGE, BELGIUM & 23Dec to nr BASTOGNE in 2-3ft snow for the BATTLE of BULGE, later on the RHINE CROSSING where his…

COOPER, JM (#220)

…to reinforce & train the MAQUIS & assist SABOTAGE at MORVAN nr CHINON, later DIJON, Sep44 crossed lines to fly back by USAAF Liberator. In RHINE CROSSING at.WESEL on 25Mar45 with 1 &,2 SAS & 8 Para; tasked from Celle to enter horrific BELSEN & prepare tor ARMY & RED…

ALDRIDGE, James (#200)

…on SWORD BEACH, his platoon taking ST HONORÉ. He saw RAF TYPHOONS wiping out German tanks at FALAISE, with SEAFORTHs going forward on KANGAROO TANKS here; James won his MM at the RHINE CROSSING at REES with the 2nd Bn SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS, finally at VE-DAY reaching BREMERVORDE; his grandfather was…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…Bar to his DSO. Tait assumed command of No 617 in July. The squadron specialised in low-level target marking and precision attacks. Shortly before the final raid on the Tirpitz, he led six Lancasters on a daylight attack on the Kembs Dam on the Rhine, just north of Switzerland. As…


…Wing consisting of 181,182, 247 and 137 Squadrons, his DSO reflected his leadership on “tank busting” operations including the FALAISE pocket and invaluable close air support right up to the RHINE CROSSING.. Near Wesel he was shot down by flak but force-landed on an island, where he was captured but…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…men while a battle with mortar and artillery fire went on around them. After nightfall, his division began to withdraw across the Rhine. The wounded were left behind and became prisoners of war. Dauncey had two operations on his eye in a Dutch hospital in Utrecht. After he was transferred…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…as the Germans, regarded him as pro-communist. Meanwhile he was given the job of transcribing news gleaned from a secret wireless set, which included reports of the D-Day landings, the crossing of the Rhine, and approach of the Americans. He also wrote a novel, Yes, Farewell, and studied for (and…

SMITH, David E (#202)

…hand and neck; CASEVAC out by DAKOTA from RANVILLE back to RAF Hospital WROUGHTON; rejoined CDO for patrols alongside AMERICANS (98th) early Jan45 to counter the ARDENNES OFFENSIVE, by then a DEMOLLTIONS SGT; on via the RHINE CROSSING at WESEL, once almost out of ammunition, had to carry out a…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…Corps, he crossed the Rhine from 43 (Wessex) positions on Sunday 24Sep44, frustrated, as some POLISH FORCES too, that he was unable to have crossed the previous day; once over, he went forward alone to parley with the Germans, under a Red Cross flag, but unsuccessfully to obtain safe passage…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…GSO2 AOP in HQRA 21 Army Group, though he retained his own Auster allowing him to follow the advance across Europe, including observing the Rhine Crossing, “at 4,500 feet, without interference from German fighters” Neilson flew 55 operational sorties over north-west Europe in his Auster and was awarded the DFC,…

TOUGH, John (#204)

…born Uncle John QSM in lst Bn wounded Mar16 & MSM, Uncle James Sgt 6th Bn KIA at FESTUBERT 4 Jun 1918 aged 21, Uncle Albert Pte shell-shocked, Uncle John WILSON served in Egypt KIA 1Decl7): front line in Aug44 for the BATTLES of HOLLAND, REICHSWALD, RHINE CROSSING & GERMANY….

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…trips via the trans Africa and South America route to the American Capital. After MULBERRY and his work with the PORT CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR GROUPS-in FRANCE, BELGIUM and GERMANY, at the war’s end, he became British Member for the Central Rhine Commission, interestingly dating right back to the 1815 Treaty…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…and then MONTPINCON, the later relief of the AIRBORNE FORCES at ARNHEM and after the Anglo-American GEILENKIRCHEN Offensive, the ROER SALIENT, GOCH. XANTEN, the RHINE BRIDGEHEAD at REES, liberation of Eastern Holland and the drive east via CLOPPENBURG into BREMEN. The 43rd DIVISION also had 60 Officers seconded from the…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…SICILY, SALERNO, D+1 SWORD BEACH, MM for RHINE CROSSING #44 Richard W ANNAND Captain Richard W ‘Dickie’ ANNAND VC ERD DL Recipient of the Victoria Cross. ‘Wheelbarrow VC’ won before DUNKIRK (13-16 May 1940) for DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY, his FATHER was killed with ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION, GALLIPOLI #148 Robert H…

Naval & Naval Air

…the Breeze’, younger brother: Vice-Admiral Sir Peter) BIRMINGHAM, JUPITER, MIDDLETON; SIGNALS, PACIFIC: at JAPANESE SURRENDER on MISSOURI #214 Robert ATKINSON Sir Robert ATKINSON DSC** RD (in lieu of 4th DSC) (2 brothers lost) Ex-merchant mariner in over 100+ WW2 ATLANTIC CROSSINGS. ‘Flower’ CORVETTES (he 4) (!), 3 U-BOAT KILLS +…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…GIBSON DSO DFC* (e/a 12) RAF & RNZAF (destroyed c.14, damaged l2 e/a) for NEW ZEALAND in BATTLES of FRANCE & BRITAIN, 501SQN, No.53 OTU, in PACIFIC, RHINE CROSSING at REES, 5th time shot down, BURMA,VIP pilot #25 Denys GILLAM Group Captain Denys GILLAM DSO** DFC* AFC (8 e/a) RAF…

Battle of Britain

…,CDR OP TRG in South Africa #197 John AA GIBSON Squadron Leader John AA ‘Johnny’ GIBSON DSO DFC* (e/a 12) RAF & RNZAF (destroyed c.14, damaged l2 e/a) for NEW ZEALAND in BATTLES of FRANCE & BRITAIN, 501SQN, No.53 OTU, in PACIFIC, RHINE CROSSING at REES, 5th time shot down,…

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