106 results found for: Piats Projector (Infantry, Anti-Tank Weapons)

Search results for: Piats Projector (Infantry, Anti-Tank Weapons)

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ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

“Captain Dickie Annand, who died on Christmas Eve aged 90, won the Army’s first Victoria Cross of the Second World War when serving with the 2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, in Belgium in May 1940. Dickie Annand VC On May 15, 2 DLI was in a defensive position on…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…along the rough trails. Before evening the 381st Infantry had pushed through Shimabuku but had been stopped by enemy opposition in and around Momobaru. After a sharp fight the 383d Infantry took a hill just south of Momobaru, and with the help of an air strike, artillery, and tanks it…

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…was eventually traced through the chain of evacuation, and travelled to Delhi to be awarded his Victoria Cross by His Excellency the Viceroy, Field Marshal Lord Wavell, in the presence of Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, General Slim, and several of his Bhutanese family. Introduced in 1943, the Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank,…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…troop sergeant … advanced under heavy fire towards the wire at Tobruk. He showed great courage, coolness and initiative when his troop leader’s tank was blown up on a mine — he got out under heavy and point blank anti-tank, rifle and small arms fire and helped his troop leader…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…with the organisation and direction of RAF bomb disposal. During this period he dealt with several hundred weapons of different kinds. His duties included dismantling and making safe new types of enemy weapons, and dealing with Allied weapons in crashed aircraft. Rowlands also attended meetings of the Unexploded Bomb Committee….

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…GOTHIC CAMPAIGN favoured the DEFENDERS, swallowing up masses of INFANTRY, with ALLIED ARMOUR’S reduced potential to help their hard pressed INFANTRY. Less than 5ft 2in, BERT, quickly christened “Titch” STRONG by his Army friends, lived up to his name in stamina and spirit, always prepared to go forward, often with…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…of the Welch, Lieutenant Watkins found himself the only officer left, and put himself at the head of his men. Although subjected to short-range German fire, he charged two enemy posts in turn, killing or wounding the occupants with his Sten gun. On reaching his objective he found an anti-tank

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…entered the front line in time for the CROSSING of the River SANGRO. The 2nd Bn were then being sent home for NW EUROPE, so at the Infantry Reinforcement Depot, he found himself drafted into 9th KOYLI, with the BUFFS & SHERWOOD FORESTERS as part of the 18th INFANTRY BRIGADE,…

van ERP, Johannes ‘Jan’ (#159)

“the Dutch Resistance spirit, a Helmond ‘boy with the bicycle’ who helped guard and guide exhausted Bren Gun Anti-Tank Carrier Crew”   “Born in 1927, the 15 year old “Boy with the bicycle” from Helmond, who voluntarily and persistently carried out an unsaid guard duty for an exhausted Bren Gun…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…the lunatic asylum, who came out wearing nightshirts and shouting: “Hello Tommy!” ‘Parachutes open overhead as waves of paratroops land in Holland during operations by the 1st Allied Airborne Army. September 1944 On arrival at Oosterbeek, they came under fire from enemy 88 mm anti-tank guns. Dauncey led a fighting…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…Expeditionary Force (2NZEF) during the Second World War (1939-45). A frontline infantry unit made up entirely of volunteers, the Battalion usually contained 700-750 men, divided into five companies. The NZ Division The NZ Division was made up of 15,000-20,000 men, divided into three infantry brigades (the 4th, 5th and 6th…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…daily commute in a chauffeur- driven, open-roofed Mercedes to his Prague Castle headquarters. As his car slowed on a bend Jozef tried to fire a sub-machine gun but it jammed. Then, as he stood up to fire his pistol, Jan threw an anti-tank grenade but it failed to kill Heydrich….

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…continued to engage the enemy, shooting down several more. His right wing was damaged by American anti-aircraft guns, but he continued. Having shot down seven Vals, he engaged an eighth. The Val’s gunner fired his two 7.7 mm machine guns in defense. By this time, Swett was running out of…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…airfield before the American invasion to retake the Philippines. Heavy anti-aircraft fire hit his Hellcat, puncturing his oil tank. “I knew I had it,” he remembered. “Oil was gushing out and going all over my canopy, and my oil pressure was rapidly dropping. There was no way I’d be able…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…The attack was made at low level in the face of very heavy anti-aircraft defences and balloons. Over the target itself, a light anti-aircraft shell burst in the cockpit, wounding the Pilot. Flying Officer Sismore coolly rendered First Aid, and helped the Pilot to maintain control of the aircraft. He…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…US rations; work in Corsica, 12/1943-2/1944. Aspects of operations as bomb disposal officer with Royal Navy Party 1500 in Normandy, 6/1944-7/1944: arrival, 7/6/1944; accommodation; role of unit at Arromanches; initiation to handling anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Aspects of operations as bomb disposal officer with Naval Party 1501 in Antwerp and…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…of the Second World War. HM Submarine X24 approaching an anti-submarine net by J. Brooks (1945). Underwater scene showing a midget submarine and an anti-submarine net. A diver is cutting through the net, standing by the open bow hatch. © IWM Art.IWM ART LD 5507 Takao had previously been damaged…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…on Malta with a detachment from No 39, where he combined his force with the resident, but depleted, squadron. Within days, he led the combined squadron to attack an important convoy of oil tankers heading along the Greek coast towards Libya. Gibbs released his torpedo, despite being hit by anti-aircraft…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…had collided 150 miles away off the Arabian coast. Gick sped to the scene, where Bulwark’s helicopters rescued a number of crewmen from one of the tankers; the second tanker – the 56,000-ton Melika – was ablaze, and Gick resolved to take her in tow. This was a difficult and…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…raids which reduced the damage done to Britain by Germany’s new airborne weapons. She was working as a photographic interpreter in the Allied Photographic Intelligence Unit, and in April 1943 had been briefed by the Air Ministry to be on the look-out for a long-range gun, remotely controlled rocket aircraft…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…greatly enhanced the effectiveness of British anti-aircraft defences. Sam Curran (right) with Bruno Touschek. (Credit: The Touschek Family) Subsequently, be worked on developing short-wave (centimentric) radar, which was crucial to night-fighter interception of bombers and to location by aircraft of German submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic. In 1944….

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…and they were mostly involved in tactical co-operation with artillery and the few tank formations. He soon settled into the unit’s work, and gained wide experience in low-level co-operation with the infantry and gunners. In March 1918, he regularly was crewed with Lieutenant John Haslam, an ex-Cambridge student, and the…


…one pilot killed. On 10 May 1940, the great German offensive in the west (which rapidly became known as the blitzkrieg, or ‘lightning war’) began. Wehrmacht airborne troops landed in Holland and Belgium, as German tank columns and infantry crossed the frontiers into these neutral countries. At once elements of…

GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…mobile ANTI TANK BATTERY (with scavenged old naval guns, to illustrate the denuding of gunpower. after DUNKIRK) in Lincolnshire for the NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS, then for lst GUARDS BRIGADE, later on, being switched to the RLYMOUTH-REACH Bn, as Infantry with the ROYAL MARINES after the INVASION EMERGENCY receded, he joined the…

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