9 results found for: Okinawa

Search results for: Okinawa

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ISON, Paul E (#291)

…Actn Rpt Okinawa, II-2; Comdr Transport Sq 14, Actn Rpt Okinawa, II-5. 2 Capt Donald Mulford and 1st Lt Jesse Rogers (96th Div Historians), 96th Div Actn, on Okinawa (cited hereafter as Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div Hist), introduction, p. 6 (available in Hist Div WDSS); 38 1st Inf Actn…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…1945, for strikes against OKINAWA and the Home Islands. Operating as an anti-kamikaze barrier, the squadron suffered heavy losses, mainly from ground fire over Japanese airbases. On May 11, 1945, NE of Okinawa, Jim Swett was flying his Corsair on Combat Air Patrol, leading his section. They had shot down…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

OKINAWA and IWO JIMA to Japan, and also via FORMOSA and the PHILIPPINES to BORNEO & SINGAPORE or NEW GUINEA & the SOLOMONS, therefore it was a strategic imperative to strangle any potential reinforcement of Japanese Air strength from the coming Battles and Beachheads or OKINAWA and IWO JIMA –…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…23 January, Marine Air Group 6 was detached and Puget Sound prepared to serve as a “Magic Carpet” home for Pacific war veterans. From February-May 1946, Puget Sound made two “Magic Carpet” runs between San Diego and Pearl Harbor and one between Alameda, California and Okinawa, transporting 1,200 troops and…

COX, John W (#298)

…aircraft When Okinawa was being taken in April 1945, several targets had been attacked by their B-29 force. Their bomb-load was normally twenty 500lb and only rarely using 1,000lb bombs and this mostly against aircraft plants. Their pressurized cabin, electronic fire control system and remotely controlled gun turrets were much…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…would be in ALLIED hands. Paul would go on to see the OKINAWA (Op. Iceberg: “OK IN A WAY”, as their own dry humour went then!) & the BOMBARDMENTS inshore of FORMOSA in a different capacity, as part of COMMUNICATIONS LIAISON TEAM 107. set up to integrate the CODES &…

PANTER, Frank H T (#216)

…battleship ANSON on 25 Oct 1944 to sail out to the Far East and PACIFIC, in reserve off OKINAWA Rear Adm HARCOURT took the SURRENDER of JAPANESE FORCES in HONG KONG 16Sep45; officially then he was on a shore party, which had to formally inspect HIROSHIMA but also to pick…

Naval & Naval Air

…Signals & Gunnery ARMED GUARD for US MERCHANT MARINE, torpedoed, ARCTIC, PHILIPPINES, OKINAWA, FORMOSA, PACIFIC CONVOYS, COMMS Team. Served on the Australian destroyer HMAS ‘Quickmatch’ while attached to the British Pacific Fleet during the Okinawa Campaign. #233 Barklie LAKIN Lieutenant Commander Barklie LAKIN DSO DSC* US L. Merit RN HM…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…French, Welsh mother from Swansea, Mallaig trained on demolition; Dec40-Dec43 St Marcel MAQUIS Guerre NE of Vannes FRENCH RESISTANCE #291 Paul E. ISON Private First Class Paul E. ISON 1st MARINE DIV married with four children for US MARINE CORPS in savage PACIFIC fight for OKINAWA; sprinting over ‘Death Valley’…

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