87 results found for: Norway (Campaign, Resistance)

Search results for: Norway (Campaign, Resistance)

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DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…smile. “But of course, monsieur,” he said. “My name is Gaston and I am a member of the Belgian Resistance.” Since then, Bolter had been passed along the line from safe house to safe house. He was constantly in danger – and so were those helping him. If he was…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…from the southern Japanese home island of Kyushu. In this massive amphibious assault of Marine and Army units, they landed on the Hagushi beaches on 1 April 1945. For most of April, the First was employed in a hard-driving campaign to secure the northern sections of Okinawa. On 30 April…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…of commemorating the heroes of the Czech and Slovak Resistance, the Slovak National Museum in May 2007 opened an exhibition presenting one of the most important resistance actions in the whole Nazi-occupied Europe. Coinciding with the release of the 2016 film Anthropoid, campaigners called for Gabčík’s and Kubiš’s bodies to…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

Norway by parachute in 1944 to help organise more resistance groups, taking over command when Major Leif Tronstad was killed. He stayed on in the army after the war, serving with Scandinavian UN peacekeeping units in Gaza and elsewhere. He commanded the royal guard for four years in the 1960s,…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…the RCN; but when Canada insisted on unifying her Armed Forces he resigned his commission rather than become a general, with a bottle-green uniform. At dawn on April 10 1940, shortly after the German invasion of Norway, Fraser-Harris was Blue Three of the first wave of Blackburn Skua dive-bombers from…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…Cdr Flying at Gardermoen. Gen Christie became Commandant of the RNoAF Staff College and was NATO’s Cdr Allied TAF North Norway in Jan68 and Cdr AAF South Norway in May71.’ [ARP] Werner Christie (left) instructing fellow Norwegian pilots Erik Hagen and Bjørn Ræder at RAF Catterick in 1942. (Public domain)…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…Königsberg (a punishment camp), and Torgau could not break her.” [Wikipedia] “Jeannie de Clarens is hereby awarded the Agency Seal Medallion for heroic and momentous contribution to Allied efforts during World War II as a member of the French Resistance. At the age of 20, she used her position as…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…air gunner, who had not heard his order to bail out, he burned the aircraft before setting off to the south-east on foot. Resistance Memorial at Vassieux Moving from farm to farm, the two men obtained civilian clothes to wear over their uniforms and eventually made their way to Marseilles…

CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

…1957 and 1962, thereafter becoming an anaesthetist and later a medical adviser in The Hague. Her memoirs of a Dutch Resistance Courier, “To Save a Life”, has a foreword by General Sir John Hackett who paid deep tribute also in his own memoirs to Elsa and the Dutch Resistance networks.’…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…DFC twice in three days in 1943; later, on completion of 50 bombing operations, he received the DSO. Rowland joined No 12 Squadron in June 1943 at the height of what became known as the Battle of the Ruhr – a sustained campaign against the huge industrial complexes in the…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…The story of the Burma campaign had many facets. The fighting took place not only in jungle but in mountains and across the arid Burmese plain, baked as dry as a desert in the summer sun. Men often fought face-to-face and hand-to-hand but the campaign became a modern war, seeing…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…the CORPS of ROYAL ENGINEERS, here mainly as a TRANSPORTATION SPECIALIST, firstly for his (& two others, Captain Andrew CROFT and Lt Malcolm MUNTHE, nephew of Axel) Pre-NORWEGIAN CAMPAIGN clandestine INTELLIGENCE gathering on the PORTS and RAILWAYS SYSTEMS in Jan 1940 NORWAY and SWEDEN, crossing over to FINLAND and only…

van ERP, Johannes ‘Jan’ (#159)

“the Dutch Resistance spirit, a Helmond ‘boy with the bicycle’ who helped guard and guide exhausted Bren Gun Anti-Tank Carrier Crew”   “Born in 1927, the 15 year old “Boy with the bicycle” from Helmond, who voluntarily and persistently carried out an unsaid guard duty for an exhausted Bren Gun…

HEGLUND, Svein (#166)

…of the American Legion of Merit – partly for the Norwegian F-16 programme. He was the top scoring Norwegian fighter pilot of the war, with over 15 victories, mostly with 331 Norwegian Squadron Spitfires (Vb and IXs) and three Bf-110s destroyed with No.85 Mosquito Sqn. In April,1940 when Norway was…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…his Hellcat was shot down by anti-aircraft fire over the Philippines in December. Picked up by a guerrilla band, he was returned to safety, after leading some resistance activity, six weeks later. At the war’s end he was the US Navy’s fourth-ranking ace. Post-war Alex Vraciu became a test pilot…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…Sismore was awarded his second DFC in recognition of a raid on the Gestapo headquarters at Aarhus, and a third on the Gestapo HQs in Copenhagen and Odense, Denmark. The latter raid was done at the behest of the Danish Resistance. Some of their people were being held in the…


…in a cornfield, before Archie was passed through the French Resistance escape line down through the entirety of France, over the Pyrenees and through Spain to Gibraltar before returning to Britain in early 1942, where he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). His service record for this period simply…


campaign. REEL 2 Continues: Recollections of operations as pilot with 7 Sqdn, Pathfinders Force in GB, 8/1942-2/1943: state of Bomber Command when Air Marshal Arthur Harris took over, 2/1942; frustrations amongst experienced aircrew; decision to launch first 1000 bomber raid, 5/1942; growth of Bomber Command, 1942-1945; start of Pathfinder Force;…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…GOTHIC CAMPAIGN favoured the DEFENDERS, swallowing up masses of INFANTRY, with ALLIED ARMOUR’S reduced potential to help their hard pressed INFANTRY. Less than 5ft 2in, BERT, quickly christened “Titch” STRONG by his Army friends, lived up to his name in stamina and spirit, always prepared to go forward, often with…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

  Group Captain Hugh Verity 16 November 2001 • Obituary courtesy of The Daily Telegraph GROUP Captain Hugh Verity, who has died aged 83, was a member of the small group of RAF pilots who flew clandestine missions to support Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents and the French Resistance during…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…stay in the US NAVY for 27 years, having three WW2 Campaign Battle Stars for the AMERICAN Theatre of War, EUROPE & AFRICA and the PACIFIC; in SIGNALS & also as GUNNER’s MATE. He began with the NAVAL ARMED GUARD (with 2.710 dead, they had the HIGHEST CASUALTY RATE; he…

CLAUSEN, Finn (#163)

…many times, the sinking of their 75 ft ‘Bepgholm’, their hastily repaired (seven massive holes made tight with canvas and bully beef can skinning) open lifeboat and then rowing, with four wounded and one dying, with three on the oars back to Norway, must be one of WW2’s finest feats…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…carrier Implacable and carried out a series of attacks on German shipping in the fjords of Norway. By the time the war ended 880 Squadron and Implacable were prosecuting the war in the Pacific, striking at the Japanese mainland. Crosley was mentioned in despatches, and in August 1945 received a…

JOICE, Mary (#190)

…links with this work, she commemorates indirectly the outstanding moral courage of the CHRISTIAN GERMAN RESISTANCE movement and records Bishop BELL’s stand against indiscriminate bombing, the German patriot Pastor Dietrich BONHOEFFER (who justified resistance to Hitler – cf Signatory 290), the KREISEL circle, Gen Ludwig BECK (1880-1944 and as previous…

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