166 results found for: North Cape (Battle of)

Search results for: North Cape (Battle of)

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Battle of Britain 80 Introduction

…left, the Belgian pilot Albert Emmanuel Allx Dieudonne Jean Ghislain van den Hove d’Ertsenrijck would die a week later on Battle of Britain Day itself. Van den Hove at Beauvechain on 10th May (British troops have arrived to strengthen the airfield defences) Battle of Britain Memorial of London The Scotsman…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…and here, in particular, those many WAAF ground control PLOTTERS and FIGHTER CONTROLLERS in and beyond the BATTLE of BRITAIN, often hearing through their headphones the savage cut and thrust of battle and too many final silences. “During the Battle of Britain the W.A.A.F.’s had undoubtedly proved themselves to be…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…Sea between the Japanese main force and Task Force 38, Surigao Strait, the biggest surface action since Jutland in 1916, history’s last battle-line action at sea between battleships, Cape Engano, the final sea action of Japanese aircraft carriers and their destruction by the US Third Fleet, and the BATTLE off…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…reduced a ridge northeast of Futema. That night its lines stretched from the west coast just north of Isa to a point southwest of Futema on the Isa-Futema road and along the northern edge of Futema 18 On 3 April XXIV Corps turned its drive southward. Leaving the 17th Infantry…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…from 1941 to 1944, almost without rest. Johnson was involved in heavy aerial fighting during this period. His combat tour included participation in the Dieppe Raid, Combined Bomber Offensive, Battle of Normandy, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge and the Western Allied invasion of Germany. Johnson progressed to…


‘During the Battle of Britain, his mother watched him being shot down’ ‘Wing Commander Tim Elkington, who has died aged 98, was one of the last surviving pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain, and was one of only two survivors of the RAF Hurricane Wing that operated with…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust. He regularly attended the annual Battle of Britain service held at Westminster Abbey. To mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in 2015, he once again flew in a Spitfire, an aircraft he described as “like flying a Bugatti”. The memory of…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…of battle being historic. REEL 3 Continues: degree of fairness in tactics employed; contact with shot down German pilot; closeness of outcome of battle; opinion of New Zealanders loyalty to GB. Aspects of operations with No 11 Group, Fighter Command and 2nd Tactical Air Force, RAF in GB, 1941-1944: offensive…

LACEY, James (#7)

…the leading pilots of the battle.” He added: “Not many survived the entire war, most were either killed, injured or taken prisoner, so for an aircrew member to have a record like that, it must have been pretty scarce.” After the Battle of Britain, Lacey was promoted to flight lieutenant…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…the Battle of Britain he flew occasional operational sorties with No. 1 Squadron, thus qualifying for the Battle of Britain clasp. On 23rd December 1940 Broadhurst took command of RAF Hornchurch and apart from a few weeks in October/November 1941 he held this position until May 1942. On 25th February…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…damaged. By the summer of 1940, Sheen, an Australian, was serving as a Spitfire pilot with No 72 Squadron, based at Acklington, Northumberland. Although well to the north of the main area of the Battle of Britain, on August 15 the squadron was heavily engaged with the enemy. Flying from…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…on 23 May 1940, soon after joining a squadron detachment to fight in the Battle of France, he destroyed two Me 110s before being shot down near Arras, receiving facial burns and ending up in hospital. Three months later he was back with 229 at Northolt in time to fly…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…Ross, arriving there in late June 1944, a few weeks after the initial D-Day landings. The division participated in a number of engagements, such as the Second Battle of the Odon, and, in August, the Battle of the Falaise Pocket. By mid-August Watkins, commanding “B” Company in his battalion, which…

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

…tactics employed. REEL 2 Continues: method of bailing out; opinion of German pilots; lack of collisions; opinion of Junkers Ju 88; method of gaining height from RAF Kenley; weather during battle; comparison between Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire; daily routine during battle; personal motivation; question of why battle was won;…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…melee, Drake claimed one, the first of many successes. When the Blitzkreig was launched on May 10, No 1 Squadron was thrown straight into battle, its Hurricanes trying to provide support for RAF bombers that were suffering terrible losses. In three days, Drake, always a highly aggressive pilot, shot down…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…Luftwaffe. Dodd’s scene conveys the simultaneous proximity and distance of the Battle of Britain; aerial combat is evident in the sky but life goes on below. History The RAF pilots who fought during the Battle of Britain were supported by thousands of servicemen and women on the ground. In this…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…the UN Protection Force in Bosnia.” (Credit: The Battle of Britain London Monument) Imperial War Museums’ Oral History: Irving Smith “New Zealand officer served as pilot with and commanded 151 Sqdn, No 12 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 7/1940-3/1943 including Battle of Britain, 7/1940-10/1940; served as staff officer with…


…6th and a Me109 on the 7th. The squadron went north to Usworth on the 8th. Killy Kilmartin Kilmartin was awarded the DFC (gazetted 8th October 1940). He was given command of 602 Squadron at Ayr in April 1941. He was posted away on 10th May to form 313 Squadron…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

They Were There is a work in progress, and the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories.   Battle of the Philippine Sea:…

TUCK, RR Stanford (#9)

…worked as a test pilot for the RAF for several years before leaving and starting a mushroom farm in Kent. Wing Commander Tuck talking to his lifelong friend, German Ace Adolf Galland at an event in Madame Tussaud’s marking the release of the 1969 film “The Battle of Britain”. Battle

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…war. Col Henry Lafont, who has died aged 91, made a dramatic escape from Vichy-held Algeria and reached England to fly Hurricanes in the Battle of Britain; he was the last of the 13 French fighter pilots to fly in the Battle. When France capitulated in June 1940, Lafont was…

KELLETT, Ronald G (#29)

…World War. In the Battle of Britain who had the privilege to command the legendary Polish 303 Squadron which shot down more German planes than any other RAF squadron – despite not joining the battle until August, two months after it had begun. The Battle Colours were sewn in secret…

DROBINSKI, Boleslaw H (#19)

…people. CU Squadron Leader Drobinski. SV Wing Commander Clare Legge, woman controller at time Battle of Britain, talking to Group Captain Tom Glebe. CU German General Adolph Galland talking to Wing Commander Stanford Tuck. SV pan to map of battle area. Pan back to Wing Commander Tuck talking to Adolf…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…F ‘Ginger’ NEIL DFC DFC* AFC AE (17 e/a) 249 Sqn HURRICANES, BATTLE of BRITAIN, then to MALTA in May off ARK ROYAL to Dec4l; in l944 shared 16 e/a strafed + USAF 9th AIR FORCE #286 CD NORTH-LEWIS Air Commodore C D ‘Kit’ NORTH-LEWIS DSO DFC* 60th BN Q…

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