6 results found for: Libya

Search results for: Libya

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LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…pleasures of acting independently and high calibre of personnel; problems of boredom during operations; question of Germans operating in similar role as Long Range Desert Group; role of unit prior to and during Allied offensive, 1942-1943. REEL 3: Continues: wounding at by German Air Force at Kufra, Libya, 9/1942; success…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…commander. The long-awaited Italian invasion of Egypt began on September 13, and after initial successes they were driven back deep into Libya. On October 8 Dudgeon was promoted to command another Blenheim squadron, No 55, based at the advanced landing ground at Fuka. He was constantly in action, leading his…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…on Malta with a detachment from No 39, where he combined his force with the resident, but depleted, squadron. Within days, he led the combined squadron to attack an important convoy of oil tankers heading along the Greek coast towards Libya. Gibbs released his torpedo, despite being hit by anti-aircraft…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…took a nap in the bomb aimer’s position, only awakening to land. It was his 65th and last operational sortie. THE ROYAL AIR FORCE IN THE LIBYAN DESERT, APRIL 1943 (TR 901) Royal Air Force ground crew overhauling a Bristol Beaufighter’s Hercules engines at Magrun. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source:…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…Mark I (V7780 Alma Baker Malaya) at LG 1Gerawala, Libya, during the defence of Tobruk. (1941) (IWM) Alan Pollock recalls that: “George was a very typical example of the very modest ground crew who got on with things on the ground to put the aircraft in the air. I think…

Alan Pollock

…out’ conditions on low level training flight during reinforcement exercise in Norway; reinforcement exercise at El Adem, Libya, Cyprus and Gibraltar; opinion of SNEB anti-tank rockets and comparison with 3″ rockets; VIP demonstration of SNEB; accuracy achieved in dive and ‘skip’ bombing practice; armament practice and night ground attack at…

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