3 results found for: Leyte

Search results for: Leyte

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LOATS, Norman (#300)

…in the Phillipines on the 19th of September. After increasingly fierce fighting with Japanese air and navy in October, the Gambier Bay took part in the Battle of Leyte, a series of engagements with the main concentration of enemy forces between 23-26 October. The battle of Leyte was probably the…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…SQUADRON (Lt Cdr J G BALDWIN DSC RN) in HMS VICTORIOUS (Leyte Gulf 26 Apr 1945) and was then on the other TASK FORCE 37 to 11 Auq 1945 – this was the rotation of the Third and Fifth Fleet for intense combat duty periods in the front line forward…

Naval & Naval Air

…Norman LOATS USN 6 Battle Stars US NAVY survivor, for VC-10 Sqn at PELELIU in USS GAMBIER BAY CARRIER after Battles 1st PHILIPPINE SEA to Marianas, GUAM, of its sinking & LEYTE GULF protected US invasion [cf. Edwin P. Hoyt’s “The Men of Gambier Bay”] #141 Hugh Stirling MACKENZIE Vice-Admiral…

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