2 results found for: Kursk

Search results for: Kursk

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PAVLOV, Mikhail (#120)

…please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. From Tver in KALININ; SOVIET ARMY MEDICAL CORPS, wounded twice, SIEGE of LENINGRAD ~FIELD SURGEONS, ~[ULTRA use] & 12 Jul 1943 Battle of Kursk

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…~[ULTRA use] & 12 Jul 1943 Battle of Kursk #113 Alastair S PEARSON Brigadier Alastair S ‘Jock’ PEARSON CB DSO*** OBE MC TD DL ‘One of the most highly regarded soldiers of the Parachute Regiment and British Army’. For: TERRITORIALS, 6Bn HIGHLAND Lt Infy, 1st ARMY, 1PARA & PARA BDE…

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