3 results found for: Irrawaddy

Search results for: Irrawaddy

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CARTER, Reginald A (#227)

…3rd CARABINIERS, PRINCE of WALES’s DRAGOON GUARDS; this REGIMENT uniquely spent entire WW2 in INDIA & FAR EAST, their battle honours – IMPHAL, NUNSHIGUMO BISHENPUR, KANGLATONGBI, KENNEDY PEAK SCHWEB0 SAGAING, MANDALAY AVA & IRRAWADDY; sent into front line Dec43 to IMPHAL with INDIAN support mechanics, their long, varied training on…

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

…five AUSTERS – A and C Flights were in the ARAKAN and the ADMIN BOX battle in February 1943, B Flight were at KOHIMA in March 1943 later joined by Sqn HQ and C Flt. The advance down the TIDDIM road, the advance to and crossing of the IRRAWADDY and…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…#227 Reginald A CARTER Troop Sergeant Reginald A CARTER MM 3rd CARABINIERS, Prince of Wales DRAGOON GUARDS, all war India & BURMA Stuart, Grant & Lee TANKS,5 INDIAN DIV IMPHAL, TIDDIM, MANDALAY, IRRAWADDY #254 Edward T CHAPMAN Company Sergeant Major Edward T CHAPMAN VC BEM Recipient of the Victoria Cross….

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