2 results found for: Hamburg

Search results for: Hamburg

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SQUANCE, Sidney J (#247)

…on 27May41, which had taken 8 minutes and 93 heavy shells to sink HOOD. Bismarck was: laid down at Blohm & Voss at Hamburg in July 1936, being launched in Feb39 and commissioned Aug40, Bismarck, with a displacement of 41,700 tons, 804 ft length, beam 118 ft, speed 25/30 kts,…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…region. Over the next five months he attacked most of the major cities. He went to Cologne twice before sorties to Gelsenkirchen, Duisberg and Essen. On the night of July 25, an intense campaign was directed against Hamburg. The radar countermeasure “window” (small aluminium strips dropped to confuse enemy radar)…

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