2 results found for: Elbe

Search results for: Elbe

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GILLARD, George (#274)

…in Sicily and Italy up to Salerno, before returning to UK. Shortly afterwards he became the senior BBC reporter in and beyond Normandy, right up to the linking up of US and Soviet forces on the Elbe. Post-war he was head of BBC West Regional Programmes 1945-55, Controller, West Region…

Civilians and War Production

…ARMY campaign, BATTLE for CAEN, etc. BBC BROADCASTING WAR REPORTING, DIEPPE RAID, N.AFRICA ,SICILY, ITALY to SALERNO, NORMANDY to US/SOVIET ELBE meeting & BERLIN #153 Douglas R GODFREY Mr Douglas R GODFREY (father Metro Vickers engineer & mother a WWI NURSE & WW2 WVS), for A.V.ROE WOODFORD’s 1st 30, ROY…

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