74 results found for: Dieppe (Raid)

Search results for: Dieppe (Raid)

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JOHNSON, James E (#21)

Dieppe Raid. “Over Dieppe,” Jameson recalled, “the wing was immediately bounced by a hundred FW 190s and a few Me 109s. I heard Johnson effing and blinding as he broke 610 into a fierce attack. I was hard at it dodging 190s, but I found time to speak sharply to…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…5 Continues: objective of raid on the Amiens Prison; requirements of low level precision bombing; selection of personnel for raid; reprisal raid on SS unit in Brittany; attack on German armoured division at Poitiers, France, 8/1944; raids to deprive German forces of sleep; lack of German fighter opposition; effectiveness of…

GRAYSTON, Raymond E (#133)

“It was an adventure… we had a job to do and that was all there was to it.” “Flying Officer Ray Grayston…was one of the last survivors of the Dambusters’ raid and was flight engineer of the Lancaster that breached the Eder Dam. Night fighters: La Victoire des Allies est…


…Transport. Hallowes died on 20th October 1987.” (Obituary via the excellent Battle of Britain London Monument website)   Dieppe Raid by Charles Fraser Comfort (1946) Copyright Canadian War Museum RAF 1940 Fighter Pilot (War Ministry) Dieppe Raid (1942) High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Jr. (9 June, 1922 – 11…

LISKUTIN, Miroslav A (#130)

…Scenes from Nebesti jezdci (‘Riders In The Sky’) a 1968 Czech movie (language a mix of English and Czechoslovak; atmosphere vivid)   War-time traffic on the river Thames: Up-river Repairs after the Dieppe Raid, 1942, by John Edgar Platt. Tony Liskutin took part in the air cover for the raid….

GRANDY, John (#2)

…set about improving morale, not least by inviting the catering officer to provide fare superior to the normal rations. He participated in the test flying himself, and later flew a Typhoon on the Dieppe Raid, an operation which gave him considerable insight into the limitations of the aircraft, which afterwards…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

“I saved her life in the war… and later she became ‘Audrey Hepburn’” “Michael Burn was one of the last survivors of the naval commando raid on St Nazaire, after which he was captured and imprisoned at Colditz. Michael Burn (left) captured, indicating the success of the raid with his…

REID, William I (#61)

…Yorkshire as it takes off for a bombing raid on Dusseldorf, Germany. This was the first occasion on which more than 200 Halifaxes took part in a raid, of which 12 were lost. Extensive damage was caused to the centre of Dusseldorf, which suffered its most destructive attack of the…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…of the Danish Order of Dannebrog. He also received the Air Efficiency Award.’ (Daily Telegraph Obituary) The Shell House Raid (narrated by Martin Sheen) Stunning footage of Operation Carthage (the Shell House Raid) Operation Carthage (a.k.a. Shell House Raid) (Sismore on Mosquito missions) An IWM Oral History by Sismore: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/80010764…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…replacements for the men lost on the Dam Busters raid. He joined the crew of the Australian Mickey Martin (later Air Marshal Sir Mick Martin), who was described by his CO, Leonard Cheshire, VC, as “the greatest bomber pilot of the war”. Curtis flew on the squadron’s first bombing operation…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…Shangri-La, the DOOLITTLE Tokyo RAIDERS, flew off the carrier USS HORNET with B-25 Mitchells on the morale raising 18th April, 1942 raid which also affected Japanese strategy. He was born in Frost, Minnesota in 1916 and graduated from college in October 1940, entering the Army Air Corps and learning to…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…he damaged a Me109 and a Fw190, and on 19th August, during the Dieppe Raid, he destroyed a Fw190 and damaged three others. ROYAL AIR FORCE: 2ND TACTICAL AIR FORCE, 1943-1945. (CL 3862) Air Vice-Marshal J H Broadhurst, the Air Officer Commanding No 83 Group (left) and Chief of the…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…that he had only one card worth playing. “Do you know who I am?” he riposted. “No,” said Lovat in bewilderment. “Thank God!” exclaimed Bryan – and escaped into the darkness. IWM caption: THE DIEPPE RAID, 19 AUGUST 1942: Lt Col The Lord Lovat, CO of No. 4 Commando, at…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…first raid on Italy when a force of Whitleys crossed the Alps in a thunderstorm to bomb Turin. On August 25 he flew on the first raid on Berlin, mounted as a reprisal for the German bombing of London. Before the end of the year, he had attacked Berlin on…


…was a highly decorated bomber captain who flew more than 100 raids with RAF Bomber Command and the Pathfinder Force before embarking on a distinguished career in civil aviation. After completing his training as an air observer, Alabaster joined No 51 Squadron, operating the twin-engined Whitley. He made his first…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…party to recce then join Joachim Rønneberg DSO’s daring Vemork Heavy Water Raid, delaying German atomic weapons. ‘Colonel Jens Anton Poulsson was commander of the external and early inserted advanced party which would reconnaissance ahead of and be Joachim Ronneberg’s internal Demolition party for the Vemork Heavy Water Raid, considered…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…Nadine helped shepherd and return to England, whose 50 Sqn Manchester’s gallant 20yr old skipper, Flying Officer Leslie Manser VC RAFVR was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross on their 30May42 1,000 bomber raid, allowing his crew to escape by parachute, an inspired co-pilot then Sgt later Wg Cdr Leslie Baveystock…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…Range Desert Group from 1943 to 1945. In the course of the war he won both the DSO and the MC, the latter awarded for his part in the joint raid on Tobruk by the LRDG and the SAS in September 1942. “Danger,” he wrote, “has some kind of satanic…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Assuree [Victory of the Allies is Assured] (Shows Lancasters on a night raid) © Art.IWM PST 15041 Neither of these two sorties, nor the rest of his wartime operational career as a pilot and squadron commander, would have been possible had he not escaped from captivity after crash-landing his bomber…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…September 11 when they shot down an enemy night fighter. A month later they were supporting a Bomber Command raid on Brunswick when two more fell to their guns, from one of which a parachute was deployed. On the night of November 4 the two men, by now dubbed by…


…of pre-war RAF career; receiving news of outbreak of Second World War, 3/9/1939; status of sergeant pilots; participating in first leaflet raid of Second World War; character of leaflet raids during Phoney War; ineffectiveness of target finding in first years of Second World War; pressure from other services against bombing…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…SPITFIRES and then with P-47 THUNDERBOLTS. During the DIEPPE RAID on August 18, 1942, Blakeslee shot down a further FW-190, and another probably destroyed on the 19th. After 335 Sqn, he often led the 4th Fighter Group and pushed for the Group to be re-equipped with the P-51 MUSTANG, becoming…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…Chota Carey met as a fellow patient in Dieppe. He scampered to safety with the Duke when their hospital train was bombed. Eventually Carey arrived at a casualty clearing station in Dieppe where he encountered the 16th Duke of Norfolk, a fellow patient who apologised that he was only there…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…fighter sweeps, bomber escorts (often Bostons but then training up USAAF B-17 Fortresses) and Rhubarbs. Later 64 after a rest became the first Sqn to re-equip with the Mk IX required for FW190s and giving Mike his first kill against them in July just before Dieppe; more escorts and promotion…

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