91 results found for: Concentration Camp (Special Medical Teams)

Search results for: Concentration Camp (Special Medical Teams)

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KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…we were free and we were fighting back.” Mr Kagan, an active member of the 45 Aid society for concentration camp survivors, said the camp was “a special place”. He remembers vividly the day he and his 21-year-old friend Pesch arrived after escaping from the labour camp and trekking through…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

Special Operations Executive in Australia and Burma; contact with General Wingate; involvement with Chindits; joining of Special Air Service; history of Special Air Service. Aspects of operations as officer with 22nd Special Air Service in GB and North West Europe, 1944-1945: organisation of Special Air Service; problems with French Special

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…London. Deported first to the concentration camp at Ravensbrück and then moved to Torgau, Jeannie took the helm of a prisoner’s revolt. It’s hard to imagine the almost fatal audacity it must have taken for this 25 year-old woman to stand before the authorities of her prison camp, explaining how,…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…slipped away at the end to regain Allied lines. Within a few months and during the closing weeks of the war, Martin HERFORD was asked to join the. SPECIAL MEDICAL TEAM to enter BELSEN CONCENTRATION CAMP, perhaps the most gruelling time of his whole medical career ARNHEM Some CASUALTY FIGURES:…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…on the flanks. Two battalion landing teams from each of two assault regimental combat teams in the four divisions, or more than 16,000 troops, came ashore in the first hour.9 (See Map No. V.) The assault troops were followed by a wave of tanks. Some were equipped with flotation devices,…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Flying moonlit operations for the Special Operations Executive (SOE) Hodges landed his single-engine Lysander or the larger Hudson aircraft in remote French fields to deliver and pick up agents. He picked up two future Presidents of the Republic (Auriol and Mitterrand), bringing them to England for meetings with General de…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…timing, performance, soundtrack, exultation, and climax. It was almost aimed at the sexual parts of one’s consciousness.” But such enthusiasm for the Nazis turned to disenchantment after a day trip to Dachau, the first of the concentration camps. Burn joined the Army as a part-timer in 1937 and, when war…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…Jongh and despite being ‘Nadine’ (to use her most used codename), this coincidence, and her natural return to see worried parents partly caused her capture by the Germans on 11 August, 1942. This was followed by a year of daily interrogations in Ravensbruck and Muthausen Concentration Camps. Nadine represent the…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…& Albania (bks). “Despite being in continual pain, Lloyd Owen directed special forces operations in the mountains for the next three months. Eventually he was evacuated to Italy, was successfully operated on, and told not to return to his former activities. He managed to bluff his way past a medical

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…BY BOTH SIDES, of both sides, for both sides, at times through the intuitive medical propositioning and skills of the FIELD AMBULANCE and ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS SYSTEM, the ADVANCED DRESSING STATIONS, REGIMENTAL AID POSTS, MILITARY DRESSING and CASUALTY CLEARING STATIONS etc, right back to the FIELD HOSPITALS; always well…

CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

…(From the foreword, by Sir John Hackett – Signatory 47 – to her book, written as ‘Elsa’, To Save a Life.) Helped Jewish Families. Arnhem escape. Representing the Dutch Resistance with their high losses, some by betrayal & sent to Concentration Camps. ‘Born in 1924, she represents the service and…

BETHGE, Dietrich (#290)

…to the Fuehrer and his policies. The Protestant Pastor Bonhoeffer had links with British churches pre-war during the rise of Nazism and after the Hitler Plot until his death in the FLOSSENBURG concentration camp in 1945 and shortly before the war ended. His view of Christianity’s role in the secular…

CALDER, Benjamin J (#176)

…and RAILWAYS for SUPPLY of the ALLIED FRONT LINE combat troops and came from near Baltimore, Maryland, before joining Colonel KILLIAN’s 517 PORT BATTALION of the US 6th ENGINEER SPECIAL BRIGADE, with its 16 Battalions & constituents of Naval Beach, Chemical Decontamination, Medical, Ordnance, Quartermaster, Combat Engineers, Military Police, Grave…

REID, William I (#61)

…he was posted to 61 Squadron at Syerston, Newark, to commence Lancaster bombing operations, and flew seven sorties to various German cities before the raid on Dusseldorf. Handley Page Halifax B Mark II Series I (Special), JB781 ‘KN-W’, of No. 77 Squadron RAF gathers speed on the runway at Elvington,…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…Asia, then worked with the Recovery of Allied Prisoner-of-War and Internees organisation, arranging the dropping by parachute of medical staff into remote prison camps throughout South East Asia Command. Following a period in Singapore, Verity was posted to Quetta (then in India) as a member of the directing staff at…

EVANS, David (#106)

…he recorded in his logbook: “Bags of Panzer flak, got a railway engine and clobbered a strong point. Good show and Army very pleased.” Soon afterwards he was one of the first RAF officers to enter the Belsen concentration camp – an experience that affected him profoundly. As the war…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

Special Operations Executive and Special Air Service); Gertrude Jekyll, who worked with Sir Edward Lutyens planning First World War Memorial Gardens; Edward Whymper and Agatha Christie). High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Jr. (9 June 1922 – 11 December 1941) Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…single compound in Stalag Luft III. The model is now at the museum near where the prison camp was located. MacLennan was sent to Stalag Luft III. In January 1945 the camp was evacuated as the Soviet army approached. He was in the camp hospital at the time and was…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…Squadron he accepted demotion from Group Captain. He led every sortie while in command and pioneered a number of special bombing and marking techniques, which produced an unequalled record of success for his squadron. Their spoof operation, TAXABLE, to simulate an invasion of the Pas de Calais, demanded minute accuracy…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…Soldiers Jan and Jozef fled to Britain after Germany invaded their homeland in 1939. The following year the Czech government, in exile in London, and Britain’s Special Operations Executive devised a plan to kill “Blond Beast” Heydrich who was bringing terror to the Czech capital. They began training a team…

FOOT, MRD (#140)

Special Operations Executive. Commissioned into a Royal Engineers searchlight battalion, units transferred to Royal Artillery. Served at Combined Operations Headquarters before joining SAS as intelligence officer. Prisoner of war severely injured trying to escape. SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, & Cols Airey NEAVE & James LANGLEY, MI9 ESCAPE & EVASION & +…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…He was a dedicated family man, fond of the countryside and golf and a rare individual in that, although a world-level mathematician and scientist with great powers of concentration, he could relax completely at a football match–He is survived by Joan and their four children. (Reconstructed from the Archive.org scan…

COOPER, JM (#220)

…DCM & 3 MiDs of SCOTS GUARDS 8 GUARDS COMMANDO, original L Detachmant SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (later 1 SAS, 21 SAS, 22 SAS & GREEN HOWARDS), as desert driver/navigator with Lt to Lt Col David STIRLING on first SMALL SCALE raids, parallel with Paddy MAYNE’S 15 minute destruction of 20…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…during his dive personally exploded three hostile planes in mid-air with accurate and deadly fire. Although separated from his division while clearing the heavy concentration of anti-aircraft fire, he boldly attacked six enemy bombers, engaged the first four in turn, and unaided, shot them down in flames. Exhausting his ammunition…

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