7 results found for: Cologne

Search results for: Cologne

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CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…learned rapidly, and by June was in command of his own aircraft and crew. In November of that year, Cheshire received the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) for a mission over Cologne during which he was temporarily blinded by flak but still managed to prevent his damaged and burning aircraft crashing,…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…instructor at a bomber training unit. During this period he flew on the first Thousand Bomber raid to Cologne when, in a repeat of his experience over Brest, his pilot was forced to dive to roof-top height to escape the searchlights and anti-aircraft fire. He was commissioned in January 1943…


…for a navigator, he was appointed captain of his aircraft. He attacked targets deep in Germany and on the night of August 17/18 his was one of the lead Pathfinder crews on the raid against the secret German V1 and V2 Research Station at Peenemünde. During an attack on Cologne

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…region. Over the next five months he attacked most of the major cities. He went to Cologne twice before sorties to Gelsenkirchen, Duisberg and Essen. On the night of July 25, an intense campaign was directed against Hamburg. The radar countermeasure “window” (small aluminium strips dropped to confuse enemy radar)…

PIPER, AH (#5)

…driving off the attackers,” went the report. Postagram recording the award of the DFC signed by the C-in-C Arthur Harris In 1944 operations included against railway stations an V1 rocket sites and by September the Squadron had converted to the Avro Lancaster. Subsequent targets included Cologne, Neuss and the German…


…went into action in support of Sir Arthur Harris’s bomber formations. One night, flying over Cologne, they were attacked by two enemy night fighters, one of which shot out their port engine, obliging them to make a perilous return back to base. Another night, supporting a raid over Mannheim, Gregory…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…ERCOLANI Wing Commander Lucian ERCOLANI DSO* DFC Survived 3 day ditching, 214, 99, OC355 & 155 Sqns LIBERATORS Kanchanburi RIVER KWAI RAID Representing: WELLINGTONS & the 1000 BOMBER RAID on Cologne [and ~ ‘All Five Big Ones’] #106 David EVANS Air Chief Marshal Sir David EVANS GCB CBE CBIM &…

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