23 results found for: Canada

Search results for: Canada

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MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…in Venezuela and the United States before returning to Canada. He focused on creating housing for low-income families and became chief architect, and later senior vice-president, of the Central and Mortgage Housing Corporation. In 1961 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. For many years…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…the RCN; but when Canada insisted on unifying her Armed Forces he resigned his commission rather than become a general, with a bottle-green uniform. At dawn on April 10 1940, shortly after the German invasion of Norway, Fraser-Harris was Blue Three of the first wave of Blackburn Skua dive-bombers from…

EVANS, David (#106)

From Ontario, CANADA, VCDS 1981-83 Representing COMMONWEALTH AIR TRAINING SCHEME and CANADA’s vital combined contribution in WW2…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…with two of his ‘erks’. ‘One of our pilots is missing’… Wing Commander Johnson, centre, and friends anxiously await news of an overdue Spitfire pilot at Kenley in 1943. The ‘Canada’ shoulder flashes were a gift from his Canadian pilots. Instead of our original plan, I later decided to cover…

REID, William I (#61)

…After training in Canada, he received his wings and a commission in June 1942, then trained on twin-engined Airspeed Oxfords at Little Rissington before moving to OTU, North Luffenham. There, his skill as a pilot led to his being selected as an instructor, flying obsolete Wellington bombers, albeit with the…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…the terrorists into the hands of the security forces, for which he received a Bar to his DSO. The Air Ministry stated that Crew had displayed “an almost uncanny knack in locating the target and attacking it on the first run in”. From 1952 Crew served in Canada, where he…

KETTLEWELL, Marion (#134)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. 1938: back from Canada & London social…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…Brett Ercolani was born at High Wycombe on August 9 1917 and educated at Oundle, where he excelled at sport. He left school in 1934 to work at his father’s company, Ercol. When war broke out he joined the RAF and trained as a pilot in Canada, returning in May…


…30 operations, Alabaster was awarded the DFC. He had been identified as an outstanding navigator and was sent to Canada to complete a specialist course before returning to Bomber Command. He applied to train as a pilot but his services as a navigator were considered too valuable. Soon after the…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…March he was told to rest, and was sent to Canada to ferry American-built aircraft to Britain. Having delivered three Hudson bombers, he tired of being separated from his new wife and volunteered to return to No 103. On July 24 1941 a major daylight raid was mounted with 100…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…magnetron, produced after the initial run of a dozen, is one of the first production series. Eventually, the growing electronics industries of the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada manufactured well over a million magnetrons before the end of the Second World War. The mass-production of the cavity magnetron…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…to Flight Lieutenant, flew to Canada, met actress Constance Binney in New York and married her, and returned to England to resume bombing operations. After this, Leonard spent almost a year as a flight instructor before being promoted to Acting Wing Commander and given command of 76 Squadron flying Halifax…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…in Saskatchewan, Canada in December 1918, Robert attended the University of Washington in Seattle as a Naval ROTC aviation cadet, studying Aero Engineering. Elder began his flying training at Pensacola, before being commissioned as an USNR Ensign in May, 1941. In June, Elder was assigned to Bombing Squadron 3, the…

COX, John W (#298)

…made it home with but a few gallons of gas left in our tanks.” Their aircraft was numbered 27 and John Sutherland, tail gunner, had five kills. John was born in1919 and his American parents moved from farming in Canada to Independence, Kansas and began his service in December 1941,…


…ships, which escorted convoys. Whenever a German reconnaissance aircraft was sighted, the “Hurricat” (a modified Hurricane) would be catapulted from the deck of the ship to carry out an intercept. On return, the pilot either bailed out or ditched alongside the CAM ship. Elkington completed one round trip to Canada

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…and the following September accompanied Dawson to London Airport in The Times’ s Rolls-Royce to see off the new prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, en route to Munich to meet Hitler. The following summer Burn was in Canada and the United States to cover the visit of the new King and…

MITCHELL, Raymond (#155)

…DSO** DFC*) to pave a bridgehead for Ist Canadian Division (with 21 Regts represented from much of Canada). Ray was later wounded after the heavy fighting, which followed (both their own, as well as half the six Troops’ officers were wounded and killed, taking and defending the Molina Pass, helped…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…been made to ensure that the Comet became the world’s first passenger jet. Cunningham immediately busied himself with remedial action. He flew to Canada to bring back two RCAF Comet 1As; and after their fuselages were rebuilt took them home again. In December 1955, Cunningham made a world tour, in…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…after the German occupation, he escaped via Sweden, USSR, Japan and the USA to Canada, where he trained at the ‘Little Norway’ Toronto camp. He joined 332 Sqn and flew their Spitfire Vs and IXs, led by Norwegians after its formation in Jan42, becoming a Flt Cdr in Nov42 and…


…English Channel on 27 October 1942. Missing from this group are three other notable officers and three leading NCO pilots. The third representative of the Commonwealth was Flying Officer MH ‘Hilly’ Brown from Canada, who was on leave when the photograph was taken. He had claimed some 17 victories when…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…Bath King of Arms From Ontario, CANADA, VCDS 1981-83 Representing COMMONWEALTH AIR TRAINING SCHEME and CANADA’s vital combined contribution in WW2 #55 Edward FENNESSY Group Captain Sir Edward FENNESSY CBE BSc FIEE FRIN Representing the vital operation and repair of early RADAR GCI stations in BATTLE of BRITAIN & later…

Naval & Naval Air

…from Canada & London social work, 1941 joined Wrens Representing WOMEN’s ROYAL NAVAL SERVICE war work & in memory of brothers (KING’S AFRICAN RIFLES & RAF) #240 Paul B KINCADE Lieutenant Commander Paul B KINCADE USN Memoir: “The Forgotten Few (A Yank with the British Fleet)” Dec41 for 27 yrs,…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…294 Col Donald J M BLAKESLEE from Ohio was born in 1917 (died nearly 91 on 3Sep08) and bought and flew a Piper with a friend who then wrote this off in 1940. To stay flying he joined the RCAF.and, after his training in Canada, he joined 401 Squadron at…

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