14 results found for: Blitz

Search results for: Blitz

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HANCOCK, Margaret (#277)

…BRITISH NURSING STAFF particularly in LONDON during and beyond the BLITZ. Born in 1919 and from Crynant, a village near Neath, South Wales, Mary began nursing at Ongar Cottage Hospital and then Savernake, Wiltshire before the full three and a half year training at King’s Denmark Hill in March 1938…

JOICE, Mary (#190)

…sister in RAF Intelligence & husband a HACKNEY BOROUGH ENGINEER in the BLITZ, was WW2 Personal Secretary to the Bishop George BELL (1883-1958) of Chichester, whose continuing secret pre-war links with his German counterparts via meetings in neutral Sweden were reported back to Foreign Secretary, Sir Anthony Eden. Through Mary’s…

GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…the BOMBARDMENT of GENOA, when the Fleet Air Arm attacked SPEZIA from off the ARK ROYAL; back for the MARCH BLITZ in PORTSMOUTH then to MALTA, where HMS JERSEY, moving in to Grand Harbour, was almost blown in half by an acoustic mine or one primed set for the fourth…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…the night of February 23 1944, during the Luftwaffe’s Operation Steinbeck, known as the “baby blitz”, a series of lightning hit-and-run bombing attacks on southern England. Flying a Mosquito of No 85 Squadron, Skelton gained a contact on his radar set near Beachy Head and directed Burbridge behind an enemy…

LACEY, James (#7)

…can you imagine being in that tiny cockpit, frozen, terrified, doing seven flights a day and not knowing if you were going to come back from any of them?” During the Blitz, Lacey was scrambled to stop a Heinkel He 111 plane that had flown above the capital and bombed…

FOSTER, Bill (#265)

…the Turks in the Middle East in Dec 1916. His war service though does not just incorporate here the role of his unit during the BATTLE of BRITAIN in 1940 and the BLITZ of 1940-1941 but their subsequent move out to join the Desert EIGHTH ARMY right through to SALERNO….


…The Few, they in turn were supported by The Many. The ground crew, radar plotters, the merchantmen and tanker crews running the gauntlet of the U-boat wolf-packs. And, critically, the ordinary Britons who endured the Blitz. “In recent years, he was an extraordinary ambassador for his generation – indeed there…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…(Obituary courtesy of The Daily Telegraph) Books: Flt. Lt. Alan Pollock’s notes: “234: Commander R Michael CROSLEY DSC* RNVR & RN for SEAFIRES and the FLEET AIR ARM: served, after being in London’s METROPOLITAN POLICE – including the BLITZ – he saw the BATTLE of BRITAIN DAY Battle of Sunday…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…4th and 6th of September. HMS Furious (British Aircraft Carrier, 1917-1948) At sea, circa 1935-36, with a flight of Blackburn “Baffin” torpedo planes overhead. (U.S. Naval History & Heritage Command) 43 Squadron was scrambled for the first big raid of the Blitz on September 7th, during which Caesar was reported…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…Battle of Britain. On August 15, he shot down two Messerschmidt Bf-109E fighters and damaged a third. Other victories followed in August and October. In November, 151 squadron, flying Hurricanes and Defiant fighters, was re-deployed on night operations against the Luftwaffe’s night blitz on British cities. Smith was promoted to…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…including pilots, were primitive. They faced relentless attacks, and few fighter pilots were under greater pressure. The intensity peaked on October 11 when “The Last Blitz” began. St Lucius Street, Valletta: Moonlight alert by Leslie Cole (1943) © IWM Art.IWM ART LD 3509 MacLennan was in action immediately and damaged…

Civilians and War Production

…Optics. BAWDSEY RESEARCH, AMRE & TRE 1936-1942, FIU AIRBORNE INTERCEPTION, AIR to SURFACE VESSEL RADAR; passed USA REBECCA & IFF for US NAVY #277 Margaret HANCOCK Mrs Margaret HANCOCK née Williams for BRITISH NURSING Ongar, Savernake, King’s in LONDON BLITZ raids,V-1&2s, Fg Off PM RAF Nursing, Iwakuni Japan, wife of…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…SQN (+109 & 626) & 625 SQN Kelstern. Awarded DSO twice in three days during bombing operations over Germany in 1943. #83 John ROWLANDS Air Marshal Sir John ROWLANDS GC KBE Representing the continuing vital role of GROUND ARMAMENT & BOMB DISPOSAL, A.R.P. and the CIVIL DEFENCE in minimising BLITZ

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

Air Marshal Sir John ROWLANDS GC KBE Representing the continuing vital role of GROUND ARMAMENT & BOMB DISPOSAL, A.R.P. and the CIVIL DEFENCE in minimising BLITZ bombing effects & V-1 & V-2 casualties…

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