21 results found for: Biscay (Bay of)

Search results for: Biscay (Bay of)

Found 21 matches.

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LOATS, Norman (#300)

“Of course we did have a few shark attacks – we probably lost 35-40 men through shark attacks or drowning” Born in in 1922, Norman Loats joined the US Navy in July 1942 and was assigned as storekeeper to the aircraft carrier USS Gambier Bay in 1944. The Gambier Bay

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…the 17th Infantry, 7th Division, had established itself on the highlands commanding Nakagusuku Bay, on the east coast, and had extended its patrols to the shore of the bay. The speed of its advance had left the units on its flanks some distance behind. To the south the 32d Infantry…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…remaining charge, but Magennis insisted that he was the diver and he would go. Armed with a spanner, he climbed out again and in five minutes — the longest five minutes of Fraser’s life — he released the charge. MIDGET SUBMARINES. 17 AND 18 DECEMBER 1944, ROSYTHESAY BAY. MIDGET SUBMARINE…

ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

…by U-584. In the final month of the war Atkinson’s Tintagel Castle secured an undisputed kill. A depth charge attack with the destroyer Vanquisher sank U-878 in the Bay of Biscay west of St Nazaire. Demobilised a lieutenant-commander, Atkinson went into shipbuilding and in 1957 became managing director of William…

MacLENNAN, Roddie (#184)

…CROSS for all the crew of his gallant Armed Merchant Cruiser, HMS JERVIS BAY, with her instant distractive aggression against the massive “Admiral Scheer”, going down with guns firing as she was sunk by her adversary’s overwhelming armament an 5 Nov 1940, which saved 33 of the 37 CONVOY ships….

KIGHTLEY, Eric (#23)

…we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Air gunner & one of the only two survivors in crew of 11 when Wing Commander Gerald de Souza’s 355 Sqn Liberator ditched Bay of Bengal on fire: Wing Commander E James B Nicolson VC DFC killed 2 May 1945…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…against shipping off the Dutch and Norwegian coasts in addition to bombing the Biscay ports. After a year he was promoted to squadron leader and awarded the DFC. He then spent six months as a very bored instructor before volunteering for flying duties in the Mediterranean. After returning exhausted from…

BRANDON, Lewis (#270)

…Cdr ‘Pop’ Vashion James Wheeler was killed flying on 207 Squadron over Germany. Together again Ben and Lewis after moving to Bradwell Bay would desrtroy a second Dornier 217. on Mosquito before Lewis had to go to 488 NZ Squadron. Lsater back on 157 Squadron Mosquito aircraft at Swannington with…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

Bay. As Cunningham’s score mounted the story was spread that his success owed much to a hearty consumption of carrots, which were said to sharpen his eyesight; and henceforth he was known as “Cat’s Eyes”. The deception, which was aimed at the enemy, also helped Lord Woolton, the food minister,…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…NOWRA (near JERVIS BAY, New South Wales) flying on to HMS ILLUSTRIOUS on 9Feb45 to prepare for the intensive strikes of 26Mar-l5Apr45 at SAKISHIMA Gunto, including two days of strafing ISHIGAKI, then FORMOSA, in TASK FORCE 57. The Command chain went up through Rear-Adm Sir Philip VIAN i/c Carrier Operations…

GOULD, Thomas W (#94)

…11 merchant vessels, 4 supply ships and a tug totalling 40,000 tons. Among her crew were two VCs, one DSO, two DSCs, six DSMs and 13 mentions in despatches. (lossow.vamp, Flickr) At about midday on February 16, Thrasher, on patrol off Suva Bay, on the north coast of Crete, torpedoed…

DeLONG, Phillip C (#292)

Bay. From January to mid-February he would account for 7 Zekes, more than one Hamp and 3 Val dive bombers, these last who were attacking a largely New Zealander-led landing on to Green Island. On the morning of 23rd after supporting friends attacking and destroying a Zeke, he found himself…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…a biplane, single bay, with staggered wings of unequal span, untapered and having rounded tips and dihedral. It has a single in-line engine, single fin and rudder and fixed undercarriage © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205448681 The flying school’s training aircraft – mostly a variety of obsolete biplanes – were assembled…

TREADWELL, George (#179)

…1939 to 1941 George was in the 7,550 ton CRUISER HMS EMERALD (570 feet long with a complement of 572), whose Captain was Augustus AGAR VC DSO RN and Commander E S Fogarty FEGEN, soon promoted to be the Captain of the Armed Merchant Cruiser, HMS “JERVIS BAY”, who would…

PANTER, Frank H T (#216)

…SPECIAL FORCES OPERATION deliveries 4 pick ups under GLENGYLE1s South African CAPTAIN PETRIE; then diverted to assist GREECE 4 CRETE (many soldiers, pleased to be picked up, were strafed by fighters 4 killed on return) in evacuating SUDA BAY 4 SPHAKIA, Jul 1941 LITANI RIVER in SYRIA, landing Col KEYES…

RASMUSSEN, Philip M (#293)

…to 9,000 feet and spotted some Japanese ‘Val’ dive bombers and dived to attack them.” They received orders by radio to fly to Kaneohe Bay on the north-east side of the island and engaged 11 Japanese aircraft. Despite having a jammed .30 caliber gun and only limited capability with his…

EVANS, David (#106)

…competition in the US, winning three of the four major awards, the first time the RAF had beaten the USAF on its home ground. He flew himself in a Vulcan on his annual inspections of his unit at Goose Bay in Labrador and his detachment at Offutt in Nebraska. In…


…close shave when fuel sprayed into the cockpit as he was testing a Japanese Zero fighter, but he succeeded in landing safely. And while flying a Hawker Tempest he was overcome by fumes in the cockpit after fuel leaked into the engine bay. He tried to bail out, but managed…

Naval & Naval Air

…Norman LOATS USN 6 Battle Stars US NAVY survivor, for VC-10 Sqn at PELELIU in USS GAMBIER BAY CARRIER after Battles 1st PHILIPPINE SEA to Marianas, GUAM, of its sinking & LEYTE GULF protected US invasion [cf. Edwin P. Hoyt’s “The Men of Gambier Bay”] #141 Hugh Stirling MACKENZIE Vice-Admiral…

Battle of Britain VC

…who had won the skies at such terrible cost. © IWM 1695 Five years later Nicolson, flying as an observer over the Bay of Bengal, was reported as missing, presumed dead. He left a widow, Muriel, and a young son. In 1983, aged 79, Muriel sold the VC for a…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…successful Battle of Britain Squadron & OC 96 Sqn #23 Eric KIGHTLEY Flight Sergeant Eric KIGHTLEY Air gunner & one of the only two survivors in crew of 11 when Wing Commander Gerald de Souza’s 355 Sqn Liberator ditched Bay of Bengal on fire: Wing Commander E James B Nicolson…

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