20 results found for: Austria (Liberation)

Search results for: Austria (Liberation)

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PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…in the LIBERATION of North West EUROPE. His own role as a SAPPER was with the 553 FIELD COMPANY. ROYAL ENGINEERS (part of 130 BRIGADE, with its constituent 7th ROYAL HAMPSHIRES. 4th and 5th DORSETS and 112 Field Regiment ROYALARTILLERY) was mainly in MINE CLEARANCE at NORMANDY (24-26June toJul 1944)…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Arthur (#151)

…[No. 150] Chrystabel ‘Jane’ Leighton-Porter. Repesenting RAF Rocket-firing Typhoons, so important in NW Europe’s Liberation against enemy armour. The husband of ‘Jane’ (c.f. 150), whose marital links – both were brought up in Southampton (above whose docks the ‘Battle of Britain VC’ at the heart of the print was won)…

MANDER, d’Arcy (#225)

…4th & 11th Bns the GREEN HOWARDS, her TERRITORIAL BATTALIONST 150th INFANTRY BRIGADE EIGHTH ARMY; commissioned into lst Bn Sep29 within lst GUARDS BRIGADE, he was prewar Cairo Intelligence & in Germany/Austria language training; 1940-42 was with 4th Bn and was captured 1J un 1942, when 2i/e “BOX” at GAZALA,…

van ERP, Johannes ‘Jan’ (#159)

…& Anti-Tank Carrier Crew of L/Cpl Jack ‘Tubby’ Pratt, Horace ‘Chip’ Read and Bill Holden, who had just lost, killed, an unreplaced No.3 member on their liberation advance with the Royal Norfolk Regiment into Helmond, demonstrated the spirit of friendship in adversity and the resistance of the people of the…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…to England. BJ Ellan book cover depicting Spitfires and contrails Throughout 1943 Lafont flew with No 341 Squadron on operations over France and the Low Countries. By war’s end he had completed 230 operational missions, and he was one of the few to be awarded the Ordre de la Libération,…

CALDER, Benjamin J (#176)

…further covers the key role of sea delivered LOGISTIC SUPPORT (but at the land delivery end) for the LIBERATION of NW EUROPE, here for those US RANGERS and others capturing & then for his own and other units’ use of NORMANDY’s OMAHA BEACH and the MULBERRY HARBOUR system, as well…

PARKINSON, George (#199)

…the prominent position CENTURIPE (“Cherry Ripe”). Then among many proud “D-DAY DODGERS” (he recalled THREE INVASIONS himself, met and knew the writer of these famous verses) of the FIFTH (US) ARMY and the EIGHTH ARMY under Gen. Alexander, fighting hard up ITALY and on into AUSTRIA; George was in the…

DAW, John (#195)

…times wounded and VC 1918; active WW2 inc.POW escape & Churchill’s Chiang Kai-shek adviser!) during the German invasion Sep39, serving then in the BATTLE of FRANCE, with the 9th LANCERS in NORTH AFRICA, the KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV, up into AUSTRIA, on to valuable work in Northern IRELAND,…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…Squadron in Victorious. Following the liberation of Hong Kong at the end of the War, Gick moved ashore on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief. On his return to Britain as a Commander, he served on the staff of the RN Tactical School and went to sea in the carrier Vengeance…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…French fighter wing through D-Day and the liberation of France before returning to staff duty in England. Deere finished the war as New Zealand’s second-highest-scoring air ace – behind Colin Gray – with 22 confirmed victories, 10 probable victories and 18 damaged. He was awarded an Order of the British…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…was awarded) an Oxford degree in Social Sciences. On his liberation in April 1945 Burn was awarded the Military Cross. “Michael Burn, who has died aged 97, had a life strewn with risks, setbacks, disenchantments and deceptions, and illumined by love affairs, literary acclaim and marvellous friendships. Man about town,…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…battle honours and decorations awarded. The 4th, 8th and 10th Indian Divisions will always be associated with fighting at Cassino, the capture of Rome, the Arno Valley, the liberation of Florence, and the breaking of the Gothic Line. In the Serchio River Valley, on the Fifth Army front, German counterattack…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…at Gold Beach, would be given a place of honour among and at the front of the Normandy veterans, when all the Royal Family except the Queen took a platoon each in what was a total march-past for their part played in the liberation of France and of Western Europe….

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…when engaged in conversation. After the liberation of Singapore and Malaya, he was appointed Senior Air Staff Officer, Air Headquarters, Batavia, Netherlands East Indies, during operations against Javanese insurgents. Returning home in 1946, David was granted a permanent commission and reverted to the rank of squadron leader. In 1949 he…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…I was assigned to USS Paget Sound CVE-113 in the spring of 1945.” Dr Norman Loats’ Decorations and Honours Combat Action, Presidential Unit Citation with Gold Star, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Medal with Silver Star and 3 Bronze Stars, Victory Medal, WWII Occupation Medal and Philippine Liberation

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…and Army joint tactics with two Commanders of the 2nd Tactical Air Force Group, Air Vice Marshal L O Brown (centre) and Air Vice Marshal H Broadhurst (right). © IWM TR 2146 HM KING GEORGE VI WITH THE BRITISH LIBERATION ARMY IN HOLLAND, 12 OCTOBER 1944. HM King George VI…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…AFRICA, KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV TO AUSTRIA #140 MRD FOOT Major M R D FOOT MiD (2) Croix de Guerre CBE TD RA Military historian, and official historian of the Special Operations Executive. Commissioned into a Royal Engineers searchlight battalion, units transferred to Royal Artillery. Served at Combined…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…e/a) Fg Off George ‘Screwball’ Beurling DSO DFC* DFM* of 403, 41, 249, 412 Sqns #160 Henri Lucien LAFONT Colonel Henri Lucien LAFONT Cdr Légion d’Honneur, Comp. de la Libération, G.Off de l’Ordre de Mérite, Croix de Guerre Dramatically escaped Vichy-held Algeria for England, flew HURRICANES, one of 13 French…


…Lacey #7; American ‘triple ace’ Robin Olds #97; the leader of the glider-borne Normandy Landings assault on Pegasus Bridge, The Longest Day’s John Howard #91; the ‘widely speculated’ James Bond inspiration Fitzroy MacLean #116; and intelligence officer, SOE, and SAS historian, MRD Foot #140. Liberation and Battle of France: Artillery…

Battle of Britain

…e/a) Fg Off George ‘Screwball’ Beurling DSO DFC* DFM* of 403, 41, 249, 412 Sqns #160 Henri Lucien LAFONT Colonel Henri Lucien LAFONT Cdr Légion d’Honneur, Comp. de la Libération, G.Off de l’Ordre de Mérite, Croix de Guerre Dramatically escaped Vichy-held Algeria for England, flew HURRICANES, one of 13 French…

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