4 results found for: Austria

Search results for: Austria

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MANDER, d’Arcy (#225)

…4th & 11th Bns the GREEN HOWARDS, her TERRITORIAL BATTALIONST 150th INFANTRY BRIGADE EIGHTH ARMY; commissioned into lst Bn Sep29 within lst GUARDS BRIGADE, he was prewar Cairo Intelligence & in Germany/Austria language training; 1940-42 was with 4th Bn and was captured 1J un 1942, when 2i/e “BOX” at GAZALA,…

PARKINSON, George (#199)

…the prominent position CENTURIPE (“Cherry Ripe”). Then among many proud “D-DAY DODGERS” (he recalled THREE INVASIONS himself, met and knew the writer of these famous verses) of the FIFTH (US) ARMY and the EIGHTH ARMY under Gen. Alexander, fighting hard up ITALY and on into AUSTRIA; George was in the…

DAW, John (#195)

…times wounded and VC 1918; active WW2 inc.POW escape & Churchill’s Chiang Kai-shek adviser!) during the German invasion Sep39, serving then in the BATTLE of FRANCE, with the 9th LANCERS in NORTH AFRICA, the KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV, up into AUSTRIA, on to valuable work in Northern IRELAND,…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…AFRICA, KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV TO AUSTRIA #140 MRD FOOT Major M R D FOOT MiD (2) Croix de Guerre CBE TD RA Military historian, and official historian of the Special Operations Executive. Commissioned into a Royal Engineers searchlight battalion, units transferred to Royal Artillery. Served at Combined…

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