3 results found for: Arras

Search results for: Arras

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ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…most serious of a succession of narrow escapes had happened in 1940, when he was leading a detachment of Hurricanes from 229 Squadron in support of the British Expeditionary Force in France. Rosier was shot down in flames at Vitry, near Arras. He bailed out badly burnt and was taken…

TOWNSEND, Peter W (#12)

…regard for his own safety.” Townsend serving throughout the Battle of Britain as commanding officer of No. 85 Squadron of Hawker Hurricanes. In July he ditched his aircraft in the sea after forcing down a Dornier at Arras. His exploits continued until he was shot down over Tonbridge and although…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…111 on 24th January 1940 and went to HQ 11 Group. In February he took command of 60 Wing in France. On 20th May 1940 he destroyed a Me110 near Arras. After the Wing’s withdrawal to England in June, Broadhurst became Station Commander at Wittering. “First in all things” During…

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