27 results found for: Arctic (Convoys)

Search results for: Arctic (Convoys)

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FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…HMS H 28. Recollections of operations as officer aboard submarine HMS Sahib, 2nd Submarine Flotilla in GB coastals waters, Arctic and 10th Submarine Flotilla in Mediterranean, 5/1942-4/1943: near accident in Liverpool Bay; attack on submarine U-658 during escort duties with Convoy PQ 17 in Arctic, 11/7/1942; sinking of submarine U-301…


…the Russians from the Arctic port of Murmansk. He was still only 19 when he joined No 1 Squadron at RAF Northolt in July 1940, during the opening phase of the Battle of Britain. Flying a Hurricane fighter, he shot down a Messerschmitt Bf 109 on August 15. The following…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…ill-managed. Dasher – a converted merchant ship – began to break up while she was escorting an Arctic convoy, and Crosley was not surprised to learn that she had blown up after there had been a fire on board. He was then selected to pass on his experience to new…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…remembers FIVE different convoys, which had FIVE SHIP losses & one with EIGHT – & the NAVAL ARMED GUARD is now one of the least remembered aspects of WW2) within the UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE, for 13 months in SS Thomas SUMTERr including ARCTIC CONVOYS to MURMANSK with AMMUNITION &…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…also spotted the convoys en route.1 The Japanese had been powerless to interfere with the approach to the Ryukyus. Bad weather, however, had caused not only seasickness among the troops but also concern over the possibility that a storm might delay the landings. It was necessary for some convoys to…

ALSFORD, Ronald (#4)

…sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Representing British and Allied MERCHANT MARINE, key ATLANTIC CONVOYS supplying UK, and in memory of all the DUNN family’s men sunk & lost on convoys….

Naval & Naval Air

#4 Ronald ALSFORD Mr Ronald ALSFORD, merchant mariner Representing British and Allied MERCHANT MARINE, key ATLANTIC CONVOYS supplying UK, and in memory of all the DUNN family’s men sunk & lost on convoys. #268 Edward ASHMORE Admiral of the Fleet Sir Edward ASHMORE GCB DSC RN (Book: ‘The Battle and…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…DFCs. The spectre of the Tirpitz emerging into the Atlantic to cause havoc amongst convoys carrying vital supplies and troops, particularly the crucial convoys to Russia, dominated naval strategy in the European theatre. During 1942 RAF and Fleet Air Arm bombers had made several attempts to destroy the battleship in…

RICE, FC (#253)

…on the flank of CONVOYS to guard agains the Tirpitz and Scheer coming out, which they did 5 Jul but only briefly, then returning to defensive anchorages). He recalls the tragic Admiralty signals and plight of CONVOY PQ17 (23 of 34 ships that far north sunk, with 10 out of…

LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…on the flank of CONVOYS to guard agains the Tirpitz and Scheer coming out, which they did 5Jul but only briefly, then returning to defensive anchorages. He recalls the tragic Admiralty signals and plight of CONVOY PQ17 (23 of 34 ships that far north sunk, with 10 out of the…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

convoys. Gibbs found his desk job immensely frustrating and constantly badgered his superior officers to allow him to return to operations. In April 1942, the only Beaufort anti-shipping squadron in the theatre suffered devastating losses during an attack on an Italian convoy, and Gibbs was sent to No 39 Squadron…

CHOWDRI, Abdul Bashir (#228)


BURN, Alan (#85)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. GUNNERY. Author of The Fighting Captain. Representing 15,000 RN (1/3 in ATLANTIC) CONVOYS and in memory of Captain Frederick J WALKER CB DSO*** & HMS STARLING (15 U-Boats sunk)….

LEWIN, Baron (#111)

…in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. VALIANT & ASHANTI; N. AFRICA, MALTA GC+RUSSIAN CONVOYS Representing HOME & MEDITERRANEAN FLEETS….

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…No 241 prepared to move to Algeria following the successful Operation Torch landings. Re-equipped with the Spitfire, he led his pilots on intensive operations against enemy tanks and convoys as the Allied army advanced towards Tunisia. When General George Patton, the US Army commander, asked Barker to attack a target…

TREADWELL, George (#179)

…win a posthumous VC for its brave distracting action against the “Admiral Scheer” pocket battleship, thereby saving, on 5 Nov 1940, much of CONVOY “HX 84”, recorded next to his signature to recall ALL THOSE 30,000 MERCHANT SEAMEN killed manning ALLIED CONVOYS and the 2,603 MERCHANT SHIPS and 175 ALLIED…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…for TORCH (Bizerta & Philippeville), minelaying with TEVIOT BANK from MALTA Apr-Aug44, SARDINIA. MOTOR TORPEDO BOATS until HMS VALIANT Sep44-Jun46 (VENGEANCE, CHAPLET, CHEVRON & MALTA DOCKYARD 1951-53 postwar)WW2 PENELOPE Rattle Honours; NORWAY 1940, MALTA CONVOYS 1941-42. MEDITERRANEAN 1941-42-43, BATTLE of SIRTE 1942, SICILY, SALERNO and AEGEAN 1943 and ANZIO 1944…

MORLEY, Sam (#278)

…also was the unveiling of the new Cenotaph with King George V, as Chief Mourner scattering French soil, specially brought over from France, over the coffin as it was laid to rest. The Verdun had been laid up for 17 years and after some south and north convoys out of…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…Royal. Gick subsequently received the DSC for his part in the action. Two weeks later 825 Squadron transferred to Ark Royal, and for the next five months was employed in the Mediterranean supporting convoys from Gibraltar to Malta. The ship also flew off several fighters to the island. On the…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…organised DESERT MOTOR AMBULANCE CONVOYS, helping part treated CASUALTIES back to the FORWARD FIELD HOSPITALS and extended for TWO YEARS right across the DESERT CAMPAIGNS (including. GREEK CAMPAIGN with 189 LIGHT FIELD & 24 CASUALTY CLEARING STATION at THEBES, where he was bombed off his motorbike and organised, against high…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…Flight Lieutenant Richard Stevens; membership of club to inform medical personnel of RAF’s flying requirements; two physical attributes essential for pilots; protection of east coast convoys from aerial torpedo attacks, 1941; flying low over sea; failure of Douglas Havoc Turbinlite system for night fighting with Hawker Hurricane; unofficial use of…

ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

…four times when they were children. Atkinson read Engineering at London University and joined the Royal Naval Reserve. As a lieutenant, he commanded the corvettes Anemone, Pink and Tintagel Castle, mainly protecting Atlantic convoys. He won his first DSC in 1941, bars to it in 1943 and 1945, and in…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

…Squadron, flying Spitfires in offensive sweeps over northern France. The next year, he received his first two squadron commands, Nos 152 and 66 Squadrons. These gave air cover to convoys and escorted day bombers over France. F/O Harold AC “Birdie” Bird-Wilson of No 17 Squadron RAF sits in the officers…

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

…Junkers Ju 88 over RAF Speke, 8/10/1940; character of Czechoslovakian and Polish pilots. Aspects of operations commanding 615 Sqdn, No 11 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 9/1941-11/1941: posting to squadron, 9/1941; explanation of ‘The Channel Stop’; squadron casualty rate; tactics used during German convoys strikes; bailing out after shooting…

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