6 results found for: Amiens

Search results for: Amiens

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SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…Group. Smith went there in September 1943 on staff duties concerned with Mosquito training. In early February 1944 he was given command of 487 Squadron at Hunsdon. Soon after his arrival the squadron took part in the historic raid on Amiens prison. After much preparation and planning it took place…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…pilot instruction, and by October, was back in England to begin training. By Christmas 1917 he had obtained his RFC “Wings”, and on 4th January 1918 was posted to 8 Squadron, based near Amiens in France. Commanded by Major Trafford Leigh-Mallory, 8 Squadron was equipped with Armstrong Whitworth FK8 two-seaters;…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Wellington pilot in the film Target for Tonight and later killed on the daring low-level raid against the Amiens jail. Pickard had just taken over No 161, one of two squadrons supporting SOE operations from Tempsford, Bedfordshire, and he selected Hodges as one of his two flight commanders piloting Halifax…

LOTT, C George (#11)

…SERVICE ORDER. LOTT, Squadron Leader C.G., D.F.C. “Since June 1 this officer has led his squadron on operational patrols over Dunkirk, Amiens and Abbeville, and other parts of enemy occupied territory. In July, as leader of a section of Hurricanes, he pressed home an attack in adverse weather against six…

Battle of Britain

…Broadhurst ~ #109 Irving S SMITH Group Captain Irving S ‘Black’ SMITH CBE DFC* RNZAF 151& 487 Sqns, HURRICANE & DEFIANT (8+ e/a) led 487 Sqn MOSQUITO raid on AMIENS Gestapo Prison 18Feb44 (OPERATION JERICHO) and on Vincey #12 Peter W TOWNSEND Group Captain Peter W TOWNSEND CVO DSO DFC*…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…Neville DUKE, SPITFIRES EL ALAMEIN-ITALY, 457 SQN Darwin NEW GUINEA , BORNEO,USAAF Clark Field #109 Irving S SMITH Group Captain Irving S ‘Black’ SMITH CBE DFC* RNZAF 151& 487 Sqns, HURRICANE & DEFIANT (8+ e/a) led 487 Sqn MOSQUITO raid on AMIENS Gestapo Prison 18Feb44 (OPERATION JERICHO) and on Vincey…

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