24 results found for: Pegasus Bridge

Search results for: Pegasus Bridge

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BRIDGE, John (#154)

…particular discomfort and never got tired. I left that to afterwards.” An exhausted John Bridge photographed after his work clearing the Messina harbour. “I was the only one diving,” Bridge said later. “I had an assistant and several men working above water. My longest spell was one of 20 hours….

HOWARD, John (#91)

…we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Leader of the glider-borne Normandy Landings assault Operation Deadstick. OX & BUCKS Light Infantry, 5 months Cpl to RSM, then commissioned; D-DAY 6 JUN 1944 with Company in towed glider to 40 yds from & took PEGASUS BRIDGE at 00:16hrs….

SMITH, David E (#202)

…(had voted no helmets) through OUISTREHAM; later passing across PEGASUS BRIDGE, where they lost stretcher bearer ARTHUR CHARITY, shot through the head where they crossed ahead of PIPER BILL MILNE, behind them with Lord Lovat; six weeks on, his rifle was hit by heavy fire and disintegrated, wounding him in…

Alan Pollock

…Tower Bridge, realized it made a deliciously attractive target to fly through, the act of which became legendary.’ Alan Pollock recalls ‘the Tower Bridge Incident’ for the BBC’s World Service Tower Bridge by David Bomberg (c. 1946) Born in 1936, Alan Pollock grew up inspired by the pilots and planes…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…of Arnhem and then spent six months on the run in enemy-occupied Holland. Cover of ‘A Bridge Too Far’ by Cornelius Ryan, which recounted the story of Operation Market Garden. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, Ryan documented his account of the 1944 battle with pictures and maps. He…

BRIDGE, Len A (#186)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Petty Officer Len A BRIDGE represents all…

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

…the south side of the River Dyle, east of Brussels, with battalion headquarters established in the ominously named village of La Tombe. The German assault began shortly after dawn. Annand’s platoon, in position astride a blown bridge, had beaten off a strong attack the previous night and was now facing…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…where they had started. A few days later they set out again, following a different route. They would go further upstream this time and take their chances on an old rope footbridge, patrolled by Spanish border guards. It would be very risky but there was no choice. After another back-breaking…


…Lacey #7; American ‘triple ace’ Robin Olds #97; the leader of the glider-borne Normandy Landings assault on Pegasus Bridge, The Longest Day’s John Howard #91; the ‘widely speculated’ James Bond inspiration Fitzroy MacLean #116; and intelligence officer, SOE, and SAS historian, MRD Foot #140. Liberation and Battle of France: Artillery…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…Normandy Landings assault Operation Deadstick. OX & BUCKS Light Infantry, 5 months Cpl to RSM, then commissioned; D-DAY 6JUN44 with Company in towed glider to 40 yds from & took PEGASUS BRIDGE at 0016hrs #145 André H.A. HUÉ Major André H.A. HUÉ DSO Légion d’Honneur Croix de Guerre avec Palme…

Naval & Naval Air

…#154 John BRIDGE Lieutenant Commander John BRIDGE GC GM* RNVR Top BOMB & MINE DISPOSAL expert: clears 100 bombs in PLYMOUTH, then harbours: SICILY Messina, ITALY, GOLD BEACH, ANTWERP, NIJMEGEN Bridge. #186 Len A BRIDGE Petty Officer Len A BRIDGE From East Coast ports as FELIXSTOWE & Yarmouth, 55th FLOTILLA…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…the beaches and the operation was postponed until the early hours of June 9. By this time, the French had been alerted, one of the two bridges across the river had been demolished, and heavy opposition was expected. Bryan was armed with a rifle, a pistol, a fighting knife and…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…William Dring, A.R.A., official war artist, at work on an R.A.F. airfield. His model is Wing Commander A.C. Deere, DSO., DFC & Bar., famous fighter pilot.’ © IWM CH 13550 Deere went to CGS Sutton Bridge to command the Fighter Wing. In March 1944 he got a staff job at…

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…tanks & factories, plus important, explosives ingredients. With ROYAL ENGINEER experience in the MIDDLE and FAR EAST, his signature recalls here the vital BRIDGE BUILDING and ASSAULT ENGINEERS, in providing BAILEY & PONTOON BRIDGES & surmounting the big RIVER CROSSINGS, SEINE & RHINE, often working under fire to tight deadlines,…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…adaptation of armoured seat to Hawker Hurricane; discovery of his Hawker Hurricane, 2003; wounds and clothing worn. Period as flying instructor with 6 Operational Training Unit, RAF Sutton Bridge, 6/1940-10/1940: posting to unit; degree to which combat experience; amusing story of dogfighting with Polish pilot. Aspects of operations as pilot…


…was posted to Sutton Bridge to instruct at 6 OTU but on 11th June he was posted to 5 OTU Aston Down. He crashed on the aerodrome there on 16th August in Hurricane P3452, unhurt. On 4th September he rejoined 43 Squadron at Tangmere, claimed a Me110 destroyed on the…

GALBRAITH, William P (#297)

…Unfortunately DZ “C” where the 506th landed was too far from their objective, by the time they arrived at the bridge, it had just been blown up by the Germans. On the second day’s advance his Captain would be killed by a sniper and Bill would be using his own…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…attract the headlines (he held the record from Hyde Park Corner to Magdalen Bridge in an Alfa Romeo, for which he could not pay). Ironically, in view of his later life he avowedly modelled himself, on Leslie Charteris’s ‘The Saint’. But he did join the Oxford University Air Squadron and…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…he shunned any publicity. But in 2009 a television company flew him to Malta, where he was given a hero’s welcome. A quiet, courteous, but plain-speaking man, his consuming passions included double bridge – he was a Life Master – and boating on French waterways in his 100-year old Dutch…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…4th FLOTILLA, often being used in a COUNTER KAMIKAZE picket role, with whole batteries of guns, plus the organisation of Executive Standby Bridge facilities, seeing much bravery and initiative; other memories were of the BPF AIR TRAIN SHIP, DEER SOUND, bereft by then of spare parts, seeing HMS HOWE at…

MacLENNAN, Roddie (#184)

…a ship still aglow with fire and black clouds and the stink of petroleum for two further days. Despite damaged bridge systems and no charts (“All we had was a wee 6d atlas”), after rebalancing the oil to lift the hole higher and with the split and half inch gap…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…casualties for the invasion of Normandy. Since these LCTs were to be right in the vanguard on to Gold Beach near Le Hamel, heavy extra armour plate was bolted on around the bridge, wheelhouse and engine room, only a few weeks before D-Day. This meant that in the rough weather…




#290 Dietrich BETHGE Dietrich BETHGE Renowned cellist and Godson of, and Christened by, Protestant Pastor Dietrich BONHOEFFER, who in 1944 wrote a celebrated sermon from prison on the occasion: “one day, long after 2000, you will be the living bridge over which your descendants will get. an oral tradition of…

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