6 results found for: Peenemunde

Search results for: Peenemunde

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BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…look out for aircraft at Peenemünde which might be pilotless. Her search was under way when on November 28 a de Havilland Mosquito, piloted by Squadron Leader John Merifield returned with a sensational photograph. Aerial reconnaissance view of the V1 launching ramps at the Luftwaffe Test Installation, Peenemunde West, Usedom…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…that one was able to escape.” (CIA speech honouring Amniarix and R.V. Jones, Signatory 63) Aged 23, as ‘Amniarix’ in the Druides network, showed great courage evading Gestapo to capture crucial German rockets programme information, vital intelligence leading to Bombing of Peenemünde (German V-1 Doodlebug and V-2 Rockets). Captured twice…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

#57 RC ALABASTER Wing Commander R C ‘Cliff’ ALABASTER DSO* DFC* (Subsequently contributed to the development of POSTWAR AVIATION, then as pilot Captain, Comets & BOAC) Representing OBSERVERS, the PATHFINDER FORCE, and 1943 PEENEMUNDE RAID (Operation Hydra) #3 George ATKINS Corporal ‘Tommy’ George ATKINS Nos 1(F) & 43(F) Sqns, in…


…23, as ‘Amniarix’ in the DRUIDES network, showed great courage evading Gestapo to capture crucial German rockets programme information, vital intelligence leading to Bombing of Peenemünde (German V-1 Doodlebug and V-2 Rockets). Captured twice and sent to three concentration camps. #158 Andrée Antoine DUMON Mme. Andrée Antoine DUMON (‘NADINE’), King’s…


…information she gathered saved thousands of lives. Her information enabled the British to bomb the German rocket production and testing facility at Peenemünde on the Baltic coast, putting the program back critical months. Rousseau told few people of her exploits, but David Ignatius of The Washington Post was able to…


…for a navigator, he was appointed captain of his aircraft. He attacked targets deep in Germany and on the night of August 17/18 his was one of the lead Pathfinder crews on the raid against the secret German V1 and V2 Research Station at Peenemünde. During an attack on Cologne…

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