11 results found for: Grand Slam

Search results for: Grand Slam

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GODFREY, Douglas R (#153)

…over 40 and at times 50 in a week became achieved targets in an intensive 14 months. About 30 Lancasters flew over 100 operational raid sorties, two nearly 140, and, at overload with the ‘Grand Slam’ 22,0001b Earthquake Bielefeld Viaduct bomb, it was 33,000lb above its empty 37,0001b weight. Dougie,…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…VC for their parts in the St Nazaire raid, which Mountbatten described as the “grand story of the war”. Burn was the sole survivor of his unit. Burn recorded the moment, as the windows in the interrogation-room were blown in. “Not only had she exploded,” he later wrote, “but taken…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…of the war, she accepted the Seal Medal of Honour from Director of the CIA, R. James Woolsey. To this decoration was added the Médaille de la Résistance and the Croix de Guerre, and in 2009 she was nominated Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour. Yet in her single…

GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…the BOMBARDMENT of GENOA, when the Fleet Air Arm attacked SPEZIA from off the ARK ROYAL; back for the MARCH BLITZ in PORTSMOUTH then to MALTA, where HMS JERSEY, moving in to Grand Harbour, was almost blown in half by an acoustic mine or one primed set for the fourth…

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

…the National Provincial Bank for whom he worked first at South Shields and later in Rugby and London. Statue of Dickie Annand VC on the grand staircase in South Shields Town Hall. Annand had always wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and go into the Navy. In 1933, while…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…also be pilots. Apparently, they could. A bequest from her grandmother of £100 enabled funded her training and, later that year, 1937, she got her licence at Yapton Flying Club, Ford, West Sussex. ‘She was invited to join the ATA by the daughter of a Conservative MP, Pauline Gower, organiser…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

Grand Cross of the Order of Orange Nassau, and the Legion of Merit (US). Broadhurst’s portrait was painted by Captain Cuthbert Orde in 1941. He worked in the civil aviation industry until retiring in 1976. (Source: The Battle of Britain Monument in London)   Royal Air Force Operations in the…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…two enemy fighters over Grand Harbour. Later that day he intercepted a large force of Junkers 88 bombers as it approached the island. He dived into the formation, set one bomber on fire and shot down a second before attacking a third. He was hit by return fire but pressed…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Gaulle. Unaware (for security reasons) of his passengers’ identities at the time, Hodges was astonished when, in 1948, President Auriol appointed him a Companion of the Légion d’honneur; 40 years later President Mitterrand promoted him to be a Grand Officier of the Order. Night fighters: La Victoire des Allies est…


…Vicomtesse de CLARENS Mme. Jeannie YG Rousseau (Vicomtesse de CLARENS) King’s Medal for Service in the cause of Freedom, CIA Agency Seal Medal, Légion d’Honneur (and Grand Officer Medal), Croix de Guerre, Resistance Medal “She was one of the most remarkable young women of her generation.” (New York Times). Aged…


…what you did. At the time, we all thought we would die. I don’t understand the question. How could I not do it?” The World: 30 August, 2017. Alan conceived a grand plan: to have a representative, as a signatory, who had been personally present at every major event in…

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