13 results found for: Arnhem

Search results for: Arnhem

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DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

Brigadier Michael DK DAUNCEY DSO A Bridge Too Far. Flew a Horsa glider into Arnhem for Operation Market Garden, blinded in one eye, taken prisoner, escaped and hid for four months. Recommended for a Victoria Cross at 4 levels but Field Marshal Montgomery withheld. For: CHESHIRE REGT, ARNHEM & GLIDER…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…The historian, Martin Middlebrook (“ARNHEM 1944”) gives a total of 11,920 men as taking part “in the airborne operation to ARNHEM in the lst BRITISH AIRBORNE Division, the POLISH INDEPENDENT Brigade Group and various attached elements”. Deriving one Table from two of his, the casualties were as follows, showing how…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…Morocco she was able to take an official flight to England, where their son was born a few days after her arrival. Dudgeon then joined the recently formed Transport Command, with which he played a key role in the planning and execution of the D-Day and Arnhem airborne operations. The…

CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

…(From the foreword, by Sir John Hackett – Signatory 47 – to her book, written as ‘Elsa’, To Save a Life.) Helped Jewish Families. Arnhem escape. Representing the Dutch Resistance with their high losses, some by betrayal & sent to Concentration Camps. ‘Born in 1924, she represents the service and…

MANSER, Frank Stanley (#181)

…in NORTH AFRICA including SOUK el ARBA, TAMERA, Djebel Mansour and SICILY’s PRIMOSOLE / CATANIA, then later at ARNHEM by Dakota drop, with take-off from Bourn, where he was shot, part saved on capture by being unsupported well forward, fighting, as always, “with a Thompson machine gun and a Colt…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…and hid for four months. Recommended for a Victoria Cross at 4 levels but Field Marshal Montgomery withheld. For: CHESHIRE REGT, ARNHEM & GLIDER PILOT REGIMENT and infantry valour. #251 Ivan Decourcey DAUNT Ivan Decourcey ‘Angus’ DAUNT (3 brothers war service & naval tailor wife‘s brother at Arnhem) 4th Bn…

McDOWELL, James (#259)

…the BORDER REGIMENT, in particular to the defence of UK in SE England at “Hellfire Corner”, then fighting in SICILY and as part of the 1st LANDING BRIGADE at the Battle of ARNHEM, where Jim was one of the three Border men near Hartenstein, with their mortar virtually vertical and…

HACKETT, John (#47)

…– the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Distinguished scholar and author, KRI HUSSAR for PARACHUTE REGT, DESERT, ITALY, ARNHEM & DUTCH RESISTANCE…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…and then MONTPINCON, the later relief of the AIRBORNE FORCES at ARNHEM and after the Anglo-American GEILENKIRCHEN Offensive, the ROER SALIENT, GOCH. XANTEN, the RHINE BRIDGEHEAD at REES, liberation of Eastern Holland and the drive east via CLOPPENBURG into BREMEN. The 43rd DIVISION also had 60 Officers seconded from the…

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…ANGUS from Nova Scotia, was with the PRINCESS PATRICIA’S in WW1 and wounded at VIMY RIDGE and her younger brother, HARRY FORD, was with 6 PARA and took part in ARNHEM. His father, THOMAS, was a R.E. Sapper and Diver in WW1, one elder brother, FREDERICK, was a RAOC driver,…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…Eindhoven, Netherlands, 5/1945; encounter with German jet aircraft over Arnhem, Netherlands, autumn 1944; sight of devastation in Germany, 1945; attitude of Germans towards British. Aspects of operations as pilot with RAF attached to Tactical Air Command, US Air Force in Korea, 1950-1951: attitude of American troops towards Korean war; importance…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…GUARDS (1933-37 and recalled from the RESERVE for WW2, including 3rd PARACHUTE BN at ARNHEM), at SANDHURST & elsewhere, would become well known to a whole generation of post war British officers under training. At several of the SCOTS GUARDS functions, Titch would be their only outsider & be specially…


…Sir John Hackett (q.v.) ARNHEM escape. DUTCH RESISTANCE with their high losses, some by betrayal & sent to CONCENTRATION CAMPS. #249 COASTWATCHER “COASTWATCHER” A Coastwatcher signs anonymously in memory of gallant left behind COASTWATCHERS, HELPERS radio INTELLIGENCE to US PACIFIC FORCES & (posthumous VC) Sefanala SUKANAIVALU VC & BOUGAINVILLE. #161…

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